(IC) World of Darkness: Hunter RP

Bob feels a bit unbalanced due to the flashbang effect but charges straight to the vampire. He tries to slash the unnatural being with his knife.

OCC: Rolled a 2 for accuracy +2 from Warrior -1 due to flashbang =3. Needs 13 to hit.

"OH FUCK" Bob shouts frustrated.
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The vampire is a flur of speed, it looks more like a blurry flash of movement to your eyes as it is practically dances around the groups attempts to hit it.

Still on the floor, George does his best to fight through the pain and lifts his rifle to fire a three round burst.
(OOC: Accuracy Roll 1-1(flashbang) = 0. Critical failure. Since accuracy drops off by two with each shot, he comes nowhere close to hitting it)

Unfortunately for George, the Vampire easily spins away from the incoming bullets as if dodging them was childs play, with the three rounds landing somewhere in the roof. To make matters worse, a "click" sounded off after the third round fired, signaling that George's M16 just jammed. The old rifle he's carried with him since Vietnam is beginning to show it's age, despite having had multiple parts replaced and rebuilt over the years.

@TheGM and @Alphons , your turn
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Detective Stozak has served enough arrest warrants over the years to know to look away when the SWAT boys flashbang a room. but he didn't have hearing protection this time and it still rattled him a bit. Regaining his composure to some degree, Ted sees a whirling blur of a shadow dodge a burst from George's M16 as he lays on the floor. Seeing an opportunity Ted raises his .357 Revolver and takes aim right where he guesses the creatures crotch will be.
Sit Down.
*Ted pulls the trigger and fires a round*
(OOC: Rolled 16 -1 =15, Damage Rolled 13 AC and Marksmen cancel each other. I think this is where I roll for Perception for the called shot but I don't know if my Psycho powers count or not so Rolled 8 +2/4 =10/12)
OOC: Shot landed, but Called Shot: Failure

Ted fires a round directly at the blurred speed of motion, placing a .357 hunk of led somewhere in the side of it's waist. The pure force of motion forces it to stop for just a second, knocking something off it's body, and forcing the item to fall onto the floor. A good look at what hit the floor, and you're able to see what it is - the creature was wearing a carnivale mask to cover his face, just like in his statues:


Looking back up at the creature, you can finally get a good look at the monster. It's wearing a long black and velvet red robe, and now with his hood down and it's masked knocked off, you get a look at it's face. It's a twisted mockery of man, a disfigured shadow of a human being. Looking down at it's hands, the fingers are long and spindly, and end in sharply pointed bone.


George grunts; "It's a Nosferatu. We walked into the lair of a fucking Nosferatu..."

The creature seems more enraged now than hurt, letting out a piercing scream in Ted's direction as it opens it's maw to reveal a long slick tongue, and multiple razor sharp teeth.

OOC: Damage roll was a 13. Vampire has 200 HP (unconscious at either 100 or 75 depending on severity of wounds).
200 - 13 = 187

@Alphons You're up :wink:
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(OOC: but do my Psycho power count?)

OCC: They do - for called shots. Unfortunately you're gonna need higher than a 12 to make a incredibly accurate shot on this fucker while he's dancing around the room at 40mph. Especially considering how small the target you chose was hah. You did manage to hit em though, something nobody else did.
OOC: Busy day at work today. Rolled 10- 1 from flashbang= 9 :mad:
Melvin is still dazed, by the flashbang and fires into what he hopes is a vampire and not just a shadow.
OOC: It's all good, Alphons.

The beast, enraged by the shot from Ted, immediately turns his attention to him, and flings himself towards the detective in the darkness, using his claw to slice through his chest, tearing through the clothing and piercing the skin like blades forcing him to backstep from the force of the blow.

OOC: Damage Roll - 13. Ted takes 13 damage.

~~~ END 1st TURN (RESULTS) ~~~
187 HP (needs to be knocked down to 100 to be captured i.e. for the battle to end).

35 HP
Ted: 37 HP
Caleb: FULL
Melvin: FULL

NOTES: -1 Accuracy Status Effect Due To Flashbang Is Now Gone. All Party Members Back At Full Accuracy.

Everyone may now take another turn again.

OOC: George's Turn

As shots fire across the room, George backs himself up against a wall, leaning his back towards the plaster of the wall. Seeing the beast slice through Ted, he again shoulders his rifle and aims right at the center mass of it's back:

OOC: Accuracy Roll Result - 18
First Shot - 18 (Hit). Second Shot - 16 (Hit). Third Shot - 13 (Hit).
(Each consecutive shot of the three round burst drops -2 in penalty for accuracy)

Damage Roll Result - 11
First Shot - 11 Damage, Second Shot - 8 Damage, Third Shot - 5 Damage. Total Damage: 24
(Each consecutive shot of the three round burst drops -3 in penalty for damage)

The shots land all within about an inch of each other, every single hunk of burning lead lodging themselves in his back.

OOC: Vampire HP: 187 - 24 = 163. The rest of the team can take their turns again.
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Caleb briefly considers tossing another vial of holy water again then decides bullets might be the best bet when the asshole is flying around the room like a banshee on crack. He takes aim as his compatriots are getting shredded, popping off three rounds in quick succession.

OOC: ROLLED a 19 for accuracy!
First Shot - 19. Second Shot - 17. Third Shot - 15
Damage Roll Result - 7 + 2 due to Marksmen = 9 on first hit. 6 on second hit. 3 on the third hit.
Check my work teacher.
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OOC: Dayum! Alright let's see.

Accuracy you had correct, all three shots hit.
For damage, it's the same thing, but you deduct -3 from each consecutive shot (it's -2 for accuracy, -3 for damage), so:
First Shot - 9 Damage. Second Shot - 6 Damage. Third Shot - 3 Damage.
TOTAL DAMAGE: 12 Damage. Your accuracy roll was great, your damage roll, not so much haha.
Vampire HP: 163 - 18 = 145 Left.

In quick succession after George had fired his rounds, Caleb immediately followed it up with a three round burst from his pistol. Unfortunately, due to the chaotic mess of the situation, getting a decent aim is a difficult thing to do. The first shot lodges in his side, whilst the other two graze his back, ripping off shreds of pale flesh as they drag across his skin before finally passing through and hitting the wall behind the beast.
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Bob gets flashbacks from the Jungles of East Timor. This Nosferatu is attacking in a similar way to whatever attacked his unit back then. He explodes into an almost animalistic rage when the Nosferatu hits Ted.


Bob lunges at the vampire with his knife:

OOC: To Hit = 15 (ROLLED a 13 + 2 [Warrior])
Damage Roll = 11
OOC: NICE! One thing is that your warrior bonus is to your damage rather than accuracy, but even with an accuracy of 13 you still hit. We just gotta increase your damage to 13, but this group is finally kickin' ass!

Damage Dealt - 13.
Vampire HP - 145 - 13 = 132 HP LEFT.

Vampire had gained "Weakened" state, and it's attacks will now have a -2 damage penalty.

Bob lunges for the creature of the night standing before him as it is recovering from the six bullets that just ripped through it's flesh. In a moments notice without even thinking, Bob plunges the massive knife in between it's ribs, trying his best to twist the blade while it's still in the wound, however the flesh seems to be too thick before Bob is forced to finally pull the blade out. Left in it's place is a deep gaping wound.

The creature is weakened, but it is still very much standing, and extremely dangerous.

OOC: @TheGM and @Alphons you guys can attack again, whenever you get a chance to catch up.
OOC: NICE! One thing is that your warrior bonus is to your damage rather than accuracy
OOC: Sorry about that.
I got confused with the description: "Any combat roll you make in melee will gain an automatic +2 to combat rolls"
I assumed combat rolls would be to hit. I'm just too used to other RPGs using "damage rolls" instead. :hide:
OCC: They do - for called shots.
(OOC: Ok, good to know)

God dammit that really stings Ted thinks to himself and he spins out of getting sliced and trying to maintain his footing, knowing fully well he got hit hard there, noting he can't take another one of those. More scars for the collection is what comes to mind while he hears the battle around him, the sounds of gunfire and animalistic screams bouncing off the walls. Getting tired of this, The Detective readies his .357 Magnum Revolver.
*Fires off 3 rounds in quick succession*

OCC: Accuracy Roll 1st shot 17 - 2nd shot 15 - 3rd shot 13.
Damage Roll 1st shot 15 + 2 = 17 - 2nd shot 13 - 3rd - 11.

OOC: I don't know how reloading works or if it is even of thing but just to get on record I've fired 4 shots and have have 4 more loaded since this type of revolver holds 8 rounds.
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OOC: @Risewild - No worries probably just my mistake with campy writing.
@TheGM Goddamn, that's a heavy hit. Also, yeh - I let you guys choose your own weapons so I kinda expected you to keep track of how many rounds you hold. Once you empty out your rounds you'll have to take a turn to reload. We could even add some type of reload system where you roll a D20 while reloading and if you roll a 17 or higher, you can reload AND shoot again in the same turn.

Also, your shots did a total of 41 damage, bringing him down to 91 HP. You guys are ALMOST there, you just need to get him to 75 before he falls unconscious.

After slashing through Ted, the entire party aimed their weapons and lit up on the monstrosity in unison, with Bob plunging a blade in the midst of it. Ted himself managed to recover, and fired three rounds at the beast who was now in point blank range. The second and third rounds landed firmly in his chest, however the first bullet found it's place square between it's eyes.

The Nosferatu's head swung back with the force of a .357 shot to skull, but amazingly despite all odds, remained standing. Despite being grievously wounded, he slowly lifted his head back into place and narrowed the chalk-white bulbs in it's skull it called eyes directly at Ted, full of anger and hatred. It was obvious that, unless it was put down very soon, it was about to direct it's attention once again to the Detective.

@Alphons you're up, but no rush, make your roll when you've got time.

After Alphons goes, that'll be the end of the second round and the third (and probably final) will start. The Vampire will go first.
OOC: Welp.
~~~ END 2nd TURN (RESULTS) ~~~
91 HP (needs to be knocked down to 75 to be captured i.e. for the battle to end).

35 HP
Ted: 37 HP
Caleb: FULL
Melvin: FULL

NOTES: None.

Everyone may now take another turn again.

Before anyone can react, in a flurry of speed the Nosferatu slams his left hand claw into Ted's chest and suddenly, with a inhuman flash of shadow at speeds unfathomable for any human being, all that can be seen are two shadows shooting out of the room and down the hall. In a single instance, the party can only stand in awe as they notice both the Nosferatu and Ted are gone.

Having been taken down the stairwell in what feels like an instant, Ted tries to regain his bearings before realizing he's not in the room anymore... he's back on the first floor in the entryway of the house. It doesn't take long to realize the Nosferatu is behind him, gripping him to pin him in place with fearsome inhuman strength so he can't run. With [three] words spoken ghoulishly behind him: "Requiem In Defricatus", before Ted can react - it happens.

OOC: Nosferatu uses his 1D30 bite attack - rolls a 18 in damage. Ted has 37-18 = 17 HP remaining.

A flash of pain rips and soars through Ted's nervous system and fires off every pain sensor in his brain as the Nosferatu sinks the entirety of his sharp-toothed mouth into the side of Ted's neck. He does not feed lightly, nor does he drink softly, and ensures the process is as painful as he can possibly make it. As Ted feels the blood flow through and out of his body at an astoundingly quick rate and into the mouth of the beast who has him held in place, he looks down and sees the gun still in his hand.

Despite the fact that he might not be able to run, his gun arm is free. There's no way his group is going to make it down the hallway and the stairs quick enough to help him. He knows he might only have one chance to prevent this moment from being his death at the hands of a bloodthirsty creature of the night.

(Both Psychic and Marksmen count for this one)
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ACK! *particles of blood shoot from his mouth*
Ted feels his llfe slipping away from him in a haze of pain and shock. however he has been in this
position before.
I *ack* Got you right where *ugh* I want you...
*Fires his gun right into the beast*
OOC: Accuracy Roll 14
Damage Roll 18
Ted does his best to fight through the pain, drawing his gun up and pointing the barrel square under the chin of the beast - who is so lost in the frenzy of blood feeding he doesn't even notice. With his last ounce of strength, he pulls the trigger. The shot can be heard echoing through the house.

Suddenly, in a blast of fire and gunpowder, the Nosferatu's head flings upwards from the sheer force of the gunshot, his teeth pulling small chunks of blood from Ted's neck as he does, leaving two very deep gashes in the side of his neck.

The next second feels like an eternity in Ted's mind, the Nosferatu's grip weakens over Ted and both of the two immediately fall to the floor and collapse in pain and exhaustion.

Meanwhile, George and the rest of the group are barrel-running down the top-level hallway as quickly as they can to Ted's help, unaware of what just happened as they follow the sound of the gunblast.