(IC) World of Darkness: Hunter RP

Caleb is the first to make it to Ted so he immediately begins to treat the wounds. He pulls a bandage from his medkit and gets to work.

I thought you were supposed to be psychic.

He jokes with a smile as he presses down hard to stop the bleeding. The vamp is not moving at the moment but even with half a head the fiend is still mostly alive. Possibly some kind of vamp torpor. Heavy footsteps can be heard as the rest of the group makes their way to the scene of the bloodbath.

OOC: Not sure if I need to roll for basic first aid or not.
Bob rushes to the stairs, almost tumbling down them. He sees Caleb frantically trying to save Ted.

Bob feels totally powerless, Ted is down, fighting for his life, and Caleb is helping Ted the best he can. But Bob would only be in the way in this situation.

He notices the vampire motionless on the ground. His first instinct is to kill the damn monster, but George made sure to tell him many times that we need this one alive, for information that can save many other people.

He finally manages to speak:

"Caleb, if there's anything I can do to help, just tell me. If there's not, I will be keeping an eye on this bastard, if he so much as moves a finger, I'll rip his heart off his chest."

Bob thinks to himself:
"If only there was something we could use to immobilize it. But the damn thing is too strong for any of the things I could find around."
Detective Stozak lays on the ground bleeding, hearing the rest of the squad rumble down the stairs towards him.
10-999! *ackem* 10-999....Officer Fucking down.
Ted lets out a slight heh at Caleb's quip and notcies Bob walking back and forth.
George walks up to Ted and looks down as Caleb as he holds his hands down to apply pressure on the massive gaping wounds in his neck. Then he looks over at the Nosferatu, ridden full of bullet holes from the fight but still alive - merely unconscious. His eyes draw back over to Ted, and quietly, he speaks: "You did good kid. You did good."

George leaves the house back out into the rain momentarily, returning about five minutes later with the dufflebag full of equipment that was in the back of the SUV. He hands Caleb a suture (needle), some thread, and sees that he's already got bandages. He instructs caleb to sew up the wounds and then bandage him.

"And give him a couple of these," George says, taking two of the hydrocodone from his prescription pill bottle and handing them to Caleb.

He walks back over to Bob and Melvin who are standing next to the unconscious Nosferatu, and kicks the beast with his foot. "We're going to have to make sure this bastard is in no position to go anywhere when he wakes up."

First, George removes a packaged needle and a bottle of elephant tranquilizer from his dufflebag, drawing the liquid of the tranquilizer into the needle. He jams the needle into the beasts neck, plunging the full dose into it's blood stream. Standing back up, he again reaches into the dufflebag, this time pulling rope from it.

"Here," he tells Melvin. "You remember how I taught you to tie the knots, right?" (OOC: Alphons, Melvin uses his Trapper trait to tie up the Nosferatu).

Finally, George lights a badly needed cigarette, and then looks around the room. He exhales slowly, tobacco smoke rising from his lungs and out of his mouth before dissipating in the freezing cold air of the house.

"We're not done here. We still need to search the place. Upstairs and the basement."
"Sure George...but stop moving so we can fucking bandage you too. Maybe this is a good time to tell you that smoking is bad for your health when you are coughing up blood. When the fuck were you going to clue us in on that little piece of info?"

Caleb is clearly upset. Melvin is struggling with the binds on the vamp due to lingering shakes from the mindtrip, Ted looks a little pale due to blood loss but will likely live, and the Nosferatu's head wound may or may not be closing up a cunt hair at a time.

"Melvin you mind watching Ted, I don't trust him alone with this shithead? Unless George thinks the tranq will hold...."

"Bob, I think we can handle this together regardless. Get your game face on"

OOC: Although maybe leave bleeding George here for that purpose.
OOC: Alphons is here just make your move brother.
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Melvin looks around, scanning for something useful.
We could tie him with something that would make noise in case he wakes up and moves.
George walks directly up to Caleb and looks him square in the eye.

"Don't ever fucking question me again, son." He points to the unconscious beast on the floor

"I've been fighting these sons of bitches since you were in High School, and crawling through the jungles of Vietnam when you were nothing more than a nutstain."

He takes a drag from his cigarette, calming himself. "Look, everybody here is tense, I get that. It comes with the territory. When I told you all exactly what we'd be dealing with, it wasn't hyperbole. These fuckers are faster, stronger, and deadlier than you in every way, and they DON'T play by our rules. We came here tonight underestimating what we would be facing - and now" he looks over towards Ted, "we paid the price. It could have been a lot worse, we could all lying be on that floor next to him and we'd never get even so much as a picture on a fucking milk carton because as far as the world is concerned we're already dead. That was the price we all agreed to pay when we decided to hunt these fuckers."

George grabs a tin of lighter fluid from his bag, and begins squirting the canteen all over the unconscious Nosferatu. He then slaps a pack of matches into Melvin's hand. "If you think he's a threat even after you've tied him up, then light his fucking ass up."

"As for me, don't worry. I've had worse than a broken rib before."
He looks at Caleb directly. "As for that other conversation about my health, we'll talk about it when we get back to the safehouse."

"But right now, we've got a job to do. Finish patching up Ted and then wake his ass up. We've gotta search this place and be gone before dawn so our little "friend" here doesn't burn up on the ride home."

"Once you're finished stitching up Ted, him and I will search the basement. Meanwhile, I want you"
(he points towards Caleb) "and Bob to search the top floor. Especially take a good look around his office desk."

"Melvin, you'll stay here and make sure our guest is 'comfortable'."

OOC: @Alphons Your Trapper skill makes it an automatic success in tying him up, all you have to do is perform the action, no roll necessary.
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Bob nods when instructed to go investigate the second floor with Caleb.

Before he starts going up the stairs, he looks at Ted, and then at the vampire and mutters to himself.

"I can't wait for that monster to become a pile of ashes."

While climbing the stairs, he turns to Caleb and says:
"You did good mate. I'm glad you were here, we could have lost Ted today without you."
George sits on one of the living room chairs as the rain pounds against the window behind him, waiting for Ted who's been laid on one of the couches after having been stitched and bandaged by Caleb to recover enough to regain consciousness. In the kitchen, he had found an old bottle of whiskey. Most likely for party guests as vampires can't drink, but George figured his new friend wasn't going to be throwing any parties any time soon and helped himself to the bottle. Sitting on the couch sipping from the bottle, he holds a thousand yard stare off into space as his mind wanders to the past.

Meanwhile, Bob and Caleb are heading back to the office-bedroom in order to search for anything that may be of note.
"Thanks Bob but we ain't out of the woods yet."

Caleb laughs as they make their way to the vamps office to search for more information. He can still hear cursing from George as he stubbornly tends to his wounds by taking large gulps from a bottle of whiskey. The smell of cigarette smoke tells Caleb that Ted is at least feeling well enough to breath...for now. Melvin is taking care of the vamp leaving Bob and Caleb to search alone.

"Breach the door on 3-2-1-GO!"
The two move into the room to find it once again empty, except for the faint but unmistakable smell of gunpowder and blood. From the quiet and peace of the room, it would be difficult to believe that such a struggle had just happened less than an hour prior. There's a wardrobe next to the bed (Caleb's holy water vial still sits on the bed, unbroken, from where he threw it earlier) while on the floor is the Nosferatu's mask he used to hide his face. However, the most interesting area to search might end up being the office desk, with a PC on it the table is otherwise a mess of scattered papers, notebooks and pencils with a myriad of different drawers.

OOC: Both of you should take a 1D20 roll against your perception stat in regards to searching the room
OOC: Rolled a 9 with Perception of 6. +1 for every point in Perception past 5 so 9 + 1 = 10.

"We might need Melvin in here to check out this computer but I will see what I can find...oh shit is this Windows 10? I hate Windows 10. Hey Bob did I tell you about Bill Gates and his bloodletting fetish?"
Detective Stozak awakes from the hellish nightmare he was having for a bit there... his marriage. Now he remembers he just got mauled by a vampire so his mood improves a little. Sitting up he plants his feet firmly on the hardwood floor while holding his head thinking how bad he needs a drink. looking up he sees George in the chair next to him offering him a bottle of whiskey. Ted takes a hard swig before handing it back. Reaching into one the pockets in his coat, Ted pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a small matchbook, lighting it up he takes a deep drag and exhales while putting the match out.

Getting my ass handed to me by Vampires has become a recurring event I could do without.

George nods with a smirk before taking a drink. Ted leaning back on the couch reloads his revolver, pocketing the spent cases. looking at the defeated vampire on the ground, Ted takes another deep drag from the cigarette hanging from his mouth.

So what's next on the agenda, Chief?
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OOC: Rolled a 3 with Perception of 3. -1 for every point in Perception below 5 so 3 - 2 = 1. :lol:

Bob replies to Caleb.

And then thinks to himself.

"I have no idea what we should be looking for."
OOC: Roll Result - Failure. Bob has no idea where to even begin looking, and Caleb's attempt to find something came to a halt the moment he encountered a password on the PC.

"Well," George says, cigarette in mouth and bottle in hand. "I've got Bob and Caleb upstairs searching the office for anything of note that we might be able to use to tell us either who this bastard is, what he's affiliated with, or hopefully - where we can find more of his kindred."

George leans back against the chair for a moment. "They've been up there for about twenty minutes, but no word on how that's going. While they're looking around up there, I was waiting for you to wake up so we could search the basement while Melvin watches over our guest there" George nods his head towards the tided and bound Nosferatu. "While you were out and the others were upstairs, I had a quick peak around the rest of the house and found two interesting things of note. One is this here fine bottle of whiskey, and the other was downstairs. I took a quick look downstairs and saw two steel doors chained up with a padlock that'll take hours to brute force through. At first I thought I'd give a shot at picking it, but then I got a better idea..."

"You still got that key ring you found?"
Ted opens his coat and pulls out the key ring he had in clipped to his belt.

The Basement it is.
Bob's feeling frustrated because he's not up to the task he was given. Then he notices Caleb staring at the computer screen.

"George said we need to be quick, and I'm useless for this kind of job, but I'm good at carrying heavy stuff. Do you think we should just turn that computer off and carry it to our van?"
"We could let Melvin take a look at it later when we're not so strapped for time"
Ted and George head down the stair case and to the locked steel doors on the basement floor. George leans against the wall having a smoke, while Ted fidgets with the key ring, trying different keys.

Finally, after a few moments, George hears a pleasant "click" sound as the padlock drops onto the cold stone floor and the chains unravel from the doors.

"Well I'll be damned, looks like luck is on our side tonight."

Ted and George enter the basement room past the previously locked doors, stepping about five feet in until stopping dead in their tracks at the sight before them.

"Holy shit."

George takes his radio from his belt and tunes the frequency to the receivers of the entire team.

"Caleb, Bob. Drop what you're doing and come down to the basement immediately. Bring anything important that's small enough to carry if you found it, but get down here ASAP. You too Melvin."
Bob hears the radio and turns around ready to leave the room. Then he remembers the mask the vampire was wearing and decides to take it with him.

"If that monster was wearing this, then it might be valuable or something, better take it with me."

"Caleb, don't forget your holy water vial"
He says before getting out of the room. He then speeds down the stairs.
Bob and Caleb enter the basement room doors, completely unaware of why they were called down in such a hurry. Entering the room, they see George and Ted standing directly in the middle of it.

Just as they're about to ask what's going on, George pulls the light switch and turns the basement lights on, also causing Bob and Caleb to momentarily freeze up.

In the corners of the room are two women, wearing raggedly clothing and visibly beaten and scarred, with dried blood and fresh scars marking their body. A quick glance at them reveals that both are currently chained to the wall behind them, a lock around their ankle connected by chain to the brick walls of the basement. Both are visibly scared and terrified.

As several moments of silence pass in shock of the grizzly scene, George finally approaches one of them, the one in the left hand corner. Instantly she recoils, pleading not to be hurt. George reaches his hand out, to which the captive woman flinches away. Slowly, he checks parts of her body, specifically her legs, stomach, upper chest, and neck - finding very fresh and very recent scars in each location.

"Don't move," George states, looks in her mouth and begins to inspect her gums and teeth.

Finally, he gets up and sighs heavily, popping a fresh cigarette in his mouth.

"She's been embraced. From the look of the scars, and *that*" George points to a few blood bags of freshly extracted blood in a small case next to her, "it happened very recently. From the looks of things, she was embraced forcefully."

Unaware of what George is talking about, she remains quiet, in a fetal posture against the corner.

George turns around to the group and sighs heavily.

"Look. I don't like this, but... she's one of them now." He looks back at her, then back towards the group.

"There's no way to undo what was done to her. Believe me, if there was a way I would do it. But there isn't. She's been turned into an abomination - and though it may have been done against her will that doesn't change what she is."

"She needs to go, and unfortunately one of us is going to have to kill her."

Immediately at the sound of that last sentence, she lifts her head and begins pleading. "Please, wait, no! I don't even know what's happening or where I am! Don't kill me!"

George sighs. "Thankfully, the other one was never embraced." He points to the other female captive in the basement. "From the teeth marks and IV wounds in her arms, it looks like that bastard was planning on using her as livestock. Cattle. A blood bag in order to keep himself and... his new "unwilling acquaintance" fed."

He again looks back at the other woman. "It was done recently, very recently. She may seem human now, but believe me. It'll be less than 24 hours before she gets her first hunger pangs - and then beastial instinct takes over. It always does. She was brought into the Nosferatu bloodline. Give it 48 hours and her hair starts falling out, while her teeth reform into razored fangs. 72 hours and her face starts twisting into a morbid reflection of what it once was as her skin begins to turn to the color of corpse pale, and she'll begin looking like our friend upstairs. Five days and she's murdering people in the streets to stay fed out of desperation to stave off the hunger."

"One of us needs to do it. It's a horrible thing, but this is a horrible world. She's an abomination now, a twisted mockery of a human being. Terrible as it is... she needs to die."

The woman begins to sob, again pleading. She's obviously entirely unaware of what's happening, or has happened.
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