Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

This only works if they have the necessary animations for the weapons. Some armors do, some don't. Remember that if you give them an armor that can support the weapon, have them equip the weapon, and then take away the armor, your game will be fucked.
Is there any way to enable additional weapon types on followers? I added the corresponding weapon animations on the party_armor.ini, however, nothing seems to have changed.

the weapon animations must be part of the animation set the critter has unfortuneatly for base Ian (leather jacket long hair blue pants) Tycho(leather armor Bald brown pants) Katja( leather armor female green mohawk) unarmored critter none of them has any, only when they use default armor set like robes combat armor or power armor they may have additional weapon animations, however if you take their armor off and keep the unsuppored weapon & exit the dialogue they'll vanish and tie only way to resotre them is loading a save from before vanishing


Lexx Beat me to it
so it was probably my dead companion...

i literally hate those encounters when you are placed between raiders and BoS execution squad to be instant colaterall damage..

Returning to primary part if my initial question...
Has anything been tweaked regarding how party npc stats are treated?

after equipping my team in PA they all of a sudden quickly dropped their stats, armor threshold and resistances, and some dropped strength as well. katja dropped down to 1 ST by simply de- and re-equipping the power armor. Plus somehow HPA resistances and thresholds on party npcs changes to combat armor values when wearing HPA.. something's not right and i don't know what. using latest versions of fo2tweaks,F2MechanicsMiniRework, and Nirran's rapidperks ( using latest since for some goddamn reason the old version of RapidPerks didn't work with latest FoEtTu from githubapp. some parts of the latest one don't work either)
one fix creates two another bugs, that's the murphy's law behind it

little things aside, i've always wanted to create a mod where we could continue playing after becoming a mutant. for such a mod to make sense, it would need to be given some plot layer. the life of a mutant in the times of fallout 1 is quite simple. you must raze all existing cities to the ground. perhaps it's absurd, but all revolutionary leaders start their path to the happiness of humanity from this. we could synchronize it with game time. i don't know how, but fixt turned on the extermination mode in individual towns. originally, it probably only concerned the necropolis. so depending on where we are in the game, we raid individual cities. it would look like a boneyard gang war. our npcs could be harry, lieutenant, guys from the military base or nightkins. additional cutscenes could include a rebellion by city leaders. e.g. cowardice of butch and execution of the caravans, killian's courage. of course, only the inscriptions above the head and depending on whether these people are alive. finally we would raid vault 13 :3 obviously such a mod is simple and complicated. if individual characters have their own cutscenes, you must first check whether they are alive or dead. but we can ignore the cutscenes, give them only single "overhead" statements. (what do they call them? floating text?) we can also reduce everything to raiding vault 13, followed by a game over with possible congratulations from the "boss", i.e. the master. this would just require checking whether the master is alive or dead. and if you ignore this (screw the congratulations), harry as an npc and lieutenant as an npc would only be available depending on whether they are alive. (to simplify it, we might ignore even this and offer random mutants for npcs. but overall tandi and aradesh screaming for peace would make it quite dramatic). we could also get more advanced weapons with each raid. i think the statistics would make it more realistic, e.g. if by default we would have low charisma, lowered or increased intelligence depending on luck and previous statistics, higher strength, etc. probably no one will want to implement such a mod, i can only deal with the script and beta tests... (in the past, before sfall, we used to call such things 'yet another mod that will never be created')
one fix creates two another bugs, that's the murphy's law behind it

little things aside, i've always wanted to create a mod where we could continue playing after becoming a mutant. for such a mod to make sense, it would need to be given some plot layer. the life of a mutant in the times of fallout 1 is quite simple. you must raze all existing cities to the ground. perhaps it's absurd, but all revolutionary leaders start their path to the happiness of humanity from this. we could synchronize it with game time. i don't know how, but fixt turned on the extermination mode in individual towns. originally, it probably only concerned the necropolis. so depending on where we are in the game, we raid individual cities. it would look like a boneyard gang war. our npcs could be harry, lieutenant, guys from the military base or nightkins. additional cutscenes could include a rebellion by city leaders. e.g. cowardice of butch and execution of the caravans, killian's courage. of course, only the inscriptions above the head and depending on whether these people are alive. finally we would raid vault 13 :3 obviously such a mod is simple and complicated. if individual characters have their own cutscenes, you must first check whether they are alive or dead. but we can ignore the cutscenes, give them only single "overhead" statements. (what do they call them? floating text?) we can also reduce everything to raiding vault 13, followed by a game over with possible congratulations from the "boss", i.e. the master. this would just require checking whether the master is alive or dead. and if you ignore this (screw the congratulations), harry as an npc and lieutenant as an npc would only be available depending on whether they are alive. (to simplify it, we might ignore even this and offer random mutants for npcs. but overall tandi and aradesh screaming for peace would make it quite dramatic). we could also get more advanced weapons with each raid. i think the statistics would make it more realistic, e.g. if by default we would have low charisma, lowered or increased intelligence depending on luck and previous statistics, higher strength, etc. probably no one will want to implement such a mod, i can only deal with the script and beta tests... (in the past, before sfall, we used to call such things 'yet another mod that will never be created')

i was referring to a bug rather than creation of anything just for fun..
the Fo2MechanicsMiniReowrk and fo2tweaks, plus few minor mods and tweaks got me covered mostly..
So I've been trying to save Necropolis, and it seems that the FO1 trick of "run and never look back" isn't working for Et Tu.
Aren't you supposed to either kill all the Mutants and the Master before the 110 day mark or Fix the water pump, take the chip and run away for the good necropolis ending?
So I've been trying to save Necropolis, and it seems that the FO1 trick of "run and never look back" isn't working for Et Tu.
Aren't you supposed to either kill all the Mutants and the Master before the 110 day mark or Fix the water pump, take the chip and run away for the good necropolis ending?
i'd expect watershed mutants and military base but it's just a guess

i was referring to a bug rather than creation of anything just for fun..
the Fo2MechanicsMiniReowrk and fo2tweaks, plus few minor mods and tweaks got me covered mostly..
i know, it was offtopic
Invasions need to be stopped, that means the Master has to die within 110 days. There's no other way to save Necropolis. The old "don't ever visit Necropolis again"-bug was fixed.
unless one messes with the config.ini and disables the timers.

at least i did that for all the locations, leaving only the water timer untouched.

as basically a cowboy aproch is almost impossible before 110 days when playing by the book. You'd be past 100 days left on the water chip quest just by getting to necropolis, and that still leaves you bringing the chip to the vault at least 8 days. getting to BoS for entry quest ( never counted how much time it takes), going to the glow and back ( roughly 36 days without any major heling/resting), bringing the PA to miles ( also a few days), fom miles to Mrs.Stapleton for the Chemistry Journal (also extra few days) + 24 h for HPA ( optionally +3 extra days for the remaining ingame PA->HPA) it just would not be possible without the motorcycle shortening the travel time..

And I still don't get why I can't roll the upgraded motorcycle with full party. a.k.a Ian,Tycho, Katja,Tandi, while Dgmeat Mr.Handy and Eyebot travel along next to the motorcycle.
dogs the size of dogmeat are quite capable of running like 35-40 km\h for quite a distance ( though they'd eat a horse after that), and how fast do you think an overloaded motorcycle with a sidecart could roll? roughly 40km\h you won't break a speed limit with it, but it's still faster than going on by foot.

So personally I wouldn't put a few dozen pound mongrel on my lap when traveling a overloaded motorcycle, the mutt would just run along next to it, and i would adjust the speed of the bike to the dog's running speed. especially that I'd have one passenger sitting behind me on the motorcycle, one passenger inside the sidecart, and two passengers sitting on or holding onto the sidecart's frame, so I'd have to go easy on the gas pedal as well.
And I still don't get why I can't roll the upgraded motorcycle with full party. a.k.a Ian,Tycho, Katja,Tandi, while Dgmeat Mr.Handy and Eyebot travel along next to the motorcycle.
Dunno. For me it works and nobody else reported issues with it.
I just started playing v1.10, and I noticed that Dogmeat had an issue. He broke a leg in a fight, and after that he was limping around and he wasn't even making normal dog sounds like barking or even whining. He just kept saying, "Error," every so often. It was heart breaking. He's fine now that I healed him, but for a while....
Invasions need to be stopped, that means the Master has to die within 110 days. There's no other way to save Necropolis. The old "don't ever visit Necropolis again"-bug was fixed.
Do I have to kill the Master and the Watershed mutants or can I leave the mutants for the endgame?
Do you have any tips on how to get strong that fast? I'm not sure if I could make it to Glow and back for a PA before the 110 days. Also I have FO2 weapons enabled so I was wondering if there was another weapon

unless one messes with the config.ini and disables the timers.

Yeah, that'd be possible to do too, but I want to see if saving Necropolis in this case is plausible.
Do I have to kill the Master and the Watershed mutants or can I leave the mutants for the endgame?
Do you have any tips on how to get strong that fast? I'm not sure if I could make it to Glow and back for a PA before the 110 days.
You don't need to be strong, just smart. Get a robe and sneak into the Master's Lair. Then with some lockpick and science skill, you can get to the bomb and destroy the cathedral.

Yes you need meta knowledge to pull this off, but I don't see the issue in that. Nowhere is written that someone who never played Fo1 before should be able to get all the good endings in their first playthrough.
Nowhere is written that someone who never played Fo1 before should be able to get all the good endings in their first playthrough.
Yeah, this is my third playthrough. In the first one, I didn't know how it worked at all so Necropolis was long dead before I managed to go back. Also when I said strong I meant it more for killing Harry because of his higher HP + Laser Rifle.

I have another question too, if you don't mind.
I had Sfall installed in my FO2 RUP installation and there was a mod that allowed you to customize the highlighting more. For example allow critters to be red, containers to be yellow, etc, and only highlight non-empty containers/corpses.
I tried copy-pasting the ini contents to sfall-mods.ini in Et Tu but there was no result in it working.
Is this mod a different thing than what SFalls includes? Because the mod itself seems to be included by default.

These configs existed in mods/fo2tweaks.ini for FO2 and so I tried making a new fo2tweaks.ini in Et Tu's mods folder but that also yielded no result. Is there any setting in Et Tu that would achieve the same results?
To be precise this is what those configs look like in that fo2tweaks file:

; DX scandode of a key to press to highlight items on the ground
; 42 - SHIFT key
; https://github.com/sfall-team/sfall/blob/master/artifacts/scripting/headers/dik.h
; Set the color of outlines, available colors:
; 0 - disable
; 1 - glowing red
; 2 - red
; 4 - grey
; 8 - glowing green
; 16 - bright yellow
; 32 - dark yellow
; 64 - purple
; set to 1 to only highlight objects in the player's line-of-sight
; skip empty containers and corpses
; Set to 1 to ignore NO_HIGHLIGHT flag on objects and highlight them regardless
OK so I'm seeing a weird bug.
Whenever I level up and have a perk to choose, the perk doesn't stay in my perk list and I have to pick another one, only for that one to be temporary first.
Current Perks (that are permanent): Awareness, Quick Pockets


I get this screen even after saving the game immediately.

Edit: It seems this issue pops up after not adding to the skills for that level. After assigning the skills the perk is permanent (for now)
Are you sure you didn't press cancel or esc? This is very certainly not an ettu issue. Like, 110% certain.
Are you sure you didn't press cancel or esc? This is very certainly not an ettu issue. Like, 110% certain.
Yeah, I even got the effect (reduced AP for my guns) for a few seconds before picking it again.

Another question that I was wondering about which is a bit unrelated, but will killing Jain (the high priestess in the Hub) affect the ending of the Hub if Decker is dead and Hightower (the merchant Decker wants you to kill) is also alive?