Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

@Cambragol Holy shit man, well done! I just gave it a spin and Sonora works great with CE, translation is actually quite good! Thank you for doing all of this :dance::dance::dance:

Are you still looking for people to comb the game for textual anomalies etc.? I'm going to do a full playthrough and can report my findings
@Cambragol Holy shit man, well done! I just gave it a spin and Sonora works great with CE, translation is actually quite good! Thank you for doing all of this :dance::dance::dance:


Are you still looking for people to comb the game for textual anomalies etc.? I'm going to do a full playthrough and can report my findings

Absolutely. I am dedicated to making this translation perfect, and that requires play-throughs to sand down the burrs and bumps. Mostly its flow of dialogue stuff, as I was not always sure who was responding to what, etc. But there will also be other little imperfections here and there.

I also took great care to align all the terms to Fallout 1 standards, or to make them consistent internally, but I am bound to have missed something there too. So more eyes on everything is great.

I am happy to fix even small issues, so post there here as you find them.
Hey there! just posting some screenshots and feedback from the game of some conversations i found a bit wonky. I screenshotted some other convos, but they for some reason came out completely black. These all take place in Garage City, at the residential area. Its the scavenger who doesn't want his son Eugene being recruited by the rangers. This is from a character that has just entered Garage City. If you don't mind, I'll be writing some suggestions and observations on how to improve the dialogue under each screenshot. I hope this helps!


I didn't find any faults with the PC's dialogue in this exchange, including those not shown, except for the second response. I think it should be something like "Uh, alright..." instead - I suspect its just a machine translation error.
For the scavenger's dialogue,the problem I have is that his tone is inconsistent at the start. the PC's response to his initial line doesn't make sense, so I think rewriting it to be more standoffish would be good. Another example is his "So what do you need?" line. I think you could change "need" to "want" and it'd fit much better.
I enjoy, though, how asking him about the settlement has him calling you an ass, yet asking about the rangers sets him off on a big rant about them - it really sells his character well!


I think "Idea" in the first paragraph should be changed to "Ideal".
When asking what the situation with the rangers is, the first sentence of the response is somewhat wonky. I'll write what I think it should be - "They're a gang of armed men trying to take power here."
For the response to "What's the catch?", I think that you could remove "But" from the start of the sentence so it flows better., so it starts with "Life"

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For the scavenger's kid, Eugene, I have less concrete suggestions. I think he's written too eloquently for a kid raised in a scrapper town, unless I'm missing some story with him. If I am, just disregard me.

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This is a screenshot of Eugene's response to telling him you're responsible for the attack on Villa. Eugene's response is alright, but I think the PC's closing remark should be changed to something like "Hey, don't be such a wuss!" or adding on to the sentence, "I'll spare this shithole."

If you want feedback in another format / given on another website, please tell me! I feel like I babbled on here and I don't want to waste your time. Hope you all have a great day!


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Thanks Perry! Awesome stuff.

I went through all your comments and implemented most of them, and went a bit further in a few places. I remember I struggled with the right tone for the kid, but finally considering that he was a teenager, I gave him more adult dialogue. I've dialed that back now.

I changed the whole wording around the 'idea/ideal' line. I remember not liking it so much myself. (I actually thought I made it 'ideal' in the first place...weird) Now it is 'cause' amongst some other small tweks

New version: "They recruit the young and train them to become warriors and scouts. I didn't slave in these ruins just for my son to become a killer for someone else's cause. Let him scavenge like I did, and bring the benefits home, not to someone else."

This feedback is good so far. Posting screenies of the conversation history is best I think. Let's me see the overall flow.

Thanks a lot, and by all means, keep it up if you are game!
@Cambragol is there a place where i can send you all the spelling mistakes or errors of the translation without spamming this thread? like github i dunno
btw found one at the villa
Thanks GrizzlyPA, keep 'em coming!

I fixed that line. Auto-format the culprit here. This helped me find 14 other cases like this one.

I don't think posting screenshots of errors like you have is spamming the thread...it is kind of the purpose of this thread actually. I am appreciative and definitely hoping to see more.

I do have a github account, and a place to post 'issues' there, however, frankly, I'd rather do it here. This forum is the defacto gathering place for classic Fallout, so why not use it? Using github would just further split and isolate the community. Just my two cents I guess.

If the 'mods' here don't think this is a suitable place to post feedback/fixes for the translation, I'll move over to Github. I'm fine with here though.

And thanks again GrizzlyPA and Perry!
Glad to help!
I have another report, quite a big one at that. This one is the initial conversations with Kogan, the Garage City scrap cartel boss.
This first set will be his dialogue with the player choosing the "Nice" options.

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The stage directions in Kogan's second dialogue are not written in third person, while in the first dialogue they are. There is also repetition of the word "device" in the same sentence. I think the second dialogue's stage directions should be changed to "(He takes off the headphones and presses a few buttons on the device, before pointing at it.)"

I think a portion of Kogan's dialogue in this screenshot is awkward as well. Specifically his dialogue beginning from "The model is not the most expensive..." and ending at "Now none of them work". I can't exactly put my finger on why I think its awkward, so I'll just post how I'd have wrote it (Which I'd be more than happy for you to use in the translation itself!)

"The model is not the most high-end, but its very reliable. Evidenced by its survival to this day."


"I love old things. Our ancestors made many mistakes, but they knew how to make tape players. In their time, there were built myriad factories which could produce myriad things. Some still stand. But none work."

As an aside, Kogan's final statement here is fascinating to me, however. Is Kogan unaware of the industry in the NCR to the Northwest? or of any working factories in Sonora proper? (I don't know if there are any yet, so please don't spoil!) Or is he just trying to foment some small, false worldview in the (Likely fresh from the Villa) PC's mind? Where his little piece of wasteland is the most there is? He seems very insistent on having our PC work for him, regardless of how much we tell his fat ass to fuck off. I didn't complete the quest he's involved in in his favor yet either, so I don't know if he says anything on that topic if you do. Anyway!

In Kogan's fourth dialogue, I think changing "huh?" to "Hmm." would fit the character better. The lines "I thought you would have had a different opinion. In any case, we have very little ability to fix this" is also awkward to me in that it took multiple readings for me to realise he was talking about the great war and it's consequences (The PC's line of "The world has definitely lost a lot" is what he's responding to in particular). I'll give my take on what I think is a clearer line: "Hmm. I thought you would have disagreed. Though neither you nor I have much power to bring the past back, anyway. So. Whats on your mind, boy?"

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The second and third paragraphs read awkwardly. Again, I can't exactly describe my issue with the paragraphs, so I'll rewrite them - hopefully I picked up the gist of what is being said! writing in asterisks is where I've added my own bits rather than just rewriting.

"No one likes their routine broken. I don't like it when ruins run out of salvage - then begins the search for new mines*, which can be quite a time of angst among my workers*. Under my command are several dozen scavengers, and I have several contracts with other organizations in Arizona and beyond."

"Compared to us, Villa is lucky. *People reproduce, yet scrap doesn't*. Its difficult for people like you to understand. Your world is small, consisting of little more than your own domestic concerns. Meanwhile we scavengers supply Southern Arizona with our finds. No one but you peasants care about the fate of Villa."

The fourth paragraph is well written, though I think changing the last sentence would be good. In my opinion even just removing "this time" from the end of the sentence would make it flow better.

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I think the last sentence of the third paragraph shown could be rewritten better, heres my take - "If I were you, I'd forget all this, return to my empty house, and start afresh."

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This dialogue is after a scene outside of the dialogue interface happens where a scavengers runs into the room to tell Kogan there's a fight in the dorms. I couldn't find any issue with it and its quite hard to capture the dialogue itself, so I'm leaving it out - If you want me to grab it though, just ask!

In Kogan's first paragraph, the last sentence stands out with strange language and flow. Here's my take on improving it: "And now an excellent opportunity has arisen to demonstrate your skills."

in Kogan's second, I think "extra" should be replaced with "more" as it sounds more natural.

In Kogan's third, I think "everything" should be replaced with "very much" or some variation thereof. "Everything" seems a bit extreme to me - but I haven't completed the Garage City main quest in Kogan's favor to know, so he might just be an encyclopedia on the subject.

And in the last Kogan paragraph, I think he should say "I'm Karl Kogan" instead of just "Karl Kogan". Or maybe something like "Karl Kogan. I run things around here".

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These are his responses when the quest is in progress. Note that this dialogue doesn't change at all, no matter how you talk to Kogan. I don't think they need changing, Just putting them up here for completeness' sake.

Now, We have the "nasty" set, where we are mean to Kogan:

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Not much different than the nice response, except at the end. It is funny to imagine Kogan powering through describing his tape player despite the PC's protests.
The PC's line "That's not what I'm asking" should be "That's not what I asked", it just flows better IMO.
The PC's line after, the third grey paragraph, is clunky. Here's my take on an improved version: "Stop talking about tape players! I didn't trek through the desert for a lecture on ancient technology!" Its very different from the original, but I think its more entertaining.

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There is another "nasty" response one can give to Kogan about his tape players, which is the "Who needs all this junk?" line. I think the PC's line should be something like "Who needs junk like that?", because Kogan isn't bringing out a collection, its just one item. Similarly, I think Kogan's last sentence in the last paragraph should be something more aggressive, considering he also calls us "boy" if agree that the worlds lost a lot.

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Most of this is the same as the "Nice" set of responses, so little to say here - except for the PC's third paragraph. I think its still using Russian grammar rules(?), but I'm not an expert. Here's my take: "So did you order the capture of my people, you son of a bitch?" It makes more sense to me, considering that nothing Kogan said beforehand would concretely lead the PC to believe Kogan was responsible.

View attachment upload_2024-7-12_23-4-5.jpeg

And finally, the "nasty" response to Kogan giving you the quest. I think the last sentence of the last paragraph would be more impactful if it was just "Get out."

I hope the information and feedback in my post were useful. Thank you so much for taking the time to make and improve Sonora's translation Cambragol!


Don't if it's been reported before, but most of the pip boy status diaries text isn't formatted correctly - as in words tend to cut out of frame.

That said the translation is really close to being fairly polished, great job!
Glad to help!

Damn. Just spent an hour responding to all your points line by line, and then when I posted I was logged out and the page gave me an error...and its all gone.

Quick summary:

I implemented almost all of your suggestions as they were all good. I did tweak some and add to them, but the gist was all retained, or kept verbatim. I only skipped the 'stage directions' part because there are least two styles here, one that is stand alone, and one that is attached to an NPC dialogue.

Please keep it coming, as your input is fantastic.

One thing though, attaching images inline would be better than as attachments, as then I can read them inline, rather than opening multiple tabs.

Cheers, and thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!
Don't if it's been reported before, but most of the pip boy status diaries text isn't formatted correctly - as in words tend to cut out of frame.

Wot. Never noticed that. Shock.

Will get right on it.

Actually, I don't have a save with a pipboy status diary entry currently..do you have a screenshot? I am lining it up to the Fallout 1 format, so my fix should be fine, but it would be nice to see the issue.
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Thank you so much for taking my suggestions! I hope other people like them.

I can't exactly figure out how to get the whole image to be uploaded rather than just an attachment - I couldn't find a guide for it either, so if someone could link some formatting help for this website I'd be very thankful. Sorry for the inconvenience! Here I've tried copy pasting the image directly from my folder to the post here, hopefully that works:


Just checked it out, and there's a symbol error replacing the apostrophes. should be a quick fix. Other than that, no issues from me.


This is a sample of the dialogue for Pete, the trader in Kogan's place. I found most of his dialogue good, so I'm just including the stuff i found some issue with. the PC's second response may be a translation error, referring to one singular thing ("This looks a little weird") rather than the concept of bottlecap trading., so I think it would better if rewritten as "That's very... strange." or some variation thereof.

Pete's third paragraph has a weird last sentence, and the PC has a weird response to it as well. I think its just a comprehension issue, here's my rewrite - "I'll bet our culprit will be someone who has caps to spare, comprende amigo?"

PC: "Yeah, that sounds like a problem."

for the PC's last dialogue, they have the option between saying "Okay" and "Will do", which is somewhat redundant. I'd recommend changing one of these responses to "Maybe" or something like that.


And finally, this is Pete's Geiger counter dialogue. I think changing the first sentence to "The Geiger counter?" would make more sense.

Thanks for reading! Also, super pumped to see this thread featured!


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Wot. Never noticed that. Shock.

Will get right on it.

Actually, I don't have a save with a pipboy status diary entry currently..do you have a screenshot? I am lining it up to the Fallout 1 format, so my fix should be fine, but it would be nice to see the issue.

I'll send one over as soon as I can!
@Perry The Chucktopus , all your points above are fixed on in the next version. Thanks again. You are the man!

@Goat_Boy , I think I fixed all the formatting versions in the current version. It would still be nice to see the issue, just to be sure. I noticed that the Diary notes in Fallout 2 'almost' go off the screen at some points, and the font does not line uniform spacing, so basing the width of the notes on Fallout 2 and Fallout 1's diary notes may not fix the issue perfectly. I will likely have to actually check each entry in game.

@Resardiv no ETA. The current process relies on multiple play-throughs happening, so that takes an unknown length of time. But rather than sit on it and release a final version in one glorious post, I am micro-updating as fixes/polish comes in. Not my normal style, but one that was needed in this case, I just can't do multiple play-throughs on my own in any kind of timely fashion.
You have no idea how happy i am that we finally have a proper translation! I even created a new account for it!Will start a new playthrough and provide info as requested. Btw, in order to update do i just drag the new files from your github or is it more involved?
You have no idea how happy i am that we finally have a proper translation! I even created a new account for it!Will start a new playthrough and provide info as requested. Btw, in order to update do i just drag the new files from your github or is it more involved?

Awesome Betim!

Any feedback you can provide will be very welcome. Every bit helps, as this is a big game with many pathways. Things are solid, but there are still lots of little quirks in the dialogue flow etc.

For installation, just follow all the instruction and links in the download page here.

That will give you all the original files for Sonora, from the source, as well as the current build of Fallout CE. My files only need to be dropped into the install folder of Sonora. Don't forget to rename the Dayglow DLC and switch the language to english in the fallout2.cfg file!

I have uploaded a new pre-release with all fixes from above (thanks to Perry) and more.

Consolidated fixes, .92-.95

  • Fixed an ‘Invaders’ reference to Raider
  • Fixed the Barman in Flagstaffs responses
  • Fixed the Randy and the Raiders dialogues in Flagstaff
  • Fixed the Drugdealer in Phoenix’s dialouge
  • Fixed Lloyd in Phoenix, making him a little more ‘street’
  • Fixed a GECK reference
  • fixed all ‘nightkin’ to proper noun, ‘Nightkin’
  • fixed all Casa-Nueva to Casa Neuva
  • made all brahmin references lower case, except the ‘holy’ versions
  • fixed all ‘Herman Henaro Cipriano Gomez Valdes-y-Castillo’ references
  • changed Phoenix power station references to power plant for consistency
  • slightly fixed a couple of power plant operator dialogues
  • changed ‘Atomics’ gang to ‘Power Plant Ghouls’ and reduced their ‘gang’ references
  • slight fixes to casino cashier
  • numerous fixes to crazy adept at gates of Phoenix
  • numerous fixes to Lloyd in Phoenix
  • slight fixes to mercenary at Phoenix entrance
  • numerous fixes to Sonora Express clerk
  • important fix to Red Cardinal boss, to smooth over quest transition
  • slight fixes to NPCs in Arena area in Phoenix
  • Phoenix Lord changed to Lord of Phoenix in most situations.
  • fixed wrong quotations marks which came out garbled
  • changed most PC ‘Thank You’ responses to ‘Thanks’
  • Added more use of ‘gotta’ for PC
  • fixed (hopefully) incorrect formatting in pipboy.msg (text too long)
  • Made all cases of ‘tinsmiths’ into proper noun, ‘Tinsmiths’
  • Small fixes to Geronimo and Genaro
  • Changed ‘Garbage Men’ of Garage City to ‘Scavengers’
  • Fixes to Kogan based off feedback
  • Fixes to Eugene and Pa based off feedback
  • Lots of Fixes to Lord of Phoenix
  • Fixes to flow of Cardinals quests
  • Fixes to 2 dialogues in Garage City based off feedback (Perry)
  • Numerous fixes to Geronimo, to improve his ‘herder’ dialect
  • Fixes to location names in Dayglow
  • Fixed skills names Barter, Sneak, Outdoorsman, Lockpick, Small Guns, Big Guns, and Unarmed
  • Fixed references to firewater, tequila and moonshine. Mostly tequila now
  • Made all San Brahmin have more ‘Indian/savage’ dialect
  • Small/Medium fixes to all major characters in San Brahmin
  • Added naming and categories to CombatAI.msg for future improvements

New version is available here. Changelog here.