House of the Dragon



@Crni Vuk Outch

House of Dragon, full of Dragon poo.
Spiders eat Dragon poo, make Spiders big and large.
Spider bit Elf lady on left nipple. Nipple grow very big, very, very big.
Elf lady lie on back. Lay on back in Netherlands. Mountaineers from Holland climb huge nipple.
Elf Lady sell Spider venom on E Bay. Lady stash money in Virgin Islands. No pay tax
Boyfriend of Elf Lady @Crni Vuk say : " That kinda wanna makes me suck.
Mr Hasslehoff say : " That wanna kinda makes me wanna fuck.
Mr Boobydook say " Yo dudes I just kinda wanna look.
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William has been warned for posting dumb shit repeatedly and making everyone put him on ignore to where only I have to deal with him. I would like to keep this thread relatively shitposting free. William stop with your multi color off topic bullshit that nobody is entertained by. If it was entertaining it would fly. It is not. That is why others can get away with stuff you cannot.
I don't wish for this to drag on. Outch . I just re read my post in a Chinese accent. I thought it was whacko as fuck and thouroughly enjoyed the tonal values of the sentences.

I would like to petition for a word change in the first sentence of your post. I have been nagged at by the old women but never warned.

Also you have now admitted I am treated differently from virtually every other poster (double poster) on this site NMA.

@Hassknecht Openly admitted the order is elitist, separitist and apartheid. I:salute: At least he is honest.

You, my new best buddy from across the pond, you work like a trojan setting new topics to squabble about.
Dude you are treated different because you act more retarded than anybody here. Just let threads flow and stop making everything about you. Or is the multi color text because you are being clever? Don't answer that.

"KING OF THE NARROW SEA" is the fourth episode of House of the Dragon and when things get SPICY. Unfortunately, for those who love hot and steamy Game of Thrones sex, it is sex that is frequently made unappealing due to the fact it shows the power imbalances as well as grosser element to Westeros. After all, one of the scenes is between an uncle and his niece, another between a gangrenous old man and his young bride, and the third is between a man who can't say no to his superior. Oh there's also an orgy but that's just background noise on HBO by now.

The premise is Rhaenyra Targaryen is taking her quest for a husband less than seriously. She is hosting whole hosts of noble lords and insulting them while treating it as an episode of The Bachlorette, Westerosi edition. Unfortunately, for the nobles, she has no interest in getting married and this is all a game. A game that turns deadly serious in a conflict between a Bracken and Blackwood suitor. Mind you, as a fan of the books, I'm well and truly sick of the Blackwood bias and wish the Brackens would go Red Wedding on them.

Daemon Targaryen has returned as "King of the Narrow Seas" but turns around the perception he is an upstart by laying his ground before his brother's feet. Unfortunately, whatever good will he gets from that is something that he quickly squanders by taking Rhaenyra on a tour of the city's taverns as well as brothels. A scene that results in her having what may or may not have been consummated sex with Daemon but does lead to actual sex with Criston Cole. This gets her spied upon by what is implied to be Daemon's mistress, Mysaria, who reports it to Otto Hightower. What follows is a show of the double standard between men and women in Westeros regarding consensual sex.

This is an episode without much in the way of dragons or violence but does a lot to forward the characters' arcs. I'm glad there's no real time skip this time and we can follow up on the events of previous episodes. Time skips were inevitable but I felt like they were harming our connection to the protagonists. That's rectified and we have some much-needed focus on the relationships between Alicent-Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra-Daemon, Rhaenyra-Criston, Viserys-Alicent, and Viserys-Otto. They are a very-very twisted bunch and a tangled web of allegiances that finally reach their breaking point.

The subtext that Rhaenyra's fear of marriage and intimacy is due to her mother's horrific death is made text and Daemon helps educate her that sex can be pleasurable. However, it is also muddled by the fact that he's planning to ruin her reputation in hopes of being able to marry her. Daemon pulls back (or perhaps "out") at the last second, though, because he realizes it's wrong. This just leaves Rhaenyra horny as all get out and sends her into her favorite Kingsguard's arms. Ser Cole, who is only there by Rhaenyra's patronage, doesn't exactly have the opportunity to say no either.

Meanwhile, Alient Hightower's marriage is shown from her perspective and it is an utterly miserable horror show. Viserys is slowly rotting away from the inside and out but his sexual urges are undiminished. Alicent also reacts with visible jealousy to Rhaenyra's dismissive attitude to her suitors. She also spends a good deal of time drinking wine and becoming ever more Cersei like in her attitudes. Plus, when given a choice between her father and best friend, she of course chooses her father.

Otto Hightower also badly misjudges his position with Viserys as he gets what he believes is the perfect bit of news to get Rhaenyra disinherited, only to find himself under attack for spying on the royal family. The fact Rhaenyra knows that Ser Otto is plotting against her results in her first victory in the game of thrones by getting him thrown out of his position. It, sadly, comes at the cost of agreeing to an advantageous marriage.

Solid episode, lots of good character-building and plot advancement.

Don't make me watch this show. This sounds disturbing and not one note. Goddammit.
It is kinda funny because I enjoyed Rings of Power more than I thought I would. I think Eissa fucking hates me now.
Naw. I don't think she's even capable of hate.

She will probably What-The-Fuck-Is-This-For-A-Shit your posts more often.

This is an episode without much in the way of dragons or violence but does a lot to forward the characters' arcs. I'm glad there's no real time skip this time and we can follow up on the events of previous episodes. Time skips were inevitable but I felt like they were harming our connection to the protagonists. That's rectified and we have some much-needed focus on the relationships between Alicent-Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra-Daemon, Rhaenyra-Criston, Viserys-Alicent, and Viserys-Otto. They are a very-very twisted bunch and a tangled web of allegiances that finally reach their breaking point.
They should have done it like in The Crown. They did time skips really well. Like between seasons. That way the characters have a lot more continuity.
They should have done it like in The Crown. They did time skips really well. Like between seasons. That way the characters have a lot more continuity.

HBO had a somewhat hot/cold relationship to HOTD apparently. They were willing to spend 200 million dollars making the season but had no idea whether or not the show would actually be able to get Game of Thrones numbers after Season 8. So, the developers apparently had to do the first season as backstory but the backstory IS the juiciest and most intriguing stuff. When it gets to the actual war, the twists and turns are a lot less interesting.

A more interesting and balanced take might have been:

Season One: Alicent and Rhaenyra's friendship, the War in the Stepstones
Season Two: Rhaenyra off with her upcoming marriage to Laenor/Daemon's own marriage
Season Three: The Greens and Blacks form into power blocks
Season Four: The Civil War

In a very real sense, "We Light the Way" is the end of Season One of House of the Dragon and in a more just world where HBO had more faith in the series then it would have been Episode 10 rather than Episode 5. The series has been rushing through the majority of the story about the Dance of the Dragons in Season 1 with numerous time skips as well as signs that another lengthy one is ahead. They seem to want to desperately get to the actual Targaryen Civil War and unwilling to give any time to rest to the plots going on. I think the show would have strongly benefited from letting them have an additional five episodes to soften the characters up.

I have somewhat mixed feelings on this episode as a result as it resulted in the jumping past of several more points in the story as well as signals the end of our current crop of actresses. Milly Alcock and Emily Carey did fantastic jobs as both Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent. While neither of them can pass for mothers of twenty-year-olds, I think their absence from future episodes is part of the reason that I am so down on this episode. They did an amazing number of changes to the status quo but no room for following the consequences up.

The episode opens up with what I suspect will be one of the two major controversial scenes of the episode with the introduction of Lady Rhea Royce, Daemon Targaryen's wife, who makes a great first impression. Unfortunately, Lady Rhea Royce taunts Daemon one too many times and he either causes her horse to rear or takes advantage of it doing so to kill her. This is the darkest action Daemon has taken yet and I wonder if any of the fanboys or girls will change their minds about supporting him.

Rhaenyra accepts the marriage proposal of Laenor Velaryon and the two of them discuss their impending nuptials. The problem being that Laenor is gay as the day is long and Rhaenyra is aware of it. However, they're cousins and good friends so they decide to make the most of their marriage by agreeing to have an open relationship. This IMMEDIATELY backfires with the fact that Ser Criston Cole has fallen deeply in love with Rhaenyra. He's crippled with guilt over breaking his oath of celibacy and the idea of being Rhaenyra's lover while she's married to another man disgusts him.

Viserys Targaryen is on his seeming last legs both heath-wise and monarchy-wise, so he's doing his best to marry Rhaenyra off to a house that will support her claim. Lord Corys is kind of iffy about the whole thing, far more so than you would have imagined for a man being offered the chance to make his grandson or daughter ruling monarch. It's clear that not even Corys has much faith in Rhaenyra's ability to keep the throne.

Ser Otto, by contrast, is someone who holds the blame for his dismissal on everyone but himself. Particularly, he blames his daughter for siding with Rhaenyra and says that her children would be murdered by the Princess if she were to ever ascend the throne. It implies that Otto would have the same sort of view to any children of Rhaernya and shows the man to be truly contemptible. Alicent also lets the poison sink into her soul due to both her father's influence and Ser Criston Cole confessing, unprompted, that Rhaenyra slept with him.

This leads to the mother of all awkward feasts as everyone has started plotting against one another openly for what amounts to no reason whatsoever. The friendship of Alicent and Rhaenyra is severed because the former is jealous of the latter's freedom as well as a willing pawn in her father's games. The latter is not really aware how the hurricane of her actions has affected the people around her and enjoys stirring the pot more, including teasing her uncle who wants to wed her.

I have some issues with the wedding itself as it seemed like murdering a man in the middle of one would have more consequences than it does. Then again, Ser Criston Cole is a Kingsguard so I'm sure the Kingsguard union will come to his defense. He might end up on Administrative Leave for a month with pay thanks to Alicent's involvement. I'm sure Laenor's lover will be found with a sword in hand and some milk of the poppy sprinkled over him. AKAB.
Oh well, we'll see how the next massive time skip of about fifteen years or so goes.

I heard people liked this episode more but you did not. I tend to disagree with your assessment on the show needing 5 more episodes but that is due to me thinking that shows should cut the fat and stick to 8 to 14 episodes in a season. But I don't know shit because I do not know the source and you do. I will say this is gonna be a binge for me for sure. The buzz is more than enough for me to have trust in it pulling off something worth watching.
I heard people liked this episode more but you did not. I tend to disagree with your assessment on the show needing 5 more episodes but that is due to me thinking that shows should cut the fat and stick to 8 to 14 episodes in a season. But I don't know shit because I do not know the source and you do. I will say this is gonna be a binge for me for sure. The buzz is more than enough for me to have trust in it pulling off something worth watching.

Apparently, each episode is averaging 29 million views. It seems that HBO will be making dragons and plate mail for the indefinite future.
I wish they would make Dark Tower but King is such a chode now they would ruin it I wager.
I wish they would make Dark Tower but King is such a chode now they would ruin it I wager.

I was never more disappointed in my life by the realization the Dark Tower movie was not an accurate book adaptation.

I was like, "This could be a MASSIVE success. All they have to do is keep it so Roland is a complicated morally ambiguous fanatic who will kill a child."

Movie: Loves children and would never hurt a child.
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I have some issues with the wedding itself as it seemed like murdering a man in the middle of one would have more consequences than it does. Then again, Ser Criston Cole is a Kingsguard so I'm sure the Kingsguard union will come to his defense. He might end up on Administrative Leave for a month with pay thanks to Alicent's involvement. I'm sure Laenor's lover will be found with a sword in hand and some milk of the poppy sprinkled over him. AKAB.
Oh well, we'll see how the next massive time skip of about fifteen years or so goes.

Seriously who ever was responsible for the fight at the wedding celebration in Episode 5 should be fired. Or maybe donged on the head. I had to actually "read" what happend exactly and why those two characters suddenly ended up in a brawl one getting killed. Like what the actuall fuck. This is either bad camera work (not really showing the viewer what's actually going on) or some really bad script writing not explaining what relationship some characters have that it would come to that scene. And I still don't understand ... why that character now had to get involved in the brawl and beaten to a pulp? What a clusterfuck.