I can't point to any specific instance where I first became aware of Fallout, but I suppose I've been aware of it ever since it's release, having always been a gamer since the late 80's and generally keeping up with gaming magazines and the internet.
I only really started PC gaming last year and made a point of asking around the local exchange shops for any mention of the games, to no avail until recently. A couple of weeks ago I was just browsing in Game Exchange when I saw Fallout 2 peeping out of one of those wire baskets where they throw all the old games (travesty, I know). Anyway, bought it, got it home and fired it up.
Over the last couple of years games really started to lose their shine with me and I hadn't found anything that grabbed my attention; so I was kind of expecting to install F2, play it for a couple of hours, realise it's been over-hyped and leave it to gather dust on my shelf.
Good thing I was wrong.
So that Vault door opens, and I see that family standing there waving, I'm expecting a nice warm friendly intro.
When that gunfire rings out it really got me. I sort of sat back in my chair and just went '...Holy fuck...' and right then I think I knew I was in for a real treat. Been hooked on it ever since, still not completed it due to a couple of bugs and then having to start again after invalidating my save after patching it.
Apart from the prospect of the Temple of Trials all over again the thought of playing through isn't one that bothers me, since I know I can do things differently and not get tired of it.
Moving on, this very morning I was in town with a couple of mates, innocently browsing some dingy little nondescript PC store called ACE Electrics when I see none other than Fallout itself sitting proudly on a shelf full of retro games.
After nearly explosively ejaculating all over the manager I got it home and, after much weeping and cursing finally managed a manual install helped by the guide on this very site. (Thanks to the writer. It's Odin, right?)
Anyway, starting out with a pistol
and stimpacks feels positively luxurious after the horror of the Temple of Trials, and I'm looking forwards to actually playing it rather than typing up an overlong first post that's probably bored you to death already.
Still, two great games in the space of two weeks. I figure my mum must have rolled me up a pretty decent Luck stat after all.
(Sorry this was so long.... I'm a bit of a rambler.... )