A while ago, not sure when, getting old, can't remember dates anymore, or maybe I'm just frying my brain with this game. Anyways, I was getting tired of FF7 and wanted something new.
Went down to the local video game shop and came across FO and FO2. Picked up FO, should have gotten both at the time, liked what I saw and bought it. At that time I didn't have internet access, and kept getting stuck on the game. Then my son was born and it got put on hold. Now years later I dug out FO and started it up again. I managed to finish the game a few times, and had a flashback of the FO2 box sitting next to FO1. So I went on a quest to aquire FO2. My only hope was EBAY, until my younger half-brother showed me the art of downloading. Now I am hooked up to FO2 and having a ball. Needless to say some things around the house are being neglected, OHWELL, priorities. Am i wrong??? LOL.