Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

The kids didn't. I think the complicated thing when it comes to the Khans is that they're a raider gang that survived long enough to become a tribe. They're immoral as a group but there's a complication in that these people are born and raised with this as their culture - they aren't a voluntary gang like the Powder Gangers, they have families. They literally don't know anything else.

They're deserving of change but not massacring/genocide.
Yeah but them changing is nearly impossible, 2 entire generations and they are the same cunts as always.
Did the Khans deserve it? Yeah, probably. Did the civilian children? No.

Also, Native Americans is broad. You could argue some tribes were worse than others.
I not sure if they become good in the Wyoming ending. The slide says they carve out a empire. That doesn't sound peaceful.

You got a problem with Empires?
You know, if someone were to ask me what so bad it's good movie I would compare the Frontier NCR campaign to it would be Samurai Cop. Both are made by guys who have no understanding of writing and pacing, both are filled with a juvenile understanding of action movies, both go with the "rule of cool", both have hilarious scenes of someone getting dismembered, and both have a awkward sex dialogue with a nurse!

The only thing that the Frontier needed was Gerald Okamura's taint and the mod would have been a classic.
When a shitty mod in a sea of shitty mods gets a 45 page thread you know the community is thirsty for anything Fallout. :cry:
to be fair we went off topic like 4 times.

and if you look at the quest mod page on the nexus. not many come out as much any more. maybe 3 or so a year.

mikeburnfire's quest pack and th3overseer's new mod the high desert both came out a month after the frontier and they were great mods.
to be fair we went off topic like 4 times.

and if you look at the quest mod page on the nexus. not many come out as much any more. maybe 3 or so a year.

mikeburnfire's quest pack and th3overseer's new mod the high desert both came out a month after the frontier and they were great mods.

I'm glad this mod finally gave Alchestbreach something to do. Although honestly, I feel like he's being too nice to them. I get the feeling that he agreed to do a full playthrough before release and was oblivious to the shitstorm that it became, and then was too polite to say no after. Ah well, he's survived much worse.
I'm glad this mod finally gave Alchestbreach something to do. Although honestly, I feel like he's being too nice to them. I get the feeling that he agreed to do a full playthrough before release and was oblivious to the shitstorm that it became, and then was too polite to say no after. Ah well, he's survived much worse.

Frontier has several references to Al (Breach Reach for example). Probably doesn't want to attack people that clearly like him.
Or he doesn't want another drama like the one with Thuggysmurf and Project Valkyrie.
Frontier has several references to Al (Breach Reach for example). Probably doesn't want to attack people that clearly like him.
Or he doesn't want another drama like the one with Thuggysmurf and Project Valkyrie.

and mikeburnfire helped out with the mod and even voiced characters. so the big mod lets players can't rally say anything bad about the frontier.