Tiny Tina's Wonderlands and Deep Rock Galactic are the best co-op experiences right now.
What mods are you playing Skyrim with? It almost looks like a completely different game Toront.
When my cat does that I know to watch out. STILL CUTTING THOSE BALLS OFF SOON. His not mine.
Kinda the opposite of Death Stranding where I never knew, is the game now over? Can I get the ending? Plz? PLZ!I've been playing Cult Simulator since I am done with Elden Ring. When it comes to Elden Ring they need to invest more in story and quest design and less on worrying what blood weapons the autist squad are exploiting. After spending 204 hours I want a final cutscene that lasts longer than it takes for me to take a quick shit.
Was able to play an hour of Eldenring on my brother's PS5, a fun game.How did they go from Demon's Souls to Elden Ring so fast? Playing the og on PS3 is like going back in time to before the internet existed or something. Still not using a wiki and I am offline so it is much harder for me than 90 percent of the people that play it but I enjoy it. I have died less in this game mostly because I care if I die because I lose half my health bar. It's great. There are more NPC's in the first 10 hours of this game than all 200 + hours of my Elden Ring run. Sure they are not talking my head off but the world feels more real even though it is broken up into zones simply because the ghouls in the prison actually talk instead of everyone in the game that is not a trader just growling at you like in Elden Ring.