How did you discover Fallout ?

it -97 when i saw fallout 1 in local gamestore, being 12 years old kid it looked like a cool game :P

After buying it i was disappointed but few hours of playing and there was no coming back.
it was after the year 2000(don't remember when exactly). I read a preview of fallout in a magazine back in the day (1996? I still have the magazine I think... i'll scan it when I have time). After 2000, I went to a friend's house, and he had it. So I asked him if I could borrow the game so I could try it. and you know the rest...
My father bought some games when he got our first computer (back in 2000) and one of them were Fallout... back then I didn't understand english but I thought the game was so cool I played it any way... I'd say Fallout tought me english... :P
Febuary 2002, I purchased the thing at Wal-Mart...(the Fallout 1 & 2 $10 double jewel case)

Promptly got wasted by the rats outside Vault 13 because I used one of the stock characters. :shock:
Well what the heck...

I don't remember who pointed me to it, or exactly when it was (though it had to be sometime in 96 or 97), but I downloaded the FO demo. I wasn't big on demos back then, because I was still on local crappy dialup, and our phone lines suck. Big files did not make me happy, but eventually I managed to get and install it.

Even though it was just one town (a modified version of Junktown), and lacked so much great stuff that would be in the full game, I was hooked. I must have played that demo a million times before I could finally lay hands on the full game, which I bought at a local software shop the day it hit the shelves.

So for me, there really was no "discovery", because I was deeply involved with the game, as well as the community on the 'net through those years, and the minute it was even speculated that a sequel was on the way, I was among many others who were veritably frothing at the mouth in anticipation. I almost feel sorry for the development team for FO2, since to this day I have no idea how they put up with us back then constantly hounding them about when it would be available, the myriad of suggestions we'd toss at them, etc. Lots of great memories from those days... :)

Again, the moment it was available, it was mine. I don't still have the boxes, since I'd long since run out of places to keep all those bulky things, but I do have both the original gem cases with wire-bound books, quick reference cards, etc.

I'd be hard pressed to name any other game or series that I've gotten as much value for my money from. I couldn't even begin to estimate how many hours, let alone how many times I've played either or both of these things.

Here it is, 10 years after the release of the first, and still I load them up and enjoy the hell out of them quite often. You just don't find games like that anymore. :(

Hmm.... I don't remember what year it was (probably before 2000, though) but I remember hearing the bare bones of the game from my PC gamer friend, and thinking that I would like to play it. I'm not sure if I remembered that conversation, or if it was just a coincidence, but I found Fallout 1 in one of those big boxes for sale....I think it was $20.

I saw it and thought, "cool, this looks like fun.", was it ever. A few years later (about the time that FO: Tactics came out) I heard there was a sequel, but that there were some pretty alarming bugs in it.... so I waited a bit, and then got THAT one on sale, with the patch, and I still love both of those games.
I guess it was '97 or '98. I played a demo from a CD attached to one of Polish gaming magazines (I can't really remember it's name, but I think it was called "Gambler") and I fell in love with the product. I realized that I HAVE to buy it and I pulled several strings to get it from abroad. It was the game of my dreams, an absolute masterpiece. It's so sad to see what Bethesda's doing with the title right now. :shock:
I stumbled upon my father playing FO1 and it looked interesting so i gave it a shot. We moved though and lost the CD and a couple of years later i saw the double pack at Wal-Mart and bought it. But I'll never forget the first time I played and I even remember what the t.v was playing (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and I even remember the scent in the air (the smell of brownies). Woah sorry for the rambling, anyways I think I'm going to play FO1 now.
It was about 1999 and I went to my best friends house to play games on his Computar! Because his COMPUTAR was l33t and mine was not. He had just gotten the game (fallout 2), i dont know how. I walked in to the part where he was talking to Metzger. Somehow he found an SMG on a random encounter, and when Metzger was talking my buddy basically told him to F-Off, placed the SMG on Burst and did enough damage to see Half of Metzger fall off into bloody chunks. I think this was also about the same time I received my first erection. (j/k). I immediately started a quest for a new computer, meanwhile coming over my friends almost every day and watching him play. Eventually I got a good enough Pee Cee and installed FO2 and FO1. I never beat FO2 though, because there was something wrong with my old PC that made it crash all the way at the end for some reason, no matter how many times I tried. I just reinstalled a copy last week, but it is really glitchy on this new PC and whenever I save, then load every1 becomes a hostile (weird).
I played a Fallout (1) demo that came with a PC magazine. That demo, btw, was totally different from the original game. It had just one town, which was made just for that demo... it was really cool.
Morrowind brought me to fallout.

It was the summer of last year i found the simple joys of this awesome game. I Heard bethesda we're developing fallout 3 and went to check it out. I Thought it looked cool and i went to check out the old games. Then i decided to buy it.

Unfortunately i lost my disk :( then i upgraded to vista and got a new disk. so i cant play anymore

But hopfully someone will help me on the Q&A forum
My story.

I bought the FO1 and FO2 value pack at Wal-Mart, about 6-7 YEARS AGO! It was only 10 bucks, and I know when I see a bargain. I popped FO1 into my comp, and wasn't that all into it at the time. Keep in mind this was during my Half-Life playing days, so the dated graphic and turn based RPGing wasn't really doing it for me.

Fast Forward: I finally started playing FO1 about a month ago, and I love it. Even the graphics. :) I am also proud of myself that I kept the FO1 and FO2 CDs for as long as I have. I knew there was a reason I kept them around.
Well I was introduced to Fallout through a demo version sometime in the late 90's where the only place you could go to was Junk Town which was very, very differnt than it was in the actual game, and it seemed like everyone there had a freaking minigun, so I bought Fallout1 and loved it. Though I kinda wish I still had that demo.

Then someone was like, "you know they made a Fallout 2 right"? Social life ceased to exist for alittle while there.
New Enclave said:
Well I was introduced to Fallout through a demo version sometime in the late 90's where the only place you could go to was Junk Town which was very, very differnt than it was in the actual game, and it seemed like everyone there had a freaking minigun, so I bought Fallout1 and loved it. Though I kinda wish I still had that demo.

Then someone was like, "you know they made a Fallout 2 right"? Social life ceased to exist for alittle while there.

Pretty much the same thing happened to me, only I had the Mac version...

Thus when it came time to upgrade to a newer model, I practically begged my parents to get me a PC so that I could play Fallout 2. Fun times were had by all.
when i was 5 years old i saw my brother playing it, so i took the cd one night and got my sister to install it and i started playing it. i only got to the part when you had to kill decker, kane kept killing me so eventully i gave up. then after a year or so i restarted it and beat i. one of the best games ive ever played( its in my top 5).
When I was in 6th or 5th Grade 2002-2004 I used to go to my Classmates house and I was looking at his CD Rack, I noticed the name "FALLOUT:A POST NUCLEAR RPG" I instantly asked him about it. He said it was pretty crappy and hard to understand and said I could have it since they didn't like RPG's that much...(guess they bought it for the cool looking Enclave Suit) Anyways I installed the Game I accidentally pressed F1 during the start and I knew then how to play it. 6 months later my CD got scratched so hard that when you install it the files would always be corrupt. I wasn't able to play FO2 for another 3 Years(2007) Later on I learned how to use Torrents and Isobuster and now I have a US Version which I am playing again. :mrgreen:
Fallout Discovery

OK... I live in Brazil, and in Brazil almost anyone even had heard about Fallout. I was real young and everytime i walked in front of a bookstore i buyed a magazine (PC Expert, if i remember). One day it came with a game -FO2-
First play: pass temple of trials, kill everyone in klamath and den using my bare hands (tags: SmGuns/BgGuns/EnGuns), because the only thing i knew about english that time were "Hello/Goodbye"
2years later-second play: Started to learn english thanks to Fallout, never found vic however (cool thing: got to military base, blowed the entrance, killed everyone in the first floor, haven't repaired the generator and got to the first floor; there i killed every mutant with a leather jack and a LSW (i wanted their Plasma Rifles, but i tagged SGuns) than i tried go back i simply coudn't do it, started the game again).
more 2 years-third play: Learned english thanks to fallout, picked up a walktrought, learnt that guns aren't the only way to solve problems, finished the game and started modding it. This is was in 2001. And i'm playing right now (7 years of FO2 beaten)! I'm downloading FO1 today to learn more about the history.
Today i'm working on traducing FO2 to portuguese to my friends play it. Bunch of lazy bastards :)