House of the Dragon

I just want Amazon to release the damn thing so people stop talking about it already. Unfortunately, I predict that it will be worse than first thought, so people will talk about it even more for a while, but the talk should fade sooner or later after release.


THE RINGS OF POWER is fine, specifically 1x1 "A Shadow of the Past" and 1x2 "Adrift", are fine. This is something that I feel is both damning as well as an argument against all the criticism the show has unfairly received before it has even begun. The show is breathtakingly beautiful, the soundtrack is extremely enchanting, and the characters are entertaining as well as competently acted. However, for those hoping to be transported back to JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth, the show basically feels like about a faithful an adaptation as a Middle Earth themed MMORPG.

Part of this was inevitable as the adaptation of the Second Age of Middle Earth is going to be primarily new material. We've already got the fantastic Lord of the Rings movies and the not-so fantastic The Hobbit movies. However, here, this is just creating original stories based around the rough outline of events that J.R.R Tolkien sketched as backstory. The Silmarillion is a fantastic book, but I've never quite believed it could be faithfully adapted.

Even in the first five minutes, the lore violations start piling up. Galadriel talks about how the light of Valinor was taken by Morgoth (so far so good), only for her to then say that she went to fight the Great Enemy on Middle Earth. Which, no she didn't. We skip over Feanor, the Kinslaying, and a huge chunk of the backstory between. Beren and Luthien is also not given a mention, which seems another egregious time-skip since we have another human/elf love match in the show.

We also basically skip the entirety of the fact that Galadriel didn't believe Morgoth could be defeated by force of arms (which he couldn't) and depict her and the elves defeating him. Which, of course, is nonsense because Morgoth is defeated by the Valar and no mention of the literal archangels is made in the series. It's a rather conspicuous absence given they utterly wreck Middle Earth defeating Tolkien's version of Sauron.

Instead, the show is primarily focused on Galadriel attempting to avenge her brother that was slain by Sauron and her Knight Templar-esque dedication to tracking the Dark Lord down to kill him. This isn't entirely inaccurate, three of Galadriel's brothers did in fact die during the battle against Morgoth's forces. However, none of the other elves believe Sauron is still a threat and the show is about how, surprise, Galadriel is right, and the monster is coming back.

Much has been made of Galadriel being depicted as a warrior woman as well as the show having a more ethnically diverse collection of elves, hobbits, and dwarves. The latter doesn't bother me at all and I'm not going to waste wind on it. The former is only annoying because Galadriel is a SORCERESS, and it feels like she's taking a major power downgrade in stabbing things versus blasting them with her evil destroying light.

Indeed, the more the show tries to act like this is JRR Tolkien's work versus something that they've wholly invented, the more the show stumbles. They could have based this show around Isildur, they could have based this show around Beren and Luthien, and they could have done a series of Silmarillion movies. Instead, this is a wholly original as well as competently done fantasy series that is pretending it was by the master.

I feel it's less faithful than Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and I like those games, but they are really inaccurate. Oh, and Sauron returns to Middle Earth via a comet. There, he's adopted by a bunch of rural Hobbit farmers. No, I don't know why Sauron is Superman now. Maybe it's not Sauron, maybe it's Gandalf, but that would be a millennium early.

There's some genuinely good parts like any part involving dwarves. The dwarves in this show are the most animated, entertaining, and energetic characters. Also, whenever the show interrupts its ponderous narration to do some actual action scenes. Mind you, a Tolkien adaptation should never be defined by its action, but it says something that this works best when it is.

Oddly, the show works best when it deals with its original characters. People there's no misconceptions about or preconceived canon about. On the other hand, no one is watching this show to find out about the fate of a bunch of random hobbits or human peasants that has, maybe, one in love with an elf (and vice versa).

The original characters are fine, the plotting is fine, and the show is fine. However, it's also something that doesn't feel like an authentically Tolkien work. It feels like very well-done Middle Earth fanfiction and I feel like that's probably all it ever could be with the Second Age premise. I'll probably keep watching it but it's not must-see TV like certain other fantasy shows I'm watching.

Thanks for the first two episodes review!

Just want to make it quick, there are others that I would like to discuss with, particulary the possibility of adapting Silmarillion as tv show. Since there is already ongoing fan project that have mapped all of it.


This isn't entirely inaccurate, three of Galadriel's brothers did in fact die during the battle against Morgoth's forces.

While indeed Finrod, Angrod, and Aegnor were died in war against Morgoth, the tale of how Finrod died doesn't matched up with...well the huge gigantic lore that is tale of Beren and Luthien. And the sacrifice he did for Beren, or how he fought Sauron not using arms but song?

Seriously if Galadriel wanted to avenge her brother, she could just ask Sauron for another rap battle rematch in his name :D :lmao:

Which there is no reason to make her this "warrior princess xenadriel" or inducting her into this weird knightly association.

And especially this timeline compression means there are huge lots of missing possibility that could be done. Sauron transformation from being "good intentioned" to bad evil overlord by late 2nd age. You can make lots of thing including him being possibility the founder of Legalism in Middle Earth equivalent. He sought order in the sea of chaos made by creatures inherently evil, corrupted ones (orcs, trolls) or Men in general. His interactions with huge assortment of Southern and Eastern Men of darkness are just another missing opportunity to depict diverse casts in thoughtful manner.

Not to mention that the name Luthien and her story of love had already been mentioned in Fellowship of The Ring film.

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So I watched the first episode and I am let me say, pleasantly surprised. It's not GoT (yet) but it was much better than I thought to be honest. Mainly because I really like the actor for Daemon Targaryen played by Matt Smith. He kinda really nails those kind of roles it seems, as he already did a graet job in the Series The Crown which was losely based on the real events surounding the crowing and life of the British Queen. Matt played the role of her young husband Charles and I think he did an oustanding job there. Honestly I never was really interested in the British royal family but this show kinda grew on me and I hope to see more season so that should tell you something. The actress Milly Alcock which represents Rhaenyra Targaryen, I am not sure yet. I mean she's not "bad" or something like that. Most of the cast delivers a decent performance though. If you like GoT there is a good chance you will enjoy this as well.

The only real criticism that I have right now only knowing the first episode, it seems to be really quick. Like I am not sure how to explain it. The episode felt rushed. You have a lot of characters being introduced, a lot of plot thrown at you in some instances, names, positions sometimes locations and there is stuff happening clearly just to get things moving. I feel some of it should have been allowed to get more time develope giving the characters archs or to better understand their relationships. If there is one thing GoT really did well, in my opinion, was taking it's time to establish characters, giving them focus and then shifting to another one. But I might be also wrong because the first episode of GoT also had a ton of characters in it. Who knows.

Lets just hope it doesn't end as shity as GoT did.

*Edit, maybe someone should rename this topic to "TV Series Discussions/Reviews" or something. I don't know.
Well I didn't make a Lord of the Rings thread because I didn't want to divert too much from HOTD.
Eh, topics evolve. Deal with it! Naw. Just saying it might be a good thing to kinda have a place where you can openly discuss TV-shows and such.

THE RINGS OF POWER is fine, specifically 1x1 "A Shadow of the Past" and 1x2 "Adrift", are fine. This is something that I feel is both damning as well as an argument against all the criticism the show has unfairly received before it has even begun. The show is breathtakingly beautiful, the soundtrack is extremely enchanting, and the characters are entertaining as well as competently acted. However, for those hoping to be transported back to JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth, the show basically feels like about a faithful an adaptation as a Middle Earth themed MMORPG.
I don't think anyone doubts that. But to Tolkiens work, Amazons stuff is like what Fallout 4 is to the spirit of Fallout I guess. Of course it is "nice looking". But it's not an adaptation of Tolkiens work. In any way.

This is one of the reasons why some people said, if this was some generic fantasy world done by Amazon? It might be actually even pretty decent. Who knows?

Also, guess we will not see any character going into a "rap battle" of epic proportions with evil. Which is a real bummer.

Frodo : Luthien. Who is she the woman you sing of?
Aragorn : *Deep breath* Let me first tell you, the story of Morgoth the great evil.
There have been. The threads die because The Order TV thread gets more traffic. Let this stay the way it is. Phipps can run it the way he likes.
I'll happily post in any LOTR: TROP thread someone else makes but between the two, I definitely choose HOTD.
No I meant the shitty movie. The first three HOTD games are good. Did not wanna diverge so I put in spoilers. Was just joking.
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON episode 1 is available for free from Youtube for awhile. I think this is good for people who want to give it a try without getting HBO.

Because they know sex and death was the primary appeal to normies.
Yes, a warning that the show contains some nudity and castration.
Yeah, but this Nu GoT is kinda more blunt about it. If that was even possible.
Because they know sex and death was the primary appeal to normies.
Because for example, the castration was done thoughtfully and not to satiate some psychopath urge. It was for "eye for eye" context to punish criminal. Daemon was a chad and so does Viserys.

Earlier timeline is basically something grander compared to absolute corrupt hillbillies part of King Robert court.
Review of 1x3

"Second of His Name" is probably the weakest of the three House of the Dragons episodes so far. This is partially due to yet another massive time skip when I think everyone is actually quite invested in the story as is. We could have easily done a couple of episodes on the aftermath of Queen Aemma's death as well as the marriage of Alicent Hightower to the King. Part of this is due to the fact that they didn't start the series with the Dance of the Dragons beginning, in my humble opinion, so we're caught between the show moving too fast and getting bogged down in a season of backstory simultaneously.

The episode can be summarized as taking place in two parts: the Great Hunt and the Stepstones War. A Great Hunt has been arranged for the celebration of Prince Aegon's second birthday and King Viserys is already getting pressure to marry his daughter off as well as name his son the new heir. Waiting two years with the infant mortality rates seems reasonable, sadly. Meanwhile, Daemon and Corys are not doing great in their war against the Crabfeeder.

We start with a three year time skip and unfortunately, it makes Rhaenyra look terrible because it looks like she's been in a snit for literally that entire time. Milly Alcock is forced to play a bratty teenage daughter for an entire hour of runtime and it removes a lot of the awesomeness we saw with her for the past two episodes. Rhaenyra is just mean to Alicent the entire time and the fact it's meant to have been a years-long estrangement doesn't make her look any better. She also pouts about her arranged marriage versus trying to think of bolstering her claim to the Iron Throne by making allies.

This episode really belongs to Emily Carey and Alicent Hightower is at her most sympathetic. If we're meant to infer that she's spent the past three years trying to rebuild her friendship with Rhaenyra, no matter the betrayal, it's something that shows she has the patience of a saint. We also see she's not overly enthusiastic about stealing Rhaenyra's birthright. Which Otto points out that the majority of the realm would see as the reverse.

Surprisingly, Otto is shown to be a trifle more sympathetic this time around as well. While still a scheming weasal, he's clearly not interested in just destroying Rhaenyra to get what he wants. He wants her married off to a Great House and a comfortable retirement. He also is interested in marrying her to his grandson, 16 year age difference or not. Seriously, Viserys seems to be the only man with any sense of age issues in the realm and he still married a teenager.

We get some build-up for a possible Rhaenyra and Cristin Cole romance, however. They get to spend the majority of the Great Hunt alone together as well as making it clear that Cole is personally very loyal to Rhaenyra for raising him up to the Kingsguard. I'll even go so far as to say part of her problem is Rhaenyra is suffering some sexual frustration while being terrified of marriage due to her mother's horrific death as well as the political ramifications. Really getting some serious Elizabeth I vibes here.

Viserys is at his worst here but he's also starting to show some spine. Sadly, it seems that he's finally picked on the fact that everyone thinks of him as a weather vane. Blow on him and he goes whichever direction you want. Unfortunately, growing a spine primarily means that he's become a drunk and willing to yell at everyone who annoys him until they back down. He's gone from being a harmless but otherwise good man to being more and more just Robert Barthaeon the early edition. Thankfully, he's not taken to spouse abuse yet.

The battle scenes are both the best and worst part of this episode. The plot armor is strong with Daemon Targaryen as he shrugs off multiple arrows as well as stands up to a hundred men before bringing down his dragons. On the other hand, I also like the implied politics of it all with the reason the Crabfeeder was winning is because he had a nation standing behind him while it was just Daemon as well as House Velaryon trying to take him down. Sometimes dragons win wars, other times its logistics.

In conclusion, I liked it more than Rings of Power's opening episodes but I think I'm going to be continued to be disconcerted with all these massive time jumps and I know there's still more ahead since The Dance of the Dragons is a decade or so aware. I always love dragons on screen, though, especially when they're frying people and could have used more of that. Just keep Rhaenyra being awesome, give me some more Matt Smith's Rogue Prince, and throw in more dragon action--that's all I want show. Also a half point off for not naming the episode, "A Feast for Crabs."

In conclusion, I liked it more than Rings of Power's opening episodes but I think I'm going to be continued to be disconcerted with all these massive time jumps and I know there's still more ahead since The Dance of the Dragons is a decade or so aware. I always love dragons on screen, though, especially when they're frying people and could have used more of that. Just keep Rhaenyra being awesome, give me some more Matt Smith's Rogue Prince, and throw in more dragon action--that's all I want show. Also a half point off for not naming the episode, "A Feast for Crabs."
At least there's still sense of timeline with this show. That long time consisting of several years have passed.

Rings of Power? They turned 3000 years into mere 40 years. It's just that bad.