Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

OK, this time I've chosen the same radio chatter lines as author of this video. The three mutants at the entrance were present so I was disappointed at first BUT three mutants guarding lockers with weapons and ammo at P2 (in the room where you can pick up riot shotgun) were gone. So maybe it's random.
I already explained that the radio has no influence on the mutants inside. The only exception is if you make them panic and raise the base-wide alert.
the mutants switching places around is only dependant on the time of the day + extra 3 mutants in front if you raise the base on alert.

alert in base is killing mutties slowrr than in one turn. contacting base via radio or tampering with the base's door without knowing the code.

muties on secod flor move based on daily routine
hello, and thanks for this great mod!

Can we hope for the next release that the modding team cuts the annoying search/interact animation? So its not playing at all...
hello, and thanks for this great mod!

Can we hope for the next release that the modding team cuts the annoying search/interact animation? So its not playing at all...
that's rather a feature request for sfall devs rather than Fallout EtTu devs.

anyways you could speed up the game by disabling weapon equip and deequip aniations, whenever interacting with a container (sfall has an option for this).
however the magic hands or kneel animatin still does play.
Personally i think that removing the weapon equip and deequip animations on interactions is enaugh, and the measly magic hands or kneel animations does not cause such a great delay even on speedruns.
I don't really understand the question. There is a timer and once that timer is done, mutants spawn and everyone is killed?
I don't really understand the question. There is a timer and once that timer is done, mutants spawn and everyone is killed?
ok. i have a lot of questions. i would appreciate answers.

1. can the invasion be stopped or slowed down (by killing the Master or destroying the military base)?
2. from which city does the invasion start or invasion in all cities at once?
3. can I switch to the Master's side and participate in the invasion?
4. will more mutants appear on the world map?
5. can cities be defended against invasion?

7. are there plans to further restore the content? I didn't find many factions and locations in the description. there are some good ideas in there.

The description is not very informative.

ETTU is a very good mod. hope ETTU will be the future for Fallout1. thanks.
1. Kill the Master
2. Timers are in fo1_settings.ini file
3. No
4. Some encounters will be disabled and instead mutants spawn
5. No
7. There is no plan. Sometimes I find small stuff and if I feel like it, I'll restore it (like those restored cut NPCs -- minor stuff). That's it.
Is there a reason why .44 magnum (speed load) has no effect on reload AP cost?
It remains 2 AP yet it should be 1.
Without the speed loader, .44 revolver costs 3 AP to reload in Et Tu.
Tweaked: The Fo2 .44 Magnum Revolver now needs 3 AP to reload instead of 2, to differentiate it more from the Desert Eagle.
Hi @Lexx, I would like to ask if super mutant Rae is temporary (or permanently) recruitable in Fallout Et Tu?


@Lexx Sorry for the additional question, but where is Rae in Los Angeles Vault located? Could you post a screenshot? I'm not able to find them.
@Lexx There is graphic/art issue (double art view) after killing the Master (see attachment).


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