First Fo3 release date posted

EnderWiggin said:
And while I know that most people on NMA are against Bethesda having the license, I'm trying to reserve judgement, and I won't hold anything against singular Bethesda devs. I'm glad they're brave enough to come over here and stay in touch with the community.

Stop this at once, we've never said we're against them having the license. We have however said we think it would be better in the hands of Troika and that alot of the statements Pete has made has only "confirmed" our beliefs on what Bethesda may do with the license.

Enough of these accusations.
I didn't say NMA, and their staff was against Bethesda having the license.

I said people on NMA. There are a lot of people on this community, and many of them have made that opinion clear. Many of them have gone over to Bethesda's forums and told them that if they came over to NMA they'd get flamed.

I don't claim to speak for NMA or their staff, but I think it's fairly safe to say that several people on this board have expressed their displeasure in Bethesda having the license.
EnderWiggin said:
I didn't say NMA, and their staff was against Bethesda having the license.

I said people on NMA. There are a lot of people on this community, and many of them have made that opinion clear. Many of them have gone over to Bethesda's forums and told them that if they came over to NMA they'd get flamed.

I don't claim to speak for NMA or their staff, but I think it's fairly safe to say that several people on this board have expressed their displeasure in Bethesda having the license.

Ah, well my bad (too early I guess).

We cannot control other peoples opinions, but I can however say that the Bethesda devs won't be flamed on these boards. Unless they ask for it of course :P
That does seem a little quick to me.

That's only assuming they are building the engine from the ground up, but I would assume quite a few of their recent games could be used to create a convincing Fallout world. Herein lies the problem, can they create a living breathing post apoc world that we would like in that short a time? I think it's possible, I think they have more resources to work on it than BlackIsle did.
I don't know, the only Bethesda game I really liked was the pretty dead post-apocalyptic world of Terminator: Future Shock.

I kinda got the impression they have a certain style and stick to it.
I wished they had made another Future Shock game instead. Ah, whatever.
I would have to go with the opinion that this Spanish site was just pulling a date out of their backside.

I say we just sit back, wait for Beth to start actual development, and go from there.
Pope_Viper said:
I would have to go with the opinion that this Spanish site was just pulling a date out of their backside.

I say we just sit back, wait for Beth to start actual development, and go from there.

True true... waiting is the best strategy... but not as much fun as speculation which gets us all hyped up and worried. :wink:

Seriously though... as much as I have a STRONG opinion about what I want for FO, I think and am trying not to jump to conclusions about anything.

Nov 2005 would have been nice though... if it was a slammin game.
Note To Self: Don't randomly send e-mails to Spain after a long night spent drinking Guinness. Sorry if it caused confusion. :wink:

There are a number of us who lurk around here. We just don't have anything to say yet.
BlueDev said:
Note To Self: Don't randomly send e-mails to Spain after a long night spent drinking Guinness. Sorry if it caused confusion. :wink:

There are a number of us who lurk around here. We just don't have anything to say yet.

Good to know we ain't scaring you off successfully yet.


Not that anyone would try to.
I'm sure the Bethsoft devs are aware of the views of many people around here, myself included. I am neutral about Bethsoft having the license, perhaps a little on the negative side of neutral, given the multiplatform comments, and the style of their previous games. The fact that the Beth devs are here is cause for hope - the fact that they're not on DAC kind of cancels that out :)
BlueDev said:
Note To Self: Don't randomly send e-mails to Spain after a long night spent drinking Guinness. Sorry if it caused confusion. :wink:

There are a number of us who lurk around here. We just don't have anything to say yet.


round up the pickups, break out the shotguns!

we're going to hogtie this guy and bleed em for information!

(dont try to run away, we know where you live)
BlueDev said:
Note To Self: Don't randomly send e-mails to Spain after a long night spent drinking Guinness. Sorry if it caused confusion. :wink:

There are a number of us who lurk around here. We just don't have anything to say yet.

LOL :lol:

We know, we know...monitoring us eh, eh, eh ? :look:

But we all know that this "release date" is bogus, which I also wrote in the news post.'s
i'm playing trough Morrowind right now. it's a fun little game, but leveling-up, skill-bootsting, fighting and the character depts of the NPC's leave more to be desired. it may be very realistic that you have to jump alot to get beter at it, but it's a little to much realism for my taste.
I think Morrowind had a lot of production value and was obviously a labor of love. I just don't know if the game was fun.

The toolset is unbelievable however.
BlueDev said:
Note To Self: Don't randomly send e-mails to Spain after a long night spent drinking Guinness. Sorry if it caused confusion. :wink:

There are a number of us who lurk around here. We just don't have anything to say yet.


Appreciate you hanging around.

Welcome to the deep dark!!

*waves back, hiding the shotgun behind his back*


dont get scared off by a couple of simplistic twits that like to flame. mostly angst and the "i'm sixteen, i'm angry at my father"-syndrome.

but it think most people at NMA could have a valuable opinion, even though some formulate their opinion kinda harshly (*/me waves at Rosh*). so if you need to test an idea, search for opinions, look for point of view,... this is the place to be.

on a side note: get back to work, you slacker! give us the game we've been waiting for!
BlueDev said:
We just don't have anything to say yet.

ah, "too early" still applies to Van Buren. no problem, then.

though i haven't been tooling around here for long myself, welcome. you'll probably find Fallout fans aren't half the cult of raving merderous crazies they're supposed to be.
jr. said:
BlueDev said:
We just don't have anything to say yet.

ah, "too early" still applies to Van Buren. no problem, then.

though i haven't been tooling around here for long myself, welcome. you'll probably find Fallout fans aren't half the cult of raving merderous crazies they're supposed to be.

We're not?


Go figure.