mor said:
unlike most forums here i am not considered as gramp's but bellow the average age, so the age thing is true
Really? When did you poll for age? How do you know what the average age here is?
mor said:
all those who never tried games calling it dumbed down crap compared to real thing and dont consider games to be an art
Who are you talking about? "All those"? Who?
mor said:
and we know that not everyone can play FPS games
The only one on these forums I've ever seen mention he can play FPSs is alec. Go to the General Gaming Forum, see how many different types of games including the newest ones are being discussed. FPSs aren't my favourite genre but I like 'em just fine.
This is why you got a strike. You draw broad conclusions of a community even tho it is made up of individuals, with different tastes for games old and new. Many of us still buy new releases and play the good ones with a lot of enjoyment. Your suggestion that our analysis of Fallout 3 is because we're "incapable" of enjoying new games is as lazy as it is insulting.
Kradath said:
Some simply have to bend every single word so it fits to their opinion. When he says he hates fallout 3, they're happy, when he says he didn't hate it they say he hates it but just doesn't want to admit it.
That's how people always treat other opinions. It's human nature for you. I don't like it, but mostly it seems unnecessary here.
Kradath said:
If that's the case he wouldn't have denied it that thoroughly, wouldn't be developing New Vegas, or at least vastly different from what it is now.
Now that's just naive. It's not how the gaming industry works. Developers go out of their way to avoid insulting games because there's always a chance you'll have to work with them later. Hell, even if Obsidian hates Fallout 3 with a passion, it'll still have to do it because right now they need work or they'll go bankrupt. That's reality, saying "he must be honestly giving his opinion" is just ignoring that.
Is it possible he likes Fallout 3? Yes. Is it likely he liked everything about Fallout 3? Not so much. Is it possible he'll avoid saying anything bad about the game? Obviously. That's reality.
Kradath said:
An isometric Fallout simply would not sell good, it is simply a fact.
Oh cool. Since it's a fact no doubt you'll be able to point to empirical evidence.
Paul_cz said:
Myself and every single friend of mine that loved Fallout 1 and 2 (7 people) also loved it for the setting, characters, quests, dialogues, humor..and not for its mechanics.
Great. Why do people keep saying this as if it means anything? Do you think a Fallout sequel that dropped the setting but kept the mechanics would be excused by people going "well, but we liked the mechanics"? That's not the point. The game isn't defined by the elements you liked best.
It's also pretty self-centered to dismiss complaints people have because your personal preferences are otherwise. Seriously, who are you that you're so much better than us? My viewpoint of Fallout 3 encapsulates yours, I have no problem with people who prefer Fallout's setting to its mechanics. Yet you dismiss mine wholesale. Who then is the "extremist"?