Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

The Venn diagram of people willing to work on a big mod and people who can take criticism are almost two separate circles.

I noticed that mod authors who write waifu mods really can't take criticism. The mod auther of Vanessa getting fights with people who didn't like her mod in the comment section of Alchestbreach's reviews. Lunnete's author blocking someone for writing a negative review. Willow's mod author states that she is happy with her mod and doesn't want to see negative reviews.
Actually, Nivea isn't Willow's mod author. She mostly works on clothing, armors and body meshes and textures such as the Spice of Life mod. Several mod authors in the past have come to Nivea for help with making custom outfits for their companion mods. Just don't want to throw shade at someone for what they didn't say.
The Venn diagram of people willing to work on a big mod and people who can take criticism are almost two separate circles.

I noticed that mod authors who write waifu mods really can't take criticism. The mod auther of Vanessa getting fights with people who didn't like her mod in the comment section of Alchestbreach's reviews. Lunnete's author blocking someone for writing a negative review. Willow's mod author states that she is happy with her mod and doesn't want to see negative reviews.
In defense of Llama, she's just saying that she's not good with criticism, but doesn't seem to demonize or silence critics. And she has acknowledged and tried to address certain criticisms in later stuff.

Edit: Oh, I guess Nivia and Llama are two different people. In any case, what I said about Nivia's comment stands and my point about Llama stands as well.
In defense of Llama, she's just saying that she's not good with criticism, but doesn't seem to demonize or silence critics. And she has acknowledged and tried to address certain criticisms in later stuff.

Edit: Oh, I guess Nivia and Llama are two different people. In any case, what I said about Nivia's comment stands and my point about Llama stands as well.

Shit. I thought Nivia wrote Willow.
Yeah, they should give the whole vehicles being drivable to someone who can actually put together at least a decent mod that is not full of bullshit content.
The drivable vehicles was made by Xilandro.
Last time I heard, he's working on a FNV version.
The Venn diagram of people willing to work on a big mod and people who can take criticism are almost two separate circles.

I noticed that mod authors who write waifu mods really can't take criticism. The mod auther of Vanessa getting fights with people who didn't like her mod in the comment section of Alchestbreach's reviews. Lunnete's author blocking someone for writing a negative review. Willow's mod author states that she is happy with her mod and doesn't want to see negative reviews.

I was wrong about Willows mod author. I got the wrong person. Sorry about that.

this is why i don't really like companion mods besides eliza, charlie and russell.
I have to say that one of the things I am happy about is the fact that many women on both sides are starting to wake up to what fetishistic freaks many of these so called "progressive", social justice obsessed male feminists are. In these old sci-fi pulps and novels of the 40s-80's, the male writers had a very interesting way of writing and describing women. Looking back now it actually was kind of charming and innocent, kind of like the way a young boy first discovers boobs. Back then though they never got away with it as many women would call them out for their horny view of women. Now a days writers found a way around that. All they have to do is say that their way of writing women is "progressive" and "female empowerment" and corporate whores and activists in the journalist sphere will try to convince people of that and brainlet subhumans on Twitter will defend and promote it because they take the writers for their word and are desperate for "diversity", inclusion" and "representation".
This is how the likes of fetishistic freaks like Neil Drunkmann, Alex Krutzman, Damon Lindelof, Anthony Burch, Randy Pichford and the writers for Machine Games have been able to get away with this shit for so long. The Frontier writers too probably thought they could get away with their fetishistic writing of women by hiding under the banner of feminism and social justice. Unfortunately for them women are starting to wake up to these antics. As Abe Lincoln once said, "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
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I have to say that one of the things I am happy about is the fact that many women on both sides are starting to wake up to what fetishistic freaks many of these so called "progressive", social justice obsessed male feminists are. In these old sci-fi pulps and novels of the 40s-80's, the male writers had a very interesting way of writing and describing women. Looking back now it actually was kind of charming and innocent, kind of like the way a young boy first discovers boobs. Back then though they never got away with it as many women would call them out for their horny view of women. Now a days writers found a way around that. All they have to do is say that their way of writing women is "progressive" and "female empowerment" and corporate whores and activists in the journalist sphere will try to convince people of that and brainlet subhumans on Twitter will defend and promote it because they take the writers for their word and are desperate for "diversity", inclusion" and "representation".
This is how the likes of fetishistic freaks like Neil Drunkmann, Alex Krutzman, Damon Lindelof, and the writers for Machine Games have been able to get away with this shit for so long. The Frontier writers too probably thought they could get away with their fetishistic writing of women by hiding under the banner of feminism and social justice. Unfortunately for them women are starting to wake up to these antics. As Abe Lincoln once said, "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
tenor (3).gif
I don't think people woke up. I think they pick out people they don't like politically and say "this person did bad thing" more often than not.

Usually right when something that person is doing is happening like releasing a movie or running for president or something.
I don't know man. If women aren't waking up to this shit then you wouldn't see these freaks get thousand of women bashing them in post on the r/MenWritingWomen Reddit. Yeah, I know it's Reddit but if they are bashing the likes of Drunkmann and the Frontier writers then you know that these male feminists can't get away with this shit anymore. Their feet is now getting held to the fire.
I don't know man. If women aren't waking up to this shit then you wouldn't see these freaks get thousand of women bashing them in post on the r/MenWritingWomen Reddit. Yeah, I know it's Reddit but if they are bashing the likes of Drunkmann and the Frontier writers then you know that these male feminists can't get away with this shit anymore. Their feet is now getting held to the fire.
This was made over the course of seven years right? Maybe they thought the iron of the performative male feminist angle was still going to be hot? It's a road map of what misanthropes in power do, abuse it. An granted sure the Frontier mod devs are perverts, but they don't get blatant media shielding like the multinational company agenda pushers do. You get perverts to write perverted shit, so everyone's thoughts are congested with baser or violent wants. There is no humanity or virtue in any of the "art" these people put out because you can't make art when you're a psychopath given a blank check, you just fill in the required boxes and move on to the next cocaine party hosted by Pritchford.

The frontier mod devs simply failed the... Caligula test. To get away with anything you gotta be somebody or know somebody.
This was made over the course of seven years right? Maybe they thought the iron of the performative male feminist angle was still going to be hot? It's a road map of what misanthropes in power do, abuse it. An granted sure the Frontier mod devs are perverts, but they don't get blatant media shielding like the multinational company agenda pushers do. You get perverts to write perverted shit, so everyone's thoughts are congested with baser or violent wants. There is no humanity or virtue in any of the "art" these people put out because you can't make art when you're a psychopath given a blank check, you just fill in the required boxes and move on to the next cocaine party hosted by Pritchford.

The frontier mod devs simply failed the... Caligula test. To get away with anything you gotta be somebody or know somebody.
I've never thought of that and this is a very good and solid point. Many of these "writers" usually have the backing of multi-billion dollar companies like Sony, 2K, Bethesda, Hollywood, ect, who, if they write anything fetishistic about women, then these companies will just throw a couple thousand to get their creepy and perverted writers good press and glowing praise in order to bury and silence any controversy. Funny how a perverts fetish can end up being a story of female empowerment if you throw a couple thousand at "journalists" and Twitter to say that it is so. Unfortunately for the Frontier devs they didn't have the backing of a multi-billion dollar corporation so they weren't able to convince "journalists" and Twitter that their mod is about female empowerment, diversity, inclusion, representation and what other fucking stupid and inane bullshit that subhumans on Twitter care about.
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Oh yeah I have no doubt the frontier writers would completely axe it to pieces but my point was moreso that the NCR in Vegas really isn't very progressive. Explicitly it's going through its first right wing/corporatist administration and NV itself made some political commentary with NCR in the first place.

But also as you say, as with NCR as a whole its a blended canvas of American history - much like Bitter Springs is both Wounded Knee and My Lai, Kimball is both Bush and Ulysses S. Grant.
The khans completey deserved it though, while the native americans didn't.
The khans completey deserved it though, while the native americans didn't.

The kids didn't. I think the complicated thing when it comes to the Khans is that they're a raider gang that survived long enough to become a tribe. They're immoral as a group but there's a complication in that these people are born and raised with this as their culture - they aren't a voluntary gang like the Powder Gangers, they have families. They literally don't know anything else.

They're deserving of change but not massacring/genocide.
what makes you say that?
The khans pillaged, raped and stole in the mojave for years before the NCR came, they thought they owned everything till one day they attacked a NCR caravan, got ambushed in bitter springs and got put in their place, everyone viewed the NCR as monsters despite the khans being worse in every aspect, the NCR even turned the khans's previous base into a refugee camp, the native americans on the other hand noticed that the europeans wouldn't survive much in america, so they teached them how to crop plants and such, and what was their reward? they got fucking massacred.