Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation


NPC Corwin, Puerto
In his floating text song he mentions "morflot" which is the abbreviation for USSR maritime fleet idk if Corwin is either russian like of one the followers in Casa Nueva or black designer just threw in a soviet song randomly in. Either way it needs yo be anglicized.
exactly what Cambragol says

As for the 'Morflot' line. The dialogue has a note, claiming that the song is from a 1950 movie, the Deserters, but I can't find reference to such a movie. A little weird. Should obviously be made 'western', but for the moment I just switched morflot for Navy.

the movie is called "desertery"/deserters in russia it's called differently in US..

Pro tip on translation (and possibly to ever translate the Quotes.txt)
Always and i mean *always* copy paste the movie name exactly how it's written and search for native language wikipedia notation, next switch the language to US and voila...

long story short the movie name is called "At war with the army" and it's a movie character "Alvin Corwin" the said song is somewhat close to the moive beginning I tranlslated cook.msg file for original team. if you want both versions US and RU of the movie are available at Youtube to watch, the song in russian has some differences so "Steak, caviar and whipped cream cake" obiously looked way off for 1950 russian censor and had to be changed to pasta, cutlets etc. so that actual Russian Navy when watching the film didn't outright rebel at the said time (as 5 yeas after ww2 ended mass hunger was still an issue in soviet block)..

anyways @Cambragol do watch both language versions, at least up to the said song's end ( like 10 mins into the movie tops) and change the dialogue acordingly..


since Corwin is singing the song is sepose to be inbetween "*" according to game text standard from the originals, however russian coding win-1251 has this messed up and the song markings in the song in original Cook.msg look way off when displayed in english ( although they are displayed as the "*" in russian so fix that as well).
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Thanks @gustarballs1983 , I got the lyrics fixed up correctly now. I found the original lyrics sheet for the song 'The Navy gets the gravy but the Army gets the beans'

I use the 'tilde' mark for songs, so they come out like this:

~ Beans... beans... beans... beans... ~

@Fic_Mon that is a bummer about the audio for Mossman. Weird, as I encoded those all in one pass, then checked each one in game before including them.

EDIT: source file had the wrong bitrate. Fixed now, and will be in the next version (final?)
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You managed to fit in the whole song?!
i was lacking the text lines to fit in all of it, so i made shortcuts in my translation of the said file, how did you manage to fit in the whole song ( if you did)?
Oh no, I just fit in the refrain/chorus and the lines around them, with a tiny tweak based off how we sometimes sing songs from memory (a line dropped). I'd have to change the script to fit it all in.

{110}{}{~ Beans... beans... beans... beans... ~}
{111}{}{~ Send a salami to your boy in the Army ~}
{112}{}{~ Yes, the Navy gets the gravy... ~}
{113}{}{~ ...But the Army gets the beans ~}
{114}{}{~ Beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans ~}
{115}{}{~ Navy service is ideal ~}
{116}{}{~ Printed menus ev’ry meal... ~}
{117}{}{~ ...And they decorate your plate ~}
{118}{}{~ In the Army we get chow... ~}
{119}{}{~ ...That you wouldn’t feed a cow ~}
Ok so Im playing Fallout 1 Et Tu as a 1INT character and it's mostly a dead end where you're locked out of almost everything. Im talking to every character possible.
You mostly get funny dialouge and a few cool stuff
Cool stuff so far:
-50% discount for a intelligence upgrade cuz the scribe pittied me
-A skullz member laughed himself to death so I got an early leather armor for free from him
-The non talking face guard outside bos bunker kindly explained how radiation works, necessaary precautions with directions to the glow.

Im almost done and I'll see how it is in 2 but this seems like the direction that we shouls go when the translation is done
Honestly this thread got rather silly.
It was supposed to be about translation of Fallout Sonora, a huge task all on its own, and it turned into "fix and tweak every little thing in the game according to what I'd like it to be". This maximalist attitude is precisely why no significant project in the Fallout modding community got ever finished. Mutants Rising would be long released if people didn't envision something above their capabilities of creation.
You're asking for expanding the low-intelligence character's options in the game - a spandrel, relic remnant of not fully thought out SPECIAL system that's frankly just stupid (literally low intelligence) and used only by people who have exhausted any other way of playing the game before that has zero bearing on a game's/mod's significance. How easy it would be if the author of this topic had to simply fix the typos and linguistic mistakes in the already existing game instead of playing with Fallout's ancient code, trying to fix completely insignificant details, irrelevant to his original mission, which was supposed to be translating of Fallout Sonora.
You played Cambragols Sonora? It might as well be considered done already with how polished it is.
I’m 99% sure they didn’t beat any of the huge mods for Fallout 2, as I doubt anyone would say the following, after finishing a completionist playthrough: “No significant project in the Fallout modding community got ever finished”.
Is that a bait, because you can’t be serious??
Word is there will be a 1.15 update coming for Sonora sometime in the future. So any plans for what comes after the translation will have to wait on that. I'll also need to get ready to integrate the changes in the new version into the translation.

I tried to find an install path for the translation with the default Sonora.exe and OG Fallout2.exe (using a virtual machine), but I guess both of those are only capable of loading one .dat file at a time. I wasn't aware that only through sfall (or CE) can multiple .dat files be loaded. Or am I wrong?

Which makes me think maybe I should be building a 'combo' version of the translation that puts all the files into one. PatchDLC, patch001, patch002, patch003. My reasoning is that with a 'combo' file, all players can use it, whether they want to use the original exe, Fallou2.exe, Fallout2.exe with sfall, or Fallout2 CE.

In any case, back to my tree-pass on Phoenix. It's a doozy. Phoenix needed some love, that is for sure.
Hello. First off let me thank you for having been working on this project consistently updating. :clap:

Does anybody have idea how would i go about updating foxxes extended version of game with the latest 0.99 translation. Ive tried just copy pasting both patch-files and overwriting. Main game works just fine translation wise but the skill book vendors books dont have any names and when i got to inferno some dialogue texts show only as "error".
Still considering the future patch/release format. I have to admit that a lot of people are coming here/using the translation and are NOT using Fallout CE. Some version of sFall/Foxx's release etc.

I focused on CE originally because I am on Mac, and it is the only way I can play Fallout. So testing, releases, installing etc. is all tested/built on macOS, as that is what I have, and use.

However, I do have some access to windows, via a virtual machine on my desktop mac. So maybe I could support windows installs.

As I pointed out earlier, the non sfall Fallout2.exe and Sonora.exe can only load one .dat file at a time. Sfall can load more, but I can let users sort that out themselves. I'm not getting in to that Byzantium mess, and sfall users can easily use a single .dat release. Making a single .dat file for the translation is possible. Very easy. However, to make it work with patchDLC (Dayglow), and Fallout2.exe or Sonora.exe without sfall, I would need to pack *every* dat into one. This includes the patchDLC from Nevada Band, and my own patch001 and patch002.

So then I no longer have an install plan which is just added to the Nevada Band release. I am, kind of, establishing my own release, which would now be separate from the original game/release (at least as far as downloading goes). I'd have to unpack patchDLC, add my translation files, and then repack. Not something I am entirely keen on, but nonetheless, might be the best way to go.

If I go that far, it would just be one more step to just rebuild my own 'English' version of the entire mod/game, and release that, without any install connection to the Russian release, other than full credit to Nevada Band.

Aside from my original goal, which is a translation usable by macOS users, and users of FalloutCE, I have also always been motivated to get more people playing this incredible addition to the Fallout universe. I would think it tragic that people who played and loved Fallout 1 or 2, might not play Fallout Sonora. Everyone should. Nevada Band, has achieved something special, and the more people who can appreciate their creation, the better.

So maybe a combo release or complete English version is needed.
Don't know if its been mentioned but whenever I get a random creature encounter, it will always say "a pack of wolves" or "a pack of pig rats" despite the fact its just one enemy. Any way it could be changed?
Any way it could be changed?
Not through the translation.
I would have to adjust the original Worldmap.txt and rebalance all the encounter 'ranges'

The original Fallout 2 encounters all have ranges that do not include 1, so 2-4, 3-6, 4-7 etc., so plural descriptions worked 'a pack of wolves' etc.
Fallout Sonora's encounter ranges almost all include 1, so 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 etc. So the description convention used (from Fallout 1/2) breaks when you encounter 1.

I suppose I could change the description convention, but I'm not sure if there is one that accounts for singular and plural encounters. In fact, I am pretty certain in English there isn't.

To fix I would need to change Worldmap.txt, and that is outside the scope of the translation. It would also affect the balance of the game, obviously making things slightly harder (encounter numbers would shift to the upper end of the scale with 1 removed)

Best I can do is add it to my 'script patch', or post translation adjustments.
Is there a way to change the resolution for Fallout II Community Edition?
You need to have f2_res.ini and ddraw.ini in the Fallout 2 folder. Fallout2CE can read some of the entries in those ini files, because it mimics some of the sfall functions, though not all.

However, Fallout2CE does not mimic the functions that respect .edg files and/or black out areas outside of the map. So if you increase the resolution, you will see past the edges of the map, which looks ugly and breaks immersion.
Not through the translation.
I would have to adjust the original Worldmap.txt and rebalance all the encounter 'ranges'

The original Fallout 2 encounters all have ranges that do not include 1, so 2-4, 3-6, 4-7 etc., so plural descriptions worked 'a pack of wolves' etc.
Fallout Sonora's encounter ranges almost all include 1, so 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 etc. So the description convention used (from Fallout 1/2) breaks when you encounter 1.

I suppose I could change the description convention, but I'm not sure if there is one that accounts for singular and plural encounters. In fact, I am pretty certain in English there isn't.

To fix I would need to change Worldmap.txt, and that is outside the scope of the translation. It would also affect the balance of the game, obviously making things slightly harder (encounter numbers would shift to the upper end of the scale with 1 removed)

Best I can do is add it to my 'script patch', or post translation adjustments.
Aaaaah I see, I thought it would be a simple translation thing, no bother buddy its not that big of an issue anyway, thanks for clarifying
Hey, I noticed a few minor things, I don't know if you have fixed these yet

YCCnvBos refers to the Old World as Old Times in line 219
The dialogue file for Jane and Frank (Dayglow too) refers to Thalius as Talius
YCBandA refers to Beatrice as Beatriz, this is fine since Beatriz is a reference to a real life actor, but I don't know if you want to keep it as Beatrice or Beatriz
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