Handmade arts crafts sculpture textiles. Or is this dead and buried

kinda edits but first one is mostly mine.

DWARA1 (2).png
star wars edit.
DWARV0 (2).png



To save time I mostly frankensprite.
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Sorry William but until Fake Jesus is killed you are just Fake Jebus.
I will sort that, as it was just rushed up and is bugging me now aswell.

I will take more photos of the stuff from 2014 and call it the HMP Walton exhibition.
I used to watch that and Little House on the Prairie and Golden Girls when I was little. Oh and Mama's Family.
They show or have shown most of that here. Not sure about the last one. Also I watched an original Star Trek in widescreen and upscaled so looked good.
This pic contains many slang terms for jail. Big House, jug, slammer, bird, cooler, shovel. It also shows screws, a homage to Cockroaches and the prison inspector types. They would have cheese and wine (Bacchus) then be ferried around the jail to see the dummies in the edjukation classes, being taught basic maths and English. Myself after refusing ' labour ' which was shoe repairs, bicycle repairs or leather work (all for outside contracts paid at meagre rates) was threatened with solitary down ' The Block '

I shrugged and said " Do what yer like, there is no way I am undercutting a man outside working for 20p per hour"

I was put on a 6 week Art Course which I stayed in for 11 months. I WON, THEY LOST.

I then tried to make all my pics contain, hidden meanings and to be as subversive as possible.

1big house.png
I like the crow you have in a lot of your art. You do good work mate. Mine turned to shit but I will upload later after I eat.