Feargus Urquhart interview on Gamasutra

x'il said:
mor said:
x'il said:
Yeah, you're right. I guess we should just follow your advise and adapt our views to what IS (and cannot for the love of god be otherwise) instead of what we want, even if we think it's shit... :ok:

that's ok, as i too never said anything like it

Never, really?: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=791312#791312
its just my english grammar in its finest its getts better after a long day work, which is the product of getting to move every 4 years to a different country, so no english is not in my top 3 languages, plus right now i got stuck in a country i dont like)

anyway its should have been: pp-l are irrational they adapt their view to what they want to believe in instead of seeing what there is.
which was a reference to the EVIL corporate game industries...
unlike interplay playing mother teresa which brought them where? pp-l in the gaming industry are like me and you they work for their living and their CEO's are just as any CEO's out there, adapting their product to the market demand

you are allowed not to like the direction they went with but selling it as crap apposed to something you dont like its BS, for example i hate sims never the less its a great game, its just not for me.
as for obsidian and las vegas 'true hope of FO2 successor' as was mentioned here, i can only say that obsidian has a great track record of improving other titles and that every sequel is more polished then its original.
mor said:
unlike interplay playing mother teresa which brought them where? pp-l in the gaming industry are like me and you they work for their living and their CEO's are just as any CEO's out there, adapting their product to the market demand

you are allowed not to like the direction they went with but selling it as crap apposed to something you dont like its BS, for example i hate sims never the less its a great game, its just not for me.
as for obsidian and las vegas 'true hope of FO2 successor' as was mentioned here, i can only say that obsidian has a great track record of improving other titles and that every sequel is more polished then its original.
Except KotOR 2, don't forgot KotOR 2...
One funny detail here:

[url=http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49758&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 said:
Jason Anderson, a year ago[/url]]I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

[url=http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=55624&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 said:
Feargus, now[/url]]I don't want to just say that I really enjoyed it, because that feels like I'm just kissing ass.
Heh. Heheh. Heheheheh.
Ratty said:
One funny detail here:

[url=http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49758&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 said:
Jason Anderson, a year ago[/url]]I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

[url=http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=55624&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 said:
Feargus, now[/url]]I don't want to just say that I really enjoyed it, because that feels like I'm just kissing ass.
Heh. Heheh. Heheheheh.

:D Shooting his own people in the back.
You simply have to accept that some person's worlds would be destroyed if such a person would like fallout 3, even when he's honest with it. :o

And what about the word hardcore? The majority today simply likes games to be more entertaining and relaxing than extremely hard. Only the inner core, the hard core still likes it to be more challanging, so there's nothing wrong about the word and it's not meant to make it sound "ultra-cool-uber-1337". :p
O really, Feargus "Slam Dunk" Urquhart feels Fallout is not about the mechanics and thinks it's great when it's changed into a format that is believed to sell more.

O and he uses the opportunity to take a stab at the community?

Man, this is all so novel and unexpected. He's never done this before.


I love Feargus and all but this is so prototypically him I could've written it for him.

Also stop sniping at one another, it's tiring.

Kradath said:
You simply have to accept that some person's worlds would be destroyed if such a person would like fallout 3, even when he's honest with it. :o

Would it?

For Frith's sake this isn't the Constitution and they're not Founding Fathers. Worlds aren't collapsing based on the words of a producer whose greatest contribution was the game-breaking turbo plasma rifle (oh hi Feargus *snipe*).

What's so weird about this is that many community members, including me, have talked about how there is stuff that Fallout 3 does well. It gets the world quite right on some points (tho with boneheaded things on others, but it's better than Fallout 2 in setting), its quest structure is closer to Fallout's than any other RPG in the past few years. It does a lot wrong but it doesn't do everything wrong. When Tim Cain says he feels they did the world well except for the blatant unoriginality I can only nod. When a producer who has spent his career being the practical off-set to the more artistic-minded RPG developers says he thinks the mechanics should be more flexible I can only shrug.

They're not saying anything that hasn't been said in this community either. Why are people trying to build it up to be some huge paradigm-shift?

EDIT: y'know what, this thread is insulting, so:

terebikun said:
I have faith in you guys to turn this thread into a classic. Make it so.
Shoveler said:
Best rant of the day! But it's early yet here....so carry on!
Strike for trolling.

mor said:
lets just say that the average user age here is higher than the usual and that not all of them can handle FP, thus the prejudice against it. (go even higher than that and you'll find those who think that all games are shitty type of entertainment).
Strike for insulting the entire community in a lazy, casual way.

Szeder said:
Well, thanks to the jewish and corporal influence on developers,
Strike for whatever the fuck this is.
Brother None said:
mor said:
lets just say that the average user age here is higher than the usual and that not all of them can handle FP, thus the prejudice against it. (go even higher than that and you'll find those who think that all games are shitty type of entertainment).
Strike for insulting the entire community in a lazy, casual way.
meh, unlike most forums here i am not considered as gramp's but bellow the average age, so the age thing is true and we all know that with age we develop taste (or just the inability to accept new stuff anymore)
this why we see all those who never tried games calling it dumbed down crap compared to real thing and dont consider games to be an art etc ... ... FPS ... ...

and we know that not everyone can play FPS games, take my father for example when he tried to play an FP game he ended up choking the mouse or his game selection simple, slow paced games, not because the rest is crap but because games like total war TB and playing only defense fight using static defense (build up a line and let them stupid ai crush into you) or liner progression campaign like COH or even DOW2 where its "hero like" RTS so he can stay focused on one thing, works for him, he just not used to computer gaming cannot cope with too many things coming at him at the same time , unlike those who grow on those things. (this why i beat him in every game, well almost in chess we are still even)

anyway this his limitation (we all have ours in every field of life) and there is no problem in knowing what works for you...
Brother None said:
Kradath said:
You simply have to accept that some person's worlds would be destroyed if such a person would like fallout 3, even when he's honest with it. :o

Would it?

Some, not all of course, act like that, yes. Like children putting there hands onto their ears saying: lallalalallaa, can't hear you.

Some simply have to bend every single word so it fits to their opinion. When he says he hates fallout 3, they're happy, when he says he didn't hate it they say he hates it but just doesn't want to admit it.

If that's the case he wouldn't have denied it that thoroughly, wouldn't be developing New Vegas, or at least vastly different from what it is now. Because at the moment NV is between part 3 (the present) and the older fallouts (the past). An isometric Fallout simply would not sell good, it is simply a fact.

When I played fallout it was the setting that thrilled me, not the gameplay.
Myself and every single friend of mine that loved Fallout 1 and 2 (7 people) also loved it for the setting, characters, quests, dialogues, humor..and not for its mechanics.
Not every one of them liked FO3, but most did (while seeings its flaws).

Now, you can call us lesser fans, but who cares.The fact is, for a lot of fans, Fallout really is not about mechanics.And NV is like dream come true - first person RPG in Fallout world with Avellone, Everts, Sawyer etc on it? man!
mor said:
unlike most forums here i am not considered as gramp's but bellow the average age, so the age thing is true

Really? When did you poll for age? How do you know what the average age here is?

mor said:
all those who never tried games calling it dumbed down crap compared to real thing and dont consider games to be an art

Who are you talking about? "All those"? Who?

mor said:
and we know that not everyone can play FPS games

The only one on these forums I've ever seen mention he can play FPSs is alec. Go to the General Gaming Forum, see how many different types of games including the newest ones are being discussed. FPSs aren't my favourite genre but I like 'em just fine.

This is why you got a strike. You draw broad conclusions of a community even tho it is made up of individuals, with different tastes for games old and new. Many of us still buy new releases and play the good ones with a lot of enjoyment. Your suggestion that our analysis of Fallout 3 is because we're "incapable" of enjoying new games is as lazy as it is insulting.

Kradath said:
Some simply have to bend every single word so it fits to their opinion. When he says he hates fallout 3, they're happy, when he says he didn't hate it they say he hates it but just doesn't want to admit it.

That's how people always treat other opinions. It's human nature for you. I don't like it, but mostly it seems unnecessary here.

Kradath said:
If that's the case he wouldn't have denied it that thoroughly, wouldn't be developing New Vegas, or at least vastly different from what it is now.

Now that's just naive. It's not how the gaming industry works. Developers go out of their way to avoid insulting games because there's always a chance you'll have to work with them later. Hell, even if Obsidian hates Fallout 3 with a passion, it'll still have to do it because right now they need work or they'll go bankrupt. That's reality, saying "he must be honestly giving his opinion" is just ignoring that.

Is it possible he likes Fallout 3? Yes. Is it likely he liked everything about Fallout 3? Not so much. Is it possible he'll avoid saying anything bad about the game? Obviously. That's reality.

Kradath said:
An isometric Fallout simply would not sell good, it is simply a fact.

Oh cool. Since it's a fact no doubt you'll be able to point to empirical evidence.

Paul_cz said:
Myself and every single friend of mine that loved Fallout 1 and 2 (7 people) also loved it for the setting, characters, quests, dialogues, humor..and not for its mechanics.

Great. Why do people keep saying this as if it means anything? Do you think a Fallout sequel that dropped the setting but kept the mechanics would be excused by people going "well, but we liked the mechanics"? That's not the point. The game isn't defined by the elements you liked best.

It's also pretty self-centered to dismiss complaints people have because your personal preferences are otherwise. Seriously, who are you that you're so much better than us? My viewpoint of Fallout 3 encapsulates yours, I have no problem with people who prefer Fallout's setting to its mechanics. Yet you dismiss mine wholesale. Who then is the "extremist"?
Maybe that's the difference between someone who makes a Fallout and someone who plays a Fallout.

Maybe that's the difference between a "gamer" and "someone who makes games in order to maximize corporate profitability for the benefit of shareholders."
Brother None said:
Great. Why do people keep saying this as if it means anything? Do you think a Fallout sequel that dropped the setting but kept the mechanics would be excused by people going "well, but we liked the mechanics"? That's not the point. The game isn't defined by the elements you liked best.

It's also pretty self-centered to dismiss complaints people have because your personal preferences are otherwise. Seriously, who are you that you're so much better than us? My viewpoint of Fallout 3 encapsulates yours, I have no problem with people who prefer Fallout's setting to its mechanics. Yet you dismiss mine wholesale. Who then is the "extremist"?

errrm, what? I think you need to re-read my post.I don't dismiss your complaints, and I do not think I am better than you? wtf?
I just stated my own opinion on fallout and what I like about it, as well as opinion of all my RL friends, which is the same one that Feargus has here. Yours is valid too of course.

"The game isn't defined by the elements you liked best."

Well, it is defined by those elements TO ME.
Crni Vuk said:
Well he somehow called it a "FPS" of some sort. Thats more then enough for me :D

I think it's important to consider that he's judging it as an FPS in a (not the) Fallout world, and not as "the next game in the Fallout series". I stand with the people who think F3 should have been named something other than "Fallout 3". It captured the spirit of Fallout in many ways, failing miserably in others, but in general it was a good effort. (I rate it a C+ or even a B-.) But in general I feel that it is A Fallout Game. It just wasn't Fallout 3.

I can see how playing F3...as a game developer...would be more fun, because you'd be deconstructing the game as you play. I just wanted to play the game, and it didn't move me. It's the Oblivion effect: if you lose immersion and play with the NPCs and game engine on a non-game level it can be an interesting toy. If you play the game straight it's dull. I wonder if this is why F3 and Oblivion get good reviews: maybe they get less fun if you suspend disbelief.

EDIT: on the other hand, if you consder the original article: he's SELLING the idea that a non-turn-based F3-like FPS really is F3, which is exactly the kind of thing that makes fans want to lock him in a cage with rabid weasels.
I keep seeing various people say that Fallout 3 is easy. I'm guessing they either played on the easiest setting, or never ran into any yao guai or deathclaws.

There's also the option of taking the nerd rage perk. When you try and keep your life low all the time it can be a bit tricky when you use fast travel and there's mercs, bears, and a psychotic rocket firing robot waiting on you when you get there.

Edit: Well, actually, it is easy in some respects. You can save anytime and not have to redo an entire area if you mess up. You can also get many skills to 100 (if not all of them) rather easily. The only time you might miss out (permanently) on getting something is if you make the wrong decision during a quest. But IMO some of the later monsters in the game are definitely not easy, since they can kill you in just a few swipes. You can easily use VATS to kill them, but it becomes a problem if you happen to miss or if there's more than one.

Now, I'll admit it's not as hard as Stalker, but at least you don't have to fight the "exact same enemies" in that location every 2 minutes.

As for this thread... well BN mostly took care of that, but keep in mind that you probably won't get strikes in the future if you stick to a really simple rule: It's fine to insult the games but it would probably be a good idea to refrain from insulting the person and/or their opinions. "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

[spoiler:9308bd9d84]And no, I'm not a hypocrite. I got my strike for playing with the report button. "Wheee! *click click click!* Wheeee!"[/spoiler:9308bd9d84]
Brother None said:
mor said:
unlike most forums here i am not considered as gramp's but bellow the average age, so the age thing is true

Really? When did you poll for age? How do you know what the average age here is?
lets say that considering what i seen so far its not such stretch, which one of the reasons why i stick around.

Brother None said:
mor said:
all those who never tried games calling it dumbed down crap compared to real thing and dont consider games to be an art

Who are you talking about? "All those"? Who?
really? take that topic regarding gaming as an art for example.

Brother None said:
mor said:
and we know that not everyone can play FPS games

The only one on these forums I've ever seen mention he can play FPSs is alec. Go to the General Gaming Forum, see how many different types of games including the newest ones are being discussed. FPSs aren't my favourite genre but I like 'em just fine.

This is why you got a strike. You draw broad conclusions of a community even tho it is made up of individuals, with different tastes for games old and new. Many of us still buy new releases and play the good ones with a lot of enjoyment. Your suggestion that our analysis of Fallout 3 is because we're "incapable" of enjoying new games is as lazy as it is insulting.
its not about everyone but about those with extreme prejudice against them that i care about their "background" just as in the case with 'games is not an art' (they guy never played games)

besides may be its just me but 'not all of them' is not generalizing or is in par with the comment i replayed to which basically did the same thing you claim i did, but hey i got my opinion you as community admin and if i remember the usual forum rules i'll better pledge the fifth.
Mor: you're still generalizing over an entire population, making assumptions you shouldn't and then insulting them. That's all there is to it, so stop it.

Also, besides not wanting to insult other games due to employment considerations, he's making one of these games now. He's not going to say "yeah, well, the game I'm making now isn't really Fallout because it doesn't have the mechanics" even if he thinks that, which he probably doesn't.
Concerning older people who can't play FP games, my mom has played through Morrowind several times, and she's over 60.

I never finished it myself, but she's finished it several times. She didn't like either Oblivion or Fallout 3 though, but it was because she didn't like the gameplay itself, rather than "being too old to enjoy a FP style game".

You can't make assumptions just because you've met a few people who fit into a stereotype. That's like meeting a Mexican who smells bad and then saying, "Well all Mexicans stink."