Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

I run it native, 640x480, or sometimes at 800x480 (which fills my monitor screen's width perfectly, and keeps the original scale).
Hello! Really solid experience so far! Only strange thing i found was that the "burst" text was in russian, but that may have been solved already (had no internet yesterday)! Anyway, how does Dayglow start? I read that you are supposed to have a robot talk to you when you reach level 7, but this hasn't happened to me. Installed as per Cambragol's guide (maybe missed something dumb).
Edit: Alright, just read again and saw it was "patch000" instead. I was very dumb indeed.


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Burst text huh? Weird, I thought I got all those. Was it a graphic? Or an actual text? Can you show me a screenshot?

Also, glad you got the DLC sorted. Should appear at level 7 I believe.
Another report from me, still mulling around Garage City. First up are some item descriptions:


The leather jacket is described as "pre-war". The game takes place WAY after the great war in 2241, so this may be a mistranslation or some kind of carryover from Fallout Nevada - unless this is a 160+ year old jacket! Otherwise, the "pre-war" adjective should be removed.


The purified water is described as being "Purified of impurites and radiation". I think substituting "purified" for "removed", or "free" would flow better.


This description is too verbose, in my opinion. I think it should be rewritten in simpler language - Its just cleaning powder, after all. Here's my take: "Dry powder for removing dirt. Its even capable of washing away centuries old muck."


And finally (for item descriptions, at least), cornmeal. This suffers from the same overly verbose language as the cleaning agent from before. Here's my take: "A staple of the modern diet. Contains some small foreign debris."

now, moving on:


After convincing the gatekeeper in Garage city to tell us where the slave convoy was headed, I got this "console" message. The use of "opened" here is a strange choice of word - I think replacing "opened" with "revealed" would be more accurate.


Above is Granny Adonisia's dialogue after having completed the initial Villa quests. As you can see, in the log she's referred to as "Anders" rather than "Adonisia" - Every other instance of her name I've seen calls her Adonisia, so this is an outlier.

The PC's first response seems to be cut off - "I need to ask". "I need to ask some questions" reads better to me.

In Granny's second response, I'd recommend changing "on" to "at".


I think Granny's second paragraph here could be improved with different punctuation - "Your padre and madre were also taken, so hurry up before something worse happens to them!"

The PC's final response in this screenshot is a bit awkward. I'm unsure if I'm understanding exactly what's being said, but I think changing "didn't" to "did" would make more sense.


I think Granny's first response's last sentence would read better, here's my take: "But not all are dangerous. Some are worth their weight in gold."


Now, this is the gatekeeper of Garage City. in his second response, I think removing the "at the mine" would improve the flow, as its a bit redundant and extends the sentence too much IMO.

In the gatekeeper's final sentence of the final paragraph, I think "when" should be replaced with "if", as its less intriguing. It'd make sense if you had the option to further question exactly "when" Garage City would get rough, but there isn't, so best to keep it vague IMO.


This is the gatekeeper's dialogue after a successful speech check to get him to tell you about the slave convoy. I have some minor changes to recommend to improve it: "(sighs) I didn't tell you this. That convoy's headed for Flagstaff. Head east on interstate 40. takes about a week to get there, they say."


And here's the dialogue for if you choose the first option in the above screenshot. I think the final sentence could read better, here's my rewrite: "They aren't just wasteland savages."

I've got more to report later today. Hope this helps!


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Continuing from my previous post:


In the gatekeeper's fourth response, I think he should say Kogan runs "the scavenger cartel" rather than just "a scavenger cartel". I think merchants should be changed to something like "caravans", "business", or "buyers".


The gatekeeper's third paragraph, I think changing the second sentence so it starts with "The old buildings" would sound better.


This dialogue from the bartender in Garage City. The PC's first response shown doesn't change depending on what first dialogue is chosen with the bartender. I think just removing "Hmm." would make the sentence read better.

The PC's second response's last sentence is clunky. Here's my take: "Would you know anything about that?"

The PC's fourth response is awkward as well. I think it should be "Don't worry. I won't cause any problems with Kogan."

And finally, the PC's fifth response is also weird. Here's my take: "Seems like you've got your hands tied in that regard."


In the bartender's third response here, the writing from the second sentence could be improved IMO; here's my rewrite. "But now that route's closed. I'm not averse to buying booze from Flagstaff, even at a premium, but we don't even have a regular caravan with them. I'll need a courier for negotiations."


This the dialogue for when you are harassed in the bar by Larry. His second dialogue has some leftovers from Russian grammar I think, and should be rewritten. Here's my take: "It seems that life here's too fast for them."


This is dialogue from the scavengers in the motel event, if you choose to sleep there. The scavenger's dialogue could use some touching up, in my opinion, here are some of my suggestions, read from the top:
"We got a hero here." instead of "we have a do-gooder hero here",
"So what are you gonna do?" instead of "So what will you do?",
and "Put down the gun" instead of "Keep the gun"

View attachment upload_2024-7-16_16-10-34.jpeg

And finally, this is the initial dialogue for the woman in the house on the east side of the Garage City business district - in the log she's just called "resident". Whats strange here to me is that she doesn't demand any payment, yet all of the PC's responses mention something along those lines. I'd recommend changing either the PC's or the woman's responses to fit better.

Anyway, that's it for today. Again, thanks for reading, and I hope this helps!
Burst text huh? Weird, I thought I got all those. Was it a graphic? Or an actual text? Can you show me a screenshot?

Also, glad you got the DLC sorted. Should appear at level 7 I believe.
Ofc, here it is. Been a while since i last played FO2 OG, but i am pretty sure it is supposed to say "burst" there. Also, made sure it is on your latest patch!


Another report from me, still mulling around Garage City. First up are some item descriptions:

Changed all those, except the pre-war jacket. It and others are meant to be actual pre-war jackets. Being leather, I suppose we have to believe that they survived until now.

Interesting note, Fallout 1 uses pre-war twice, Sonora 170 times...

The PC's final response in this screenshot is a bit awkward. I'm unsure if I'm understanding exactly what's being said, but I think changing "didn't" to "did" would make more sense.

Took all your advice for Granny's stuff, but tweaked this one to this:
"But you old folks always taught us not to use ancient things. Now it turns out even the Founder broke that taboo?"

Made the gatekeeper say 'Came here with others hoping to make a living scavenging." - I am tweaking the talk of 'mine' and garbage to be more about scavenging, which is what they are doing. Calling it a mine or mining it is a little weird.

This line by the Gatekeeper responding to successful speech check was tweaked to this:
(sighs) Didn't tell you this before, but uh, that convoy's headed for Flagstaff. Go east on Interstate 40. Takes about a week to get there, they say.

Does that fit the line that triggers it?

All your points have been added in unless otherwise noted. I will head on to your other post next.

Thanks so much. Super valuable feedback. Pure gold.
Ofc, here it is. Been a while since i last played FO2 OG, but i am pretty sure it is supposed to say "burst" there. Also, made sure it is on your latest patch!

Thanks Betim! I will get right on that. So weird, as I thought I had all those...

EDIT: Found it. The file was there, but was missing a period before the FRM file name. Yeesh.

Fixed in next update.

Thanks Betim!
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As of the latest update i can happily say there are no more formatting issues with the status diary entries, great work!

I had some issues with Levi's dialogue from the church in Inferno



I'm really sorry the camera pictures, next time I'll do a screenshot!

Also, not sure if it's related to the translation but I get crash in Casa Nueva, sadly I dint have a picture for this one.

You can get a perk from the followers of the apocalypse that increases your life points, I believe you get it from an NPC named Nestor or Nelson.
In the character screen when I click the perk for more information, the game crashes


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As of the latest update i can happily say there are no more formatting issues with the status diary entries, great work!

I had some issues with Levi's dialogue from the church in Inferno

Also, not sure if it's related to the translation but I get crash in Casa Nueva, sadly I dint have a picture for this one.

You can get a perk from the followers of the apocalypse that increases your life points, I believe you get it from an NPC named Nestor or Nelson.

In the character screen when I click the perk for more information, the game crashes

Thanks for the feedback Goat_Boy,

I think I found the issue with Levi's dialogue. A single missing bracket. I am going to assume that that caused the various errors, as otherwise everything else in the dialogue looks good. One missing bracket can cause the game to crash, so this is likely the culprit.

I will look into the Perk crash...could you test it with russian? If it happens with russian text it is an issue with the original game, if it doesn't, something wrong with the translation.
EDIT - Nevermind, I found the issue.

Also, awesome that the Pipboy diary is all good now. Thanks!

EDIT - Can you send me the save game with the crashing perk?
EDIT - Nevermind, I found the issue. I will have a new version up in 10 minutes
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I have a new version up, which includes all the fixes from above thanks to Perry, Goat_Boy, and Betim.

It also contains other fixes.

The changelog is here. The download is here.
Apologies to all,

I was running Perry's save game, which has a companion, and noticed a Russian button in the combat control.

Went in and checked it out carefully, and found 5 misnamed interface .frms


Will be fixed in next updae
Hey everybody! Thanks for doing this translation, Cambragol. You're doing a great job. I'm using the extended version of Sonora with sFall and a 1.14 Master.dat, which seems to work well with your translation so far. I'm sorry if I report any bugs, which are the result of my own messed up installation.

I'm at the ranger base at the moment and this is the first section where the translation feels somewhat rough in general. Everyone (including the PC) speaks in choppy, shortened sentences and seems to avoid articles like a plague. It fits the military background for most of the characters, but it's way overdone and I got the feeling of reading notes instead of actual dialogue. You immediately realize that a different author was at work here than in the previous sections and I think this part could use some rework for consistency (especially PC).

Here is an example of what I mean:

I think the PC using military terms like reconnaissance all of the sudden doesn't fit the character and some lines like "Trade with outsiders?" are just weird. Also lines like "We're spreading progaganda in settlements and paying for enemy kills" feel very much like machine translation. EDIT: Also the PC saying "Bye" and than continuing the conservation doesn't make sense. These examples may seem like nitpicks, but I encountered small inaccuracies like this in almost all dialogues.

Also I encountered a bug after becoming a ranger:

The lines are mixed up here. Maybe this one is on me and my fiddling with the game files, but it's the first time I encountered something alike after hours of playing.
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Hey Fallout_Boy, welcome to the party!

Thank you for your post and feedback. All good stuff and all appreciated. I am already looking through the Ranger Base dialogues with a more critical eye. I fixed up the Quartermaster's dialogue as best I could and am now looking at others.

The bug you noted there was my fault. Looking at it carefully, I can see this is probably one of the files I let ChatGPT touch. Midway through the first pass I tried ChatGPT for about 20-30 dialogues, until I noticed that it was quietly and sneakily butchering things. The Quartermaster is definitely an example of that. Switching, dropping, adding and mis-numbering lines were some of the ways it screwed things up.

I am going to try and differentiate the PCs dialogue more in this area, keeping it more 'neutral'. Which is one thing I have been struggling with. Initially I tried to make the PCs dialogue 'evolve' with the quests. However, studying the PC lines in Fallout 1 and 2, made me realize they did no such thing there. It was just smarmy back talk and sarcasm from Shady Sands on. Additionally, there are a lot of dialogues in Fallout 1 that are even more extreme than the ones at the Ranger Base. Very short, clipped, casual, with snappy back and forth exchanges. Nevertheless, for now, the PC needs to be more neutral.

If you could post or point out anymore egregious dialogues in this area it would really help me track things down. Even just screenshots of conversation histories alone helps, as it quickly shows whose dialogue is whose.

Again, thank you very much for the report. Nitpicking is good.
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