Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Hey Fallout_Boy, welcome to the party!

Thanks, I'm a bit late though. I was a bit hesitant until now and up to the ranger base it was just little things, almost all of which have been reported here.

Would it be possible to write suggestions directly in the text files on Github? I'm not familiar with this site, but it would make things easier if we had the complete dialog tree and could edit/mark specific lines. All proposed changes then only need to be approved by you so that there is no mess.

I already finished everything related to the rangers, but I had smaller issues with almost all dialogue. For example switching between she/he when actually talking about an 'it'. I have a backup save, so I can go back after this playthrough and give some more specific input. One thing I remember from the top of my head is that most people refer to the Central Arizona Project as an aqueduct, which may be correct but I still was a little confused and had to look it up. But maybe it's just poorly introduced?

This area just feels different than all the other place I've been to so far. The amount of quests is insane compared to other sections. Initially I liked the snappy Fallout 1 style writing for a change, but this shift is a little too rough after all this verbose, descriptive writing that comes before. On the other hand, it doesn't feel right to change the authors vision just because I see things differently.

Nevertheless, I still have a couple of things form other sections:

01: Instead of 'pathologies' I would suggest using 'condition' or 'symptoms'.

02: 'Nothing' should actually mean 'Nevermind'. I would change the line to: 'Nevermind, I can understand that you don't trust a stranger just like that'. I'm no native speaker, but I think the line may be gramatically correct, it's just that nobody talks like this. Also: 'Hard, I guess?' -> 'Not an easy job, I suppose?' or 'Tough job, I suppose?'

03: 'A heavy weight rests on Alvaro's shoulders. He's responsible for this settlement/city, simply because there is no one else to do it. You shouldn't cause him any more problems.' (Not sure if this place qualifies as a city, but this is how it is usually referred to, so this could cause quite a lot of continuity errors)

04: I don't know how a village can be 'seasonal', but I think something like 'That's all, expect a few small villages and outposts here and there. They come and go, hardly worth noticing.' should be more fitting.

05: This guy seems to have a poetic disposition. I guess it sound good in russian, but translates badly into english. 'Foolish puffers' or 'circular ciculation' just don't work, but I have no idea how to fix it. Maybe a native speaker or someone prone to more flowery expressions can help here.

06: Another he/she mix up. NPC refering to a she, PC to a he. I think this should also refer to an it? I'll see after finishing the quest.


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Thanks Foxx and Fallout_Boy

I am adding in all your fixes right now.

Regarding the Ranger Base, no worries there. I am doing my first play through there now, and am catching lots of what you already noted. I have already fixed a lot of it. I could see that at least 4 dialogues were kind of borked. I fixed those, and am going through each NPC line by line as I meet them.

As for your 6 points.

I just straight added your suggestions for points 1 and 2.

For 3...Is Casa Nueva a city or a town or a village or a settlement...? I'd have to say a little small for a city, so maybe down grade it to a town. I will update all related references. Easy to catch them in the town dialogues, but might be possible to miss them elsewhere. Not the end of the world though, as *some* inconsistency would be more consistent with how people actually reference things.

The seasonal bit in 4. seems to be in the original Russian, however, your take is good, so using that.

I touched up Wang Chong a bit, using more mundane, normal terms or similar similes etc.

I took a look through Officer Bell's lines and tightened them up, and made the monster an 'It'.

As for marking the files directly, alas, there is no tree in the files. They are just lists of lines, that are only loosely ordered. It is very tough to make sense of the connections or flow sometimes, hence the need for play-throughs. It would be useful if we had an app that could spit out the dialogue files into dialogue trees, but, we don't

However, I am getting better at following them. I have all the dialogues open and all the scripts open simultaneously, and I can look through the scripts to follow the tree. Time consuming, but good for when I need to find the flow without actually going in and playing it through.

The screenshots you posted work perfectly, as I can see the flow of the conversation, and it also helps me distinguish the other branches.

In any case, reports here are good for now, though this certificate issue is really dragging on isn't it?

Thanks so much for the reports, all great stuff, and really helping to make the translation the best it can be.
Hey, got another report. Sorry that its so close to another version, but i checked the changelog and none of these seem to be included, so I hope I'm not wasting your time. I had screenshots from ranger base conversations, but I assume they're already being worked on, so there's no need to post them.


The mutfruit is misspelled as mutafruit.


The last sentence of the leather armor description could be improved, here's my rewrite: "Only San Brahmin masters know the secrets of its production"



The inspect descriptions for various "rundown walls" has some problems. for the first, I'd replace "remembers" with "has seen". For the second one, I'd change the first sentence to "A rundown wall is..." and then the rest.


The inspect dialogue for the Garage City gates could use a touch-up, I'd change the last part to "various bits of scrap"


The brahmin during the brahmin hunt quest at Garage City says "Huh?" as one of its floating dialogues. I just found this pretty weird.


The lost pistol inspect dialogue has some broken English. here's my rewrite for this one: "The very pistol missing from the ranger warehouse."




Above are some screenshots from the slave caravan random encounter. In the first, the location name in the save files is strange - I think it should be something like "Slaver Convoy" or something similar.

In the second screenshot, the second PC dialogue option is missing a full stop.

And I thought the second sentence in the dialogue of the third screenshot could use a rewrite: "These are my mercenaries, and these my slaves, and I am the leader of this convoy."

These screenshots below are from the ranger base, but they're not conversations, and I think they could easily slip under the radar so I'll post them just in case.

The former Villa raider companion's comment when entering ranger territory has a weird first sentence. in my opinion, just changing the first sentence to "This is ranger territory" seems more sound to me.


In the save menu, the inside of the ranger dam is referred to as "Superstructure,".


And the area just outside of the ranger dam is called "Ranger".

This report is a little scarce, but again most of my screenshots were from the ranger base. I am looking forward to the improved ranger base dialogue though!


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Hey, got another report.

Awesome. And you are never wasting my time.

I went through all your points, and have pretty much made all the changes, or fixed all the issues, you noted.

Some notes:

Mutafruit.... Mutfruit is in not used in Fallout 1 or 2, but it does show up in the developers' comments in one place. In Fallout 1 it is just 'Mutated Fruit'.

I will go with Mutfruit for now, but may switch it to mutated fruit one day...

I changed 'Chance Meeting' to 'Random Encounter'. Random encounters are handled elsewhere, so originally 'Chance Meeting' was meant to differentiate, but I think Random Encounter is a better translation. I also changed the well-read comment, as I noticed it is a science test, and the wording bothered me. I tweaked it to 'You seem smart, what's the harm in a little conversation?'

Also, I fixed the names for Ranger Base locations, removing the Ranger prefix in some cases. The save games add their own prefix, so if the map has the same prefix, you get the doubling you see. Also, the save game cuts off the end of the name, so the 'Slave' location is actulaly 'Slave Convoy', you just can't see it. With Special Encounter rather than 'Chance Meeting' it may be further cut off. Not too much that can be done here with out messing around with how names are used elsewhere.

Rundown Wall, has to stay as that, no 'article' (a) allowed, as that is the format for world objects in the pro_scene file.

Unless otherwise noted, all your changes are in.

Thanks for the fantastic feedback. I Look forward to more!
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As for marking the files directly, alas, there is no tree in the files. They are just lists of lines, that are only loosely ordered. It is very tough to make sense of the connections or flow sometimes, hence the need for play-throughs. It would be useful if we had an app that could spit out the dialogue files into dialogue trees, but, we don't
Yeah, I know how these files are structured and it's easy to get lost. Without having all files opened in Notepad++ and searching for specific lines as I find them ingame, I wouldn't know how to keep track. But it would help for refining some stuff, like KeyboardGecko did with the Nevada Translation, so maybe worth keeping in mind for later.

However, here's another batch:
01) I think 'Ignoramus' isn't commonly used. I'd change it to 'ignorant peasant' or 'igorant savage'.

02) Brotherhood base is still a bit rough in general. Some suggestions: 'After their defeat, the super mutants scattered in all directions.' - 'We tried to assist where we could, getting calls from all over the area' - 'Intel said super mutants set up a major outpost in Daylight.' - 'The enemy had barricaded themselves in a stronghold and fortified the surrounding area with mines and trenches. The locals wanted to get rid of the mutants, but they didn't like us much either' - 'The siege lasted two weeks. We were cut off from supplies, so we had to finish the job on our own. We smoked them out with gas, flooded the site with toxic waste, and used local criminals to spread chaos. The Super Mutants were worn down with no way out.'

03) General Dixon needs lots of tuning, he gave me flashbacks to the later parts of Nevada, where I wasn't sure if the translation was faulty or the writing was just bonkers. There was an error with a few of my screenshots, but I think you'll get what I mean, when you're there. Words like 'naive redneck', 'antics' or 'brat of a bitch'... of cause I screwed them beforehand with my descisions, so other paths could play out differently.

06) I'm not sure, but the name of the ghouls keeps changing throughout the area: Sometimes they're refered to as demons (mostly by themselves and PC), sometimes as rippers and occasionally as ghouls. But I didn't get the full picture here lorewise, so it might help to review the russian version and how things are handled there.

07) Something went wrong here, sorry for that. 'I need to gather my squad, if there's anyone left.'

08) Another fuck up. He said: 'The north and south are empty'. I'd change it to 'are abandoned' or 'are deserted'

09) 'Man-Made' > 'Forced'

10) The term reconaissance appears quite often, but it's rarely used in common language, as far as i know. I would change it to 'scout' for most of the time, with some exceptions for high ranking military.

11) Santa Ana is another place which needs some work. I think there may be some mistakes in formatting here, because some quests did play out a little odd for me. For example I couldn't figure out, whole stole the crown, but could still blame someone in dialogue. Also the daughter of a guy called Enrique runs off and he never says anything about it. Instead some boy, whos in love with her, send me to find her. Just had a feeling, there's missing something.

Some Suggestion: '(...) I would also like to find out more about you, but unfortunately I have my hands full at the moment. (...) You can't have a coronation without a crown, that would go against our traditions.' - 'Even the residents aren't allowed to enter during the ceremony. For us, this is sacred ground, so please, don't go in there. We can't allow this place to be desecrated.'

12) 'Got off track and stumbled across this place by chance'

13) Seems like my spanish perk stopped working here. It's Lucia in Santa Ana.

14) Probably due to Sfall, but I get this error message whenever my character (or in this case a companion) is crippled.

15) Hilario again:'Yes, it is! Where did you find it?' - 'Are you saying it was just dropped by accident? Phew, I was already worried that one of my flock had turned from faith. That's reassuring for sure. (...) - 'Now we can conclude the ceremony. You should know that we've been following this ancient [old] tradition for a long time and it's of great importance for this community. Every few months, we give the crown to one of our own as a reminder that we are all equal and that everyone can contribute. (...)'

16) More Hilario: 'Why are you still here?' - 'The people of Santa Ana want you gone. Don't you get it? Your actions have turned them against you.' - 'I've been looking after these people for 15 years and this is what I get?! Now that El Diablo is gone, they turn their back on me. Do you have any idea what sacrifices I had to make? All that suffering in those first years? I did what I was chosen to do. I saved them! At least it wasn't all for nothing, so I'll go with a clear conscience. If exile is the price for the peace of my people, so be it. I'll leave.'

17) 'Will you help us get rid of the old men?' [Maybe call him a charlatan at this point? Seems fitting, I'm not sure his age was mentioned before] - 'Hilario is gone. He won't come back' - 'Yes! Good riddance at last. Without the old man and the monster, Santa Ana will finally flourish, I can already see it before me. (...) Here, take my pistol as a sign of gratitude. From now on, you will be the patron saint of our community.'

18) Visited Alvaro again and he could still use some tuning. Never heard the term 'Peons' and it didn't get the allegory at the end.

19) 'Straight back to Casa Nueva, of cause. Why?' - 'Nah, they keep theirs mouths shut. (...) My only concern is to make sure that none of us is getting stabbed in the back.' [Maybe you can make it sound more... urban? ya' doesn't fit since he's not with PC] - 'Do you have anything for trading?' - 'I'm only here for negotiations. Y'know, suss out the locals and see what they need. But if you've got something worthwhile, I'm up for it.'

Maybe off-topic, but I get a cutscene from time to time when traveling the world map, just like in Fallout 1 and 2. It's a torn family picture, probably to remind me of the main quest. But there's no text or anything, so it could be missing something, I don't know.


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Correct abbreviations

{5301}{}{A pillbox of mind-altering chems. Increases memory related functions, and speeds other mental processes. Highly habit-forming. Effects: +2 IN, +2 PE, +1 CH.}
{8701}{}{Highly advanced steroids. While in effect, they increase strength and reflexes. Very habit-forming. Effects: +2 ST, +2 AG, +3 EN.}
{11001}{}{An unique delivery system filled with strange and unknown chemicals of probably military origin. It is supposed to increase the combat potential of a soldier. Possibly highly addictive. Effects: +3 AG, -3 IN, +25 damage resistance.}
{11101}{}{Toxic concentrated ash resulting from a nuclear explosion. Having thrown this rubbish in the face of the enemy, you can calmly watch as his eyes run down his cheeks into his mouth. Effects: -2 PE, -5 reaction, -3 AP.}
{12001}{}{A can of pre-war beer. Locally produced. Effects: -1 PE.}
{12201}{}{A diluted low-quality alcoholic drink. Its composition and origin can no longer be determined. Effects: -1 PE, -1 IN.}
{12301}{}{Strong alcoholic drink of the Atomic Whiskey brand. It is highly valued in the modern world compared to other types of alcohol. Effects: -1 PE, +1 CH.}
{12401}{}{One of the few beers produced post-war. Effects: -1 PE.}
{12501}{}{Tequila alcoholic drink from Phoenix of very dubious quality. It looks like there's a little worm swimming in the bottle. Effects: -1 PE.}
{43301}{}{A very stylish pair of mirrored glasses. Just having them boosts your confidence. Effects: +1 CH while equipped.}
However, here's another batch:
Whoa. Nice report. I'll have to break it down to answer some of the trickier parts.

Mostly, unless mentioned, I am directly or nearly directly using your suggestions. Thank you!!

Some notes though:

Ghouls, Demons, zombies, etc... these terms are used interchangeably in the Russian. There are 'ghosts' too in one of the vaults. I do want to honor the original work, however, this is a case where I think I will need to lean into making it close to what an english speaker expects. I.e. 'Ghouls' 99% of the time, and occasionally reference to a zombie.

The Brotherhood base and Santa Ana are two places I have not visited yet. So I will start going over them in more detail once I leave the Rangers Area. For now I have worked in and tweaked the areas you pointed out.

The Spanish in the girl's dialogue looks like it may be a script error. I will look into that. Just to note, I have already modified 17 scripts to deal with issues ranging from small dialogue errors (that couldn't be fixed via .msg file alone) to full on crippled quests. The Rangers area has had the most issues so far in this regard. I am also trying to make my script/dialogue fixes work with, and without a later 'script patch' from me. So people can play the vanilla, or the vanilla with my script fixes, and not have a broken game (just the issues that the scripts were meant to fix).

I have no idea about the sfall error, but if Foxx points me in the right direction I can add it in .

I have everything in up until Alvaro. Peon is a term that is used, but there could be a better one. As for the PC's allegory, it is one that the original authors have added, to 'flavor' the wasteland, so I am not sure how much that should be changed. However...would the PC have an allegory like that? Having come from a village where he had never even seen a Brahmin before? In a wasteland where many people don't even know what a Deathclaw is? Hmm....

I will get back on this later. Thank you very much for all the valuable feedback. Much appreciated.


I have added in the last of your suggestions.

I kept peons and the 'Deathclaw' allegory, as it is right in the translation. We'll have to assume the PC heard it somewhere before. Or made it up on the spot. The alternatives for peons is maybe serfs, but that isn't much better, and has more of a Russian flare, and is maybe used even less than peon. Peon additionally is a bit of a rare, but still used, slur.

I tweaked the Caravan boss a little, but I purposely made most caravanners quite, hmm..rough in their speech. I did tweak the one you noted and converted his ya' to an 'I' as I think he was referring to himself.

The cutscenes...yes, I think that is a result of an 'engine' requirement, and the Nevada Band's solution to that. I too find it a bit weird, but tweaking it is not really in the scope of this translation. Maybe a voice-over to explain it better? Perhaps later...

Once again, keep this fantastic feedback coming. Thank you.
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The ghoul/demon/zombie/ghost/ripper naming issue is tricky. I kept the original Russian terms, as they are clearly distinct. I tried to imagine that the Rippers were a term for 'wild/feral ghouls', almost a gang naming, and ghosts were limited to a certain vault(where I renamed them to zombies), and demons were just a limited reference for flavor. However, it seems it may just come off as confusing.

Either I have to keep it, or interpret/tweak the dialogues to align more with Fallout 1/Fallout 2, to at least provide consistency. Fallout 1 and 2 do not even reference feral ghouls, an addition from fallout 3 on, so I would be limited to Ghouls, and Glowing ones.

However, one dialogue even references 'horns' on a 'demons' head, almost implying that these demons/ghouls are unique? The same dialogue has numerous lines explaining 'demons' to the PC, in a way that further implies they are possibly different from ghouls, whom the PC has likely already met.

I think I may need to 'slide' in some explanations and equivalencies for the new terms, so it is clear that they are all referencing ghouls, but are just colorful, local names for them. Either that or just make it all ghouls and glowing ones.

However....'Demons', specifically, are in the end slides, from the Russian. And the Ron Perlman voice over, which I can't change anymore as I paid for a premium one, uses that term: demon.

In any case, tricky.
13) Seems like my spanish perk stopped working here. It's Lucia in Santa Ana.

14) Probably due to Sfall, but I get this error message whenever my character (or in this case a companion) is crippled.
13. It will work the second time. The first conversation starts the quest.
14. It is necessary in the INTERFACE.MSG add a line {105}{}{CRIPPLED}
Maybe off-topic, but I get a cutscene from time to time when traveling the world map, just like in Fallout 1 and 2. It's a torn family picture, probably to remind me of the main quest. But there's no text or anything, so it could be missing something, I don't know.
The Russian version has no voice and subtitles. Just a photo reminder.
13. It will work the second time. The first conversation starts the quest.
14. It is necessary in the INTERFACE.MSG add a line {105}{}{CRIPPLED}

The Russian version has no voice and subtitles. Just a photo reminder.
Thanks for clearing that up! If it's possible, I think it would be nice to change the initial dialogue with Lucia, if you've got the perk. It's already pretty underused.

Peon is a term that is used, but there could be a better one
I just realised that the term probably refers to the spanish word peón. So actually it's quite a good choice. Would even be nice to have more hispanic influence in the choice of words for some characters (e.g. ese, huero, hermano, puto, loco...)

However...would the PC have an allegory like that?
Well, at this point he should be familiar with this stuff and may come up with stuff like that. I just didn't get what he's trying to say at all, so I thought it might be based on a russian idiom, which doesn't translate very well.

I tweaked the Caravan boss a little, but I purposely made most caravanners quite, hmm..rough in their speech. I did tweak the one you noted and converted his ya' to an 'I' as I think he was referring to himself.
I think he meant 'we' as he is referring to Casa Nueva or his fellow caravaneers. I like the idea, that they have their own way to speak, but choice of words (suss out or mum) seemed a bit off.

The ghoul/demon/zombie/ghost/ripper naming issue is tricky
Ghosts is only used in one location and it's perfectly fine that way. I think you're right on the rippers being kind of a local nickname, since it's another population than they knew from california with a unique society. Calling themselves demons also makes sense, since it's a different part of the world and they don't have any contact to outsiders, so they should come up with their own terms. Also most people in Mexico are catholics, so giving the whole post-apocalypse a religous twist makes sense here. I think it's used pretty consistently, just the some tweaking here and there. Maybe make it clear through PC dialogue, who's switching between terms a lot. Or let him say something like 'Demons? But you look like ghouls...'. Maybe add a throw away line to Levi 'Rippers, they call themselves demons....' if there's any room for it where it fits. Ghouls sure have many names in this game, you can also add dead men to the list.

I would be limited to Ghouls, and Glowing ones.
PC, combat log etc. should definitly be more consistent. Feral ghouls should be included too, since they are important for some quests in Dayglow. I just arrived there, so expect another report for the weekend.

However, one dialogue even references 'horns' on a 'demons' head
I think there's one paticular guy, who's got something sticking out of his head since the blast. Not sure anymore, but not uncommon for ghouls. Could also be some kind of adornment for this specific group, adding to the religous coating of the Inferno area.

Thanks for responding so thoroughly here, I waited years for this translation and your effort has already come a long way. Hope more people will give it a try and help out here.

Also one technical question: The main reason why I'm not using the CE build is the lack of proper widescreen support. I couldn't get the game to render at the resolution set in ddraw/f2_res and it lets me scroll over the edge of the map, which makes it look glitched out. Is there any solution for this? So far, my frankenstein build works without major problems, but it's not a solution for everybody.


As for the cutscene, it happend after I already had the whole family back at the Villa. So I wasn't sure, but a line of text (voice over or not) would be a nice addition, if you've got some spare time.
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I'll look at the script for Lucia, as it would make sense for the perk to kick in before she blurts out long sentences in Spanish.

Right now I going through multiple locations to try and weave in a better balance for demon, ripper, ghoul, undead, zombie, etc. I will give a little exposition to places where the terms are introduced, and cross-seed a bit, to make it clear that rippers/demons are a local term for ghouls, wild ghouls and glowing ones. I may also remove the original 'literal' translation of 'Ripper' and replace it with a more colorful term 'Devourer' which is close, but also makes it clearer that these guys are flesh-eating crazed zombies, and it alludes phonetically to 'demon' slightly.
Also most people in Mexico are catholics, so giving the whole post-apocalypse a religous twist makes sense here. I think it's used pretty consistently, just the some tweaking here and there. Maybe make it clear through PC dialogue, who's switching between terms a lot. Or let him say something like 'Demons? But you look like ghouls...'. Maybe add a throw away line to Levi 'Rippers, they call themselves demons....'

PC, combat log etc. should definitly be more consistent. Feral ghouls should be included too, since they are important for some quests in Dayglow. I just arrived there, so expect another report for the weekend.
Yes. This goes for the term 'reconnaissance' which is used in logs etc. rather than 'scouting'

I just realised that the term probably refers to the spanish word peón. So actually it's quite a good choice. Would even be nice to have more hispanic influence in the choice of words for some characters (e.g. ese, huero, hermano, puto, loco...)
The term is used elsewhere, so many good reasons to keep it.

Thanks for responding so thoroughly here, I waited years for this translation and your effort has already come a long way. Hope more people will give it a try and help out here.
No problem. Thanks for all the feedback. I have a lot of fixing up on my plate right now. Fun, but will take a day or three to get all of these in.

Also one technical question: The main reason why I'm not using the CE build is the lack of proper widescreen support. I couldn't get the game to render at the resolution set in ddraw/f2_res and it lets me scroll over the edge of the map, which makes it look glitched out. Is there any solution for this? So far, my frankenstein build works without major problems, but it's not a solution for everybody.
No solution. I have made bug reports on the CE github, but no responses. Development may have halted. However, if things don't move forward there I may need to look into it myself. I would like to be able to play at 800px wide on my laptop, without seeing off the edges of the map.

Regarding the family cutscene....it is weird, and something that irks me a bit. I am not really sure what it is implying...your family bonds are breaking down? Not sure...
Regarding the family cutscene....it is weird, and something that irks me a bit. I am not really sure what it is implying...your family bonds are breaking down? Not sure...
I think it just means, that your family is torn apart. Some of them could die while in captivity or you could lose track, maybe never seeing them again. It makes sense (if it's not triggered after a certain point in the game, like it was for me), but still some text could add to it.
The ghoul/demon/zombie/ghost/ripper naming issue is tricky. I kept the original Russian terms, as they are clearly distinct. I tried to imagine that the Rippers were a term for 'wild/feral ghouls', almost a gang naming, and ghosts were limited to a certain vault(where I renamed them to zombies), and demons were just a limited reference for flavor. However, it seems it may just come off as confusing.

Either I have to keep it, or interpret/tweak the dialogues to align more with Fallout 1/Fallout 2, to at least provide consistency. Fallout 1 and 2 do not even reference feral ghouls, an addition from fallout 3 on, so I would be limited to Ghouls, and Glowing ones.

However, one dialogue even references 'horns' on a 'demons' head, almost implying that these demons/ghouls are unique? The same dialogue has numerous lines explaining 'demons' to the PC, in a way that further implies they are possibly different from ghouls, whom the PC has likely already met.

I think I may need to 'slide' in some explanations and equivalencies for the new terms, so it is clear that they are all referencing ghouls, but are just colorful, local names for them. Either that or just make it all ghouls and glowing ones.

However....'Demons', specifically, are in the end slides, from the Russian. And the Ron Perlman voice over, which I can't change anymore as I paid for a premium one, uses that term: demon.

In any case, tricky.
That's interesting, in the official FO1 spanish translation they were also named Demons (ghosts too I believe)

Also, what exactly does the spanish perk do? Translate dialogue? I'd like to translate this to spanish eventually and I wonder how it could work there...
Also, what exactly does the spanish perk do? Translate dialogue? I'd like to translate this to spanish eventually and I wonder how it could work there...
It gives you a path where Spanish dialogue is presented in English. There are a handful of characters who only speak Spanish, and if you don't have the perk, you get a different path, I believe.

That's interesting about the Spanish translation of Ghouls in Fallout. For now I am trying to stick with the original author's intent, and have just tweaked a few lines to offer connections between the various terms, and to try and show that for the most part, the ghouls of Inferno refer to themselves as demons, and for the most part, locals call them 'Rippers' though, I am changing that term to 'Reavers' as it conveys the original intent of the Russian well, and doesn't overlap with the 'Ripper' weapon. I also made people from the west, California mainly, refer to most things as Ghouls, though they show varied awareness of the local terms. Hopefully it will be a little clearer now, though, I don't think too much. It all depends on who you meet and the order you meet them, and what you discuss with them, etc.

In any case, I have uploaded a new version at the usual location. It contains all the fixes and suggestions noted above, except fixes to the Spanish perk, and only limited work/improvements to the two areas noted by Fallout_Boy, namely Santa Ana and the Brotherhood base.

Find the download here, and the changelog here
It gives you a path where Spanish dialogue is presented in English. There are a handful of characters who only speak Spanish, and if you don't have the perk, you get a different path, I believe.

That's interesting about the Spanish translation of Ghouls in Fallout. For now I am trying to stick with the original author's intent, and have just tweaked a few lines to offer connections between the various terms, and to try and show that for the most part, the ghouls of Inferno refer to themselves as demons, and for the most part, locals call them 'Rippers' though, I am changing that term to 'Reavers' as it conveys the original intent of the Russian well, and doesn't overlap with the 'Ripper' weapon. I also made people from the west, California mainly, refer to most things as Ghouls, though they show varied awareness of the local terms. Hopefully it will be a little clearer now, though, I don't think too much. It all depends on who you meet and the order you meet them, and what you discuss with them, etc.

In any case, I have uploaded a new version at the usual location. It contains all the fixes and suggestions noted above, except fixes to the Spanish perk, and only limited work/improvements to the two areas noted by Fallout_Boy, namely Santa Ana and the Brotherhood base.

Find the download here, and the changelog here
Thank you for your efforts, they're really appreciated.

Also, the Ranger General at the dam has an inconsistent line at 582, as it says [Leave premises] instead of [Leave room]. I've noticed this as someone started working on a translation for Sonora right now and I joined in, so if I notice anything weird I'll report it here
Hey! Love to see all the new people joining in! I've got another report myself, I'll be contributing less of my own writing than I normally do because I have work to do:


The crowbar is referred to as a "nail puller". This might be an intentional rename, but I'm not sure so here it is just in case.


The decoder given by Lucas has a weird description, though that might just be me.


The Quest part for the Garage City main quest is named "Detail". I'm pretty sure this is a translation error - might have to check the original Russian script.





Above are screenshots from the quest Kogan gives you in garage city, to break up the scavenger fight in the barracks. You speak to Trayvon, head of the lynch mob that has captured some of Lucas' men and aims to punish them. succeeding the speech check, you get the full dialogue shown. backing down to Trayvon leads to the same dialogue no matter what point in the conversation you're at, where the captured scavengers break free and try to run.
Trayvon's dialogue is in need of a touch up. Here are some of my suggestions: simpler, more rough word choices and sentence structure would fit him more as a scavenger.

And below are screenshots from Lucas' dialogue in game. As I said before, I'm busy so I can't contribute, but I hope just compiling the dialogue here will be helpful.



The dialogue ends when you choose the second option. if you choose the first, you get the dialogue below:


The dialogue below Is from the same initial interaction with Lucas. The only difference is that the "nasty" dialogue options were chosen.



Below are Lucas' dialogues when talking to him before stealing Kogan's contracts from the computer:





Here's Lucas' dialogue after acquiring the contracts. Note that there are no differences between Lucas' responses to any of the chosen dialogue options, so they weren't included.






And here's Lucas' dialogue when giving him the part.



I think Lucas' dialogue could be improved with a second pass. I can't give any more input other than that because i don't have the time, sorry!

And that's it - I've hit the file limit. I'll make another post sometime soon as I have more screenshots - It'll just be more screenshots from Lucas and some from Kogan.


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Below are screencaps of Lucas when you're negotiating with him during the trade deal, when you side with Kogan. Note that he doesn't have a talking head here when he normally does! Also important to note that the dialogue with the PC response "It seems that it has begun..." has Lucas not turning hostile to you. It has a similarity to a Kogan dialogue further on in this post.






And below are Lucas' dialogues after siding with him and successfully completing the trade deal in his favor. Most of your choices in the dialogue lead to the same paths/skip dialogue, so I've essentially captured the whole conversation:




Below is Kogan's dialogue in response to questions after you break up the dorm fight:


Its cut out, but the PC response preceeding Kogan's first response below was "Why was it necessary to divide the scavengers into clans?"



Below is Kogan's questgiving dialogue for getting the part. both yes/no dialogues just end dialogue so there's no extra stuff there.



Below are Kogan's dialogues after giving him the part and before the trade deal:



Below is his dialogue when you refuse his offer and call him fat.



Below is his dialogue when you say you're ready.


And below are his dialogues after completing the trade deal in Kogan's favor:





the below dialogues are the two different responses to the above two choices - not much difference than the first sentence.




Below are Kogan's dialogues when confronting him during the trade deal if you side with Lucas. This was the Kogan dialogue I was talking about before with the Lucas confrontation dialogue. Interesting to note is that here he's called just Kogan in the log, where he's normally called Mr. Kogan.




And below are some random things I noticed that are a bit wonky:


the inspect dialogue says "...hack a computer." when it should refer to the specific computer using "the" instead of "a"


The dialogue of the guards for both Kogan and Lucas (they share the same floating dialogue) might be a mistranslation of something like "Stay alert".

And that's the end of it! I hope this is still helpful despite me not giving input myself. Happy trails!
Nice work @Perry The Chucktopus

Awesome stuff. It was all very useful. Walking through the dialogues really highlights what and where things are not right. Alone they often sound perfectly fine, but in a dialogue...

I went through every point you raised, and have made tons of changes to both Lucas and Kogan. Over due I think. I had planned, just prior to releasing this pre-release, to go through each 'talking head' with a fine-tooth comb. Though in Kogan's case I did, and it really requires the play-through to reveal the issues.

So, thanks again! Everything you pointed in is now in.

@OnlyALad your input is welcome too. You are also free to use my translation as a springboard or aid for yours as well. Feel free!