Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

the mod team was comprised of those that helped make new vegas more playable. be it bug fixing mods and gameplay mods.

but they really should have moved to 4 if they really wanted to make a combat focused fallout mod as alot of those in new vegas tend to have issues.
That to me is one of the greatest tragedies of all this, I cannot for the life of me fathom how much amazing content would be added to new vegas and how much better it could have been if rather than working on this trash heap each of the devs just did their own thing for New Vegas, how much could-be mods were missed because they were all busy with this?
Or imagine all the other crap we dodged as they were all stuck on one thing
I was actually excited for this mod, but I'm having a hard time enjoying it. I didn't necessarily follow the development, so I didn't know it was gonna be Fallout Modern Warfare. Oh well, I guess I'll wait for the Fallout Cascadia mod now.
"Truth is…the mod was shit from the start."

I had a feeling the mod was gonna be bad the first I heard of it. The nonsensical plot description gave it away. The hipster music in the trailers screamed pretentiousness to me. Still I didn't think it would be this bad.

Although, judging by some posts in this thread, people might think it's a furry fetish or something.

There is a whole a quest you have to do to have sex with a snake person. Even the snake people go on how humans find them attractive. If that is not someone sneaking in their fetish then I don't what is.
I remember they played a French song for one of their trailers. It was extremely out of place and did not fit a fallout game. I heard somewhere they were inspired by Kojima so it properly explains the shitty hipster music.
Wondering why they didn't just made the mod in Fallout 3. But i guess New Vegas is the more well received game, increasing the chances of more people playing.
It's because of what Lexx said, the FNV engine is the better choice, it also has the better modding tools. It has GECK Extended, the FNV Script Extender is way more advanced and offers more functions than FO3 SE. It has way more NVSE plugins, and they do needed stuff from FNV SE and from all the good plugins for it like JIPLN for example.
the mod team was comprised of those that helped make new vegas more playable. be it bug fixing mods and gameplay mods.

but they really should have moved to 4 if they really wanted to make a combat focused fallout mod as alot of those in new vegas tend to have issues.
Well, some people from the TTW team taught them some stuff over the years (and some stuff that was disregarded :whatever:), but we didn't make The Frontier. :roffle:
There is a whole a quest you have to do to have sex with a snake person. Even the snake people go on how humans find them attractive. If that is not someone sneaking in their fetish then I don't what is.
It's that bad? Damn, I didn't know about that.

I guess our TTW DLC might not be considered a furry fetish anymore. Although, I'm sure people here will still bash it as not lore friendly. :roffle:
We added the S'Lanter faction to the new DLC area, so I can hear people already saying stuff like "they were cut from Fallout for a reason!" and "they don't fit the game", and maybe even "talking deathclaws would be preferable" :lol:.
We added the S'Lanter faction to the new DLC area, so I can hear people already saying stuff like "they were cut from Fallout for a reason!" and "they don't fit the game", and maybe even "talking deathclaws would be preferable" :lol:.
As long as their are no S'Lanter brothels it should be fine, are they going to have their own language or just English?
As long as their are no S'Lanter brothels it should be fine, are they going to have their own language or just English?
Well, they are a main faction, so we have to make the player be able to interact with them. So they will be talking English in those interactions, or at least their chief will be able to speak some sort of English. We are still in the phase of ideas, quest planning, asset making and world building. So things can always change without notice.
The more i learn about this mod, the more it seems it was just an excuse for the devs to put their sex fetishes. Fucking lizard people and being able to enslave someone (called America to make things extra funny) to the point of mindbreak. Yeesh.

They could have done just a porn mod (which is fine, no judgement from me), but instead decided to tack on shitty CoD story and structure to that.
The more i learn about this mod, the more it seems it was just an excuse for the devs to put their sex fetishes. Fucking lizard people and being able to enslave someone (called America to make things extra funny) to the point of mindbreak. Yeesh.

They could have done just a porn mod (which is fine, no judgement from me), but instead decided to tack on shitty CoD story and structure to that.

you think if they like Lizard people so much they'd make a mod for skyrim or something like oblivion lol. i know there's a mod that adds guns to skyrim so they could easily made CoD: Skyrim
The more i learn about this mod, the more it seems it was just an excuse for the devs to put their sex fetishes. Fucking lizard people and being able to enslave someone (called America to make things extra funny) to the point of mindbreak. Yeesh.

They could have done just a porn mod (which is fine, no judgement from me), but instead decided to tack on shitty CoD story and structure to that.
you think if they like Lizard people so much they'd make a mod for skyrim or something like oblivion lol. i know there's a mod that adds guns to skyrim so they could easily made CoD: Skyrim
The further you look into it, the more it becomes apparent not that they wanted to make their own game or that they wanted to put their fetishes in a mod, it's that they wanted to make a game that includes EVERYTHING they like, and Fallout was one of those things.

They weren't looking to please the general Fallout audience, they were looking to make the something to please themselves.
From politics to sex to combat and more, no matter how little sense it makes to put it all together in one mod, it was going in anyways.

As for why it's a Fallout New Vegas mod instead of 3 or 4, maybe it's because it's more stable than Fo3 and has more gameplay options by default than Fo4?
Trigger warnings, it has unironic trigger warnings like in Bloodlines 2. Jesus.

Genuinely don't see what the big deal about this, I've played plenty of games that let you choose between SUPER ULTRA ACTION GORE MODE and Normal Mode

If anything the biggest issue with the mod is that none of the lore makes sense at all. The two main factions seem to be offshoots of The Legion and The NCR and yet they are both significantly better equipped than both of their counterparts in The Mojave Wasteland.