Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

Fallout's about having hope in the future regardless of everything that's happened however. Fallout 4 and 3 were both very against this idea but Fallout 76 seems like its going in a different direction in terms of theme with all of the plant life in it.

Fallout 1 = The antagonist is the man who wants to create a race of super powerful mutants, believing he can save humanity and create a better world by doing this. The hero ends up being the character who doesn't think he can save all of the world and is merely concerned about saving his own community.

Fallout 2 = The antagonists are the guys who want to kill all post-war mutants so that they can reclaim the mainland and reestablish the old american government. Again, the hero is the character who without such megalomaniac schemes and just wants to save his own community.

Fallout New Vegas = All of the large factions are concerned with bringing back order and civilization in a grand scale, they are only enemies of one another because they disagree on what the best form of government is (hegelian dialectics, as Caesar would say). The NCR wants to impose democratic republicanism, Caesar's Legion wants to impose autocratic dictatorship, House wants to impose plutocracy. Arguably the best ending is the one where you give all 3 the middle finger and let Mojave continue to be an anarchy.

The core message of the franchise is a declaration against the megalomaniac idea that sustains american exceptionalism; that you can make the world a better place by imposing your own model of order over all of it.
I mean it's daft kiddy shit right? I hate to repeat glow in the dark map. Don't support this shit guys. Please resist and help your friends to resist. @Serifan is at risk of buying fyi.

At risk? Not at risk I straight up preorder that shit as soon as it appeared online.

I also ordered the plasma rifle replica.
It’s a fucking 1.1 scale power armour helmet and 1.1 replica plasma rifle.

My pussy rating went up by at least 10.
I guess if the world is only populated by other players and hostiles they can just completely scrap the dialogue mechanics.
You only get quests that involve shooting and looting, and you get the quests from a computer terminal, nothing more. No bargaining or anything.
But I guess there will be some NPC traders and shit.


IGN is not liking this 76 online only shit. This is their fanbase too:


This actually makes more sense for Bethesda considering how shit tier their writing & questing is.

Just let the kiddies and casuals collect junk and nuke each other into oblivion over and over with no consequences. Softcore...just like Toddler said.


Fuck online only and fuck bethesda. I dont want 10 yr olds ruining my experience! Imma fire up fallout new vegas again. I miss obsidian :(


What i can play alone but still need an online connection? Nah im good.


Depending on how much Bethesda wants to invest in and commit to this game we may be seeing Fallout 5 sometime around never.
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So looking forward to nuking an entire settlement only to then find a kid hiding in a fridge who survived the blast.