House of the Dragon

Now com on guys, as entertaining it is to all bash the Edgenut, a little drama (like a revolution) here and there don't hurt no one! As long we keep it funny. Always keep it funny!

Sheesh! Wasn't that exciting everyone. Almost felt like NMA 2011.
Those were the days! The days when people still posted here due to FNV being out recently.
Like I remember back in 2016, going to this site just to bash Fallout 4 because I was so unsatisfied with the lack of content and samey stuff. I was basically using games like Xcom and Doom 2016 how those games were much more well made and treat the original legacy much better. Yeah I do enjoy stuff to spite upon a thing that I hated. Silly me I was also using Wolfenstein to bash Call of Duty.

I mean some critics have encourage people to watch House of the Dragon instead of RoP. Like this YT short trying to suggest

It's not entirely negative, but negative-positive which could be effective marketing tool. Bashing a product while gleefully enjoying the alternative one. I doubt that would be free advertisement to make people more curious to RoP.
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Yeah. I feel they honestly should just take their time with the show to give the characters room to breath and develope - well they probably obviously can't anymore with this season as it's already done so we have to wait and see what the other Episodes bring.

But they already do have an IP that will probably shit gold in the future, that feels fresh enough as far as fantasy goes and Martin is a good writer/advisor - except when it comes to finishing his own god damn stuff. It almost seems like HBO is kinda afraid here to "bore" their viewers or something. But that's exactly what people want I think from this show, the stuff that someone like Todd-who's-laughing-now-Howard would call "boring".

The dialogue. The interaction. Battles and action scenes are just the cherry on the cake where plot devices get resolved, characters killed, schemes unraveld or destroyed. Like when you think back about, the Sept of Baelor, the High Sparrow and how it ended. Easily one of the best part of the show. But only because we've seen all the interaction between the characters, the smaller and biger ones and the High Sparrow. It wouldn't have had nearly the same kind of impact if it happend after 3 Episodes where you don't even knew half of the cast outside of a few short scenes. And that's the main issue with this Crab-Battle in the new show. It just happend too suddenly.

Apparently, according to some people I know who actually work with HBO (amazing the friends you make over fandoms), the executives and producers were not at all confident that House of the Dragons would succeed. Game of Thrones was too big of a massive cultural phenomenon NOT to try again with but they killed the 30 million dollar Prequel "Blood Moon" because they didn't think it would go over well.

So it's very likely they made the "cliff notes" version of the first season because they wanted to get to the actual civil war as quickly as possible because they were worried this wouldn't be a major success.

It's also why they only ordered one season.

Needless to say, that it HAS succeeded as big as it has is a huge relief given the network has been doing massive austerity measures.

Like I remember back in 2016, going to this site just to bash Fallout 4 because I was so unsatisfied with the lack of content and samey stuff. I was basically using games like Xcom and Doom 2016 how those games were much more well made and treat the original legacy much better. Yeah I do enjoy stuff to spite upon a thing that I hated. Silly me I was also using Wolfenstein to bash Call of Duty.

I mean some critics have encourage people to watch House of the Dragon instead of RoP. Like this YT short trying to suggest

It's not entirely negative, but negative-positive which could be effective marketing tool. Bashing a product while gleefully enjoying the alternative one. I doubt that would be free advertisement to make people more curious to RoP.

House of the Dragon is getting some rather unfortunate praise from the very people who hate Ring of Power, which is a shame because I hate agreeing with them. Even the "hate everything" bloggers are going, "It's surprisingly good and not nearly as woke bullshit as I thought."

Which...yay. :sarcasm:
All because it does not have black elves though. Nothing to do with the quality of the new LOTR show which to be fair is never going to be as good as something HBO does because HBO has been dong this shit for decades.
All because it does not have black elves though.
They do have black Velaryons instead, but at least the showrunner truly gets what the books mean.

The bastardization of what could happen with the RoP show though, it's very atrocious.
You will never see Rhaenys Velaryon being the sole matriarch of House of Velaryon or Rhaenyra capable of beating several raiders with her own hands, while her guardians being portrayed inept and incapable to provide single blow. Or how they just die after being shoved back as if they don't have any bones or something.
It's like Rhaenyra is the Galadriel we should have, eventhough she doesn't glow, have slightly pointed ears, or particulary lovely blonde shade of hairs, barely any "magic". But the show gets it truly that you can portray a woman in position of power that deal with people, power as that be, and intrigues. And lots of more could be said. I can go paragraphs about Galadriel alone, God I swear really.

And you will never this show being so devoid of extras portraying day to day activity, the city of King's Landing.
But no it's not just black elves like the opposing side would demonize us as being the only criticism for the show.

It's noteworthy that the wikipedia page of the show does not even include the surrounding controversy about the lack of true to lore potrayal. It's a classic propaganda through and thorough.
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Honestly, a show that played like 8000 years ago, could have been actually a lot more interesting. Watching the first long night unfold. The fight between the first men and the forrest people and all I mean we already do know how they made Ice Vecna. Now I want to see them riding focking Ice spiders.

So much potential. Could even get a glimpse of "Old Valyria".

I am confident though they might do it at some point.

All because it does not have black elves though. Nothing to do with the quality of the new LOTR show which to be fair is never going to be as good as something HBO does because HBO has been dong this shit for decades.
They have black Velaryans . But that's ok.

They don't get them dragons though. Fucking white dragon privilege again I guess.
They don't get them dragons though. Fucking white dragon privilege again I guess.
The reasonings seem to be around Velaryons being more cosmopolitan trading family and that also means they don't have to adhere to strict in-breeding policy ala Xwedodah or Pharaoh.

Fair enough, still doesn't change the fact that most Valyrians are tremediously very pale and basically walking potrayals of Alexandrian Genesis Legend.
House of the Dragon is getting some rather unfortunate praise from the very people who hate Ring of Power, which is a shame because I hate agreeing with them. Even the "hate everything" bloggers are going, "It's surprisingly good and not nearly as woke bullshit as I thought."

Which...yay. :sarcasm:
Whatever you think about them, it's clear that the network attention could be swiftly turned into HBO's favour. Now, getting the message to the corporate guys above that the Show being successful due to being able to convey book rich lore and "too much going around" is another matter entirely....
HBO has always done good work so even if this show fails it will succeed.
HBO made good shit twenty/thirty years ago and has carried that tradition forward. They are not all stuff I wanna watch but they make good stuff and distribute them through others often like with The Hitcher.

By Dawn's Early Light alone is worth HBO existing. That is before we even hit the modern post-00 shit I am not even talking about. Mr Show for instance was fucking great.

I think they probably have better series though.

When I was young Tales from the Crypt was what HBO was known for at least to my little kid brain.
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Well a red haired one would have torn off the Witchkings invisible face. So there is that.

The "Angry White Nerd" crowd has always existed and is nothing to do with the political climate of the times. We had this kind of bitching about comic books when I was going to college in the early 2000s on forums and comic book shops.

I think my first exposure to it was the guy who utterly hated Cassandra Cain because she wasn't Barbara Gordon and my best friend, who is almost generation older than me, talked about how Supergirl was once the most hated character in Superman fandom and that was why Crisis on Infinite Earths killed her even though she'd been a Superman character for twenty years and made by the original creators.

I think it's something elemental really.

But still, you've got to wonder about how these assholes missed:

* Tolkien was always enjoying his action girls and wrote Eowyn in alongside Galadriel and constantly was upping the latter's roles in his notes.
* George R.R. Martin's books make the Medieval oppression of women like 20% of the plot of his books (Arya, Cersei, Brienne, Asha Greyjoy, and Daenerys)
And she was blonde.

Well a red haired one would have torn off the Witchkings invisible face. So there is that.

Her hair is golden like a lion’s mane and her eyes are clear and green like the first leaves of spring.
Her hair is silver, her skin is pale, her eyes are grey and her lips are a blood-red.
It is the feet of a golden lion towering above, its claws the size of swords, behind it loom the blackened walls of Isengard.

Her voice is like a song.
Like a harp plucking its strings.
like a willow swaying in the breeze on a moonlit night.
like that of crickets chirping in the dark, soft and inviting.

Her touch is like velvet, soft and inviting.
Her skin is warm and supple. As pale like a ghost and cool to the touch, but it is also warm, like a blanket on a winter night.

She is...perfect.

* Tolkien was always enjoying his action girls and wrote Eowyn in alongside Galadriel and constantly was upping the latter's roles in his notes.
You might also missed how she was already finding her love life (Celeborn) as her story evolved, as she was written to be in a power couple right at the beginning. By far the biggest traversity this show has. She has none? No man, not even good portrayal of her dynasty. Brothers barely mentioned, no father or no mother.

No flashback of conversation between her, Melian, and Luthien. You know avoiding that rule of two women talking to each other other than three topics, whatever that name. I mean the show has the guts to show the statue of Luthien.

No assholes here, just someone that paid too much attention to the lore.