Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation


as far as I remember Goat-Boy is taking care of new talking heads and their animations. Voice Lines are recorded by various individuals and creating phonems, lip animations and lip synchro is the work of Black_Electric, there hasn't been a message from him recently on the forums, and I'm unaware of the Talking Heads mod advancements..

Though if you'd want to make a takling heads mod with lip animation and synchro You Should rather contact Black_Electric..


there's no point in quarrel here.. Since You've probably used the translator for that sentence... the meaning of the term "real shame", is not the same in "poetic english" meaning and "direct" russian meaning of the machine translation of the term.. though Cambragol is probably unaware of this little nuance the term to be used here should rather be "it's a pitty"..

What machine translation says:

правдзивый встыд

what "real shame" literally means in english:

шкода / жаль (что не зделано)

a simple misunderstanding.. there's really no point in throwing poop at each other ;)

also nobody expects original authors Neither Nevada Band nor You to make any adjustments to Russian version.. from what i understood Cambragol here wantsot make the lip - active voiceovers for the Talking Heads in english ( a.k.a as a part of his english translation), and as an extra improovement step in translation over the original Russian version, so nothing to quarell about.
I wouldn't want to add anything to the translation. Just the translation.

But after release, perhaps then take a look at lip-synch/talking heads. Though as I mentioned, I don't think it would be possible, short of a lot of work tweaking existing facial visuals to simulate the mouths opening and closing. It wouldn't look right, no matter how hard one tried.
it depends on the program one uses.. If I remember Right Black Electric used some Adobe stuff and there one could mark the edges of the lips, so for example someone like Koogan shorty fatso with wide mouth, could be marked porperly as well. I don't have this kind of software. and it's mostly subscription based rather than a lifetime license, so screw it, subscription ain't cheap either

I know this Since Black Electric made a Video somewhere in the modding section ( in one of the threads) about how he performs his tricks, it was not super hard with the software he used but rather tedious, quite a decent amount of manual work for one Character..
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But after release, perhaps then take a look at lip-synch/talking heads. Though as I mentioned, I don't think it would be possible, short of a lot of work tweaking existing facial visuals to simulate the mouths opening and closing. It wouldn't look right, no matter how hard one tried.

When I have a moment I'll happily make mouth movement animations for you, they'll just be image edits so won't look 'amazing'.

I'm currently juggling between lots of projects so I doubt I'll have the time soon, also as mentioned above Black Electric is the man for voice acting but he's busier than I am ATM
When I have a moment I'll happily make mouth movement animations for you, they'll just be image edits so won't look 'amazing'.

Thanks for the offer Goat_Boy. Let's come back to that later though, as I do want to release the translation before I get into anything else. But definitely interested, and thanks.
Of course, godspeed Cambragol :) Looking forward to finally play Sonora, thank you again for you work
I'm getting into areas of the game that I have not played through before, and am hoping to enjoy them, rather than rush through them focused on fixing every little typo. This means that a full play-through could take a lot longer.

So I am thinking to release a version that can be used, and let kind souls who use it report egregious errors to me. Sitting on top of the completed translation for weeks and weeks and weeks doesn't ...sit right.

I am mainly aiming at a macOS release, but I wouldn't want to go out of my way to make it a hassle for windows users. So to that end I built a dat file for the english translation components, and a second dat file for the DLC's components.

They are named patch001 and patch002, and as far as I can see this provides a simple drop in solution. Drop the files into the install folder, select english in the .cfg file, and you're done. The Fallout CE seems to automatically load the patches after the vanilla 114 stuff and the patchDLC of the Dayglow (not 100% sure about that yet.)

Is there something wrong with this approach?

I made a quick dirty website for the translation here

I will update there for now, though I may move it to Moddb.com later.

This release is 'pre-release' as it has not had a complete play-through. So use at your own risk. I would greatly appreciate any feedback regarding bugs, errors in translation, weird dialogue, poor flow etc. I will update as quickly as I can, because I am dedicated to making as perfect a translation as possible. Fallout: Sonora is a masterpiece, and deserves it.

Some Notes:

The Ron Perlman voice is based off Fallout 1, so keep that in mind. I was not going for the deeper, more gravelly sounds of the later Fallouts.

I tested that the final voice-overs played in game, but I did not get to test and see how they played in the final slideshow.

I tried to balance the language, curse words, and general slant of speech as close to Fallout 1 as closely as I could, but certainly not perfect yet. I did try to at least get the same 'ratio' of curse words, certain sayings etc., as Fallout 1.

With my own play-through (in progress) I have mostly noticed oddity in the flow of dialogues, which I had expected to occur, having had to guess at times who was speaking to whom or answering what etc. I am a bit picky, so maybe I am noticing more than there are, but there are certainly some, and I would be happy to fix/tweak any standouts that people notice.

Thank you for the WIP translation!
For my Sonora installation with sfall (running on iPad) I added the patch001.dat as mod (e.g. in the respective mods folder for sfall), since Sonora was not loading correctly with the patch installation (but as I said: very specific installation in my case). It seems to work, the intro movie was playing with English translation.

Will you also provide the DLC translation soon?
Thank you for the WIP translation!
For my Sonora installation with sfall (running on iPad) I added the patch001.dat as mod (e.g. in the respective mods folder for sfall), since Sonora was not loading correctly with the patch installation (but as I said: very specific installation in my case). It seems to work, the intro movie was playing with English translation.

Will you also provide the DLC translation soon?

Well, that sounds good. As mentioned before I am on macOS, so I'll only really be able to comment on/work on issues in that framework. But if it works for you, great!

The DLC could be released right now, but I have not given it a very thorough 3rd pass. Plus I just wanted to set up the download/website stuff today, to future proof it for later releases etc. For now, it being a 'pre-release', I am just offering bar-bones stuff. Hang in there.
Thank you for the WIP translation!
For my Sonora installation with sfall (running on iPad) I added the patch001.dat as mod (e.g. in the respective mods folder for sfall), since Sonora was not loading correctly with the patch installation (but as I said: very specific installation in my case). It seems to work, the intro movie was playing with English translation.

Will you also provide the DLC translation soon?
Hello! May I ask what installation of Sonora do you have?
I'm playing on the iPad under RetroArch app. It is the original Sonora (non-Foxx version) with sfall 4.4.4 added and played under emulated Win98.
Aaaaah I see, so how did you get sfall working with the vanilla sonora? I know you said emulated with win98 but how would I be able to do that on PC? I don't really wanna use Foxx version that's all
Aaaaah I see, so how did you get sfall working with the vanilla sonora? I know you said emulated with win98 but how would I be able to do that on PC? I don't really wanna use Foxx version that's all

I'd say you discussed this already with gustarballs1983 at length.
I have used basically the same files (but different sfall for Win98).
If it's not working for you with sfall, try the vanilla Sonora without sfall.
Anyway, this should not be discussed here in the translation thread, but in the original Sonora thread.