How did you discover Fallout ?

My dad gave Fallout 1 to me and said, "This game is a great CRPG experience. You should play it."

And so I finally found the light by punching rats and other animals in the groin for critical hits. My world was never the same. :D
IIRC, I saw it at Best Buy, and practically crapped myself right then and there. A week later, I went and picked it up.

Fallout 2, same story, a year later.
First, I'm one of the "Oldies" players. Been playing CRPG's since Might&Magic 1 and DOS. I was in my late 30's then and have played most of the RPG's ever since. Fallout 1 came out in 97 like a rain in the wasteland. There had been a drought for more than a year of CRPG's and many of us thought the genre was dead. Fallout and MM6 were the only significant games to come out that year and why Fallout won many of the CRPG game of the year awards. Looking back, I agree. Fallout 2, however, is my favorite of all time. I've played it completely at least 10 times and partly at least another 20. I look foward to Fallout 3. ( "Oblivion" is getting old )
Fallout 1 & 2 was the first piece of software I bought for my new PC a little over a year ago. Picked it up used for $5 bucks at a pawn shop. I've since played more "advanced" PC games, as well as Tactics and POS on Xbox, but the originals are still the best.

And I love the Elder Scrolls games, too, so I'm excited about Fallout 3. Could be total disaster but it might just turn out to be a perfect union.
Simple enough, heading back to College one year I stopped by a computer store and ran into Fallout for $30 - snapped up the last copy they had (it was a return).

Frist quality RPG I'd played since wizardy 7. (Hazzah for multiple endings). Also the only game I've ever played that I found so worthwhile as to spend time on a site dedicated to it.
I met some Fallout fans in "Technogenic games" (some lost military base not far from city). They played with funny costumes and guns, one part of their community, which lived in woods reqruited me and we made raid on "town". Finally town was destoyed after our raids and muties invasion. I survived, because some of the town guard didn't know that I form forest band. After game one of them said me name of game and shop where I can find it. The game was Fallout-2 (I thought that F2 better then F and didn't mistake)

It was 1999 y
I saw FO1 once when my cousin was playing it... I was 8 or so back then, I didn't understand anything but I didn't need to- there was something in it. Not long after that I had my own Fallout copy and played the hell out of it while understanding only the basics of English, like "shit".
Significant other got me playing FO1 about five years ago, started my first FO2 game about a year ago, made it to San Fran when the hard drive crashed, finally reinstalled it and finished the game, loved it, worried if Bethesda's going to do for FO3 what it did for Elder Scrolls, the end.
Fallout 1 came pre-installed when my family got a new PC in 98, I spotted Fallout 2 in PC World some time later on (back in the days when PC games came in big cardboard boxes <3). Many hours were spent on both of them.

Fallout Tactics (I don't know what people here think of that, I only just got here), I got completely by chance: I was in Electronics Boutique on what was apparently launch week for it. I admit, the name sold it to me.
It probably started with the Intellivision, which my family got for Christmas in 1982. It certainly wasn't much of a system for adventure/RPG games, although there were a few that were definitely inspired by that tradition (two licensed AD&D games, Swords & Serpents).

The first computer-based adventure/RPG that I played was probably The Hobbit on an Apple IIe at elementary school.

My cousin gave me his old Commodore 64 in 1989, when I was 15 years old. That was my first home computer; before then the only computers that I had any regular access to were the handful Apple IIe and Commodore 64/128 computers at school. I'd had an 8-bit NES since sometime in 1988.

The first RPG that I got into on my C64 was The Bard's Tale III. I'd been playing pencil & paper D&D since late 1986, and I'd played the first two Legend of Zelda games on the NES, as well as Dragon Warrior (Quest), Rygar, and a few other games in that general style.

I discovered Wasteland sometime in 1989, and it became one of my favourite games on the C-64. Played a lot of Pool of Radiance as well, and I had copies of Ultima II and IV, but they never really captured my interest (Ultima VI on the PC was the first Ultima that I was actually able to get into). There were a lot of amazing things about Wasteland at that time, notably the relative open-endedness and the non-traditional setting. When I got rid of the C-64 a couple of years later and moved on to my family's 286 PC, I made sure that I bought a PC version of Wasteland.

I had been anxiously awaiting a sequel to Wasteland for a long time (and tried to find out as much about "Mean Time" as I could). I got Fountain of Dreams for Christmas the year it came out, having just read Scorpia's scathing review of it a couple of days earlier. So I didn't open it and exchanged it for something else.

When I first found out about GURPS Fallout and how it was a "spiritual sequel" to Wasteland, I was rather excited and read up on everything that I could find about it (not as accessible in those days, that's for sure). I was only minorly disappointed when they dropped the GURPS license and went with their own system -- and that probably worked out for the best anyway, to have a system tailor-made for the game.

I bought Fallout as soon as it was released and finished it within a week (about 20-22 hours of gameplay time, I think). Played through it a couple of more times by the time Fallout 2 came out, which I of course bought immediately.

I did buy Fallout Tactics from a bargain bin a while after it came out but never played it. Didn't buy Brotherhood of Steel on the consoles, although its existence doesn't offend me in the slightest.

Fallout and Ultima have been my two most highly-regarded RPG series for a very long time now.
It must have been 1997 when the game was newly released because I have the large Fallout box, and because it seems now, a very long time ago. I must have been around 13 or 14 at the time.

Anyway the boxart caught my attention more than anything else. I just liked the artistic style of it. I really thought the power armor helmet was awesome. Without knowing the game, I thought it was some sort of radiation suit rather than armor because the background art had a blasted nuclear holocaust city skyline. My Dad was as captivated by the boxart as I was, he liked the vacuum tubes and 50's-ish style.

While my Dad drove me home and not willing to wait 30 minutes it would take to get home, I opened the box and discovered the manual. The manual was so unlike most anything I had ever read that was included with a game. The artwork for the Vaultboy was so clever, and so was the presention of the manual as an actual guide to someone within the Vault. But I was really impressed with what the game was going to be like just from reading the manual. Considering the fact that I played many of my games on a Super Nintendo, I don't think I was very familiar with Role Playing Games. But I knew I liked games where I could really explore worlds and have a character I had some hand in creating.

With my old 75Mhz laptop I spent the day, and the day after just playing the game. It was the first time I had ever done that, or enjoyed playing any game as much as that.
I saw my brother play it (Fallout 2) when I was about 12 or something. I liked nuclear stuff and this post WW3 game looked cool so I tried it. And I loved it :) Beat it waaay too many times by now, but I must say that when I was twelve the different dialog options and ways to play the game were pretty cool, but I was more interested in the story and finishing the game. Now that I've replayed it at an older age I came to appreciate the game and what it accomplishes a lot more than back then.

Sadly I only got to play Fallout the first time 2 or 3 years ago when they brought out that Fallout pack that had Tactics in it as well.
I first came across Fallout (2 was the first one I played I believe) at my friends house when his cousin gave it to him, along with Fallout 1. Great game, I loved it. Usually only played it as his house though because I didn't even have a PC at the time.

Just a few weeks ago I saw screens/info of Fallout 3, and was reminded of Fallout (Couldn't believe I had forgotten!). So to relive it all, since I've forgotten so much, I just ordered FO,FO2, & FOT all from, and I have never played FOT.

So I'm pretty much going to be re experiencing it all, don't remember much.
I'm a recent convert - first bought Fallout (the original) in 2005. Played it; loved it. The characterisation was awesome and the developers had obviously gone for broke on the style, so here was a PC game I could respect.

Fallout 2, which I have played through only this year, kept what was good about the original and expanded what was great. I liked the fact that there's more humour in Fallout 2; it never seemed to me that the Fallout franchise was meant to take itself overly seriously (the developer comments at the end were enough to remind me of that).
Howdy All!

Well, I first discovered Fallout at my local Best Buy here in America. I was searching the bargain bin boxes when I saw Fallout. I also noticed there was a Fallout 2. So I bought them both. I dunno something about the box details and the brotherhood of steel helmet sold me. Been a fan ever since!