(IC) World of Darkness: Hunter RP

"Information on this Barony is bound to be useful. How do you guys like your vamps cooked?"

Caleb waves to the bald grisly fuck pretending to be something resembling a human.
George looks over at Caleb, with cigarette clenched between teeth, and replies:

"At about 1200 degrees Fahrenheit", he pulls the lever as sound of metallic grinding rings through the warehouse, the furnaces can be heard activating beneath the floors.

Suddenly, a streak of five flames fire upward from the ground below the cell, coming from the holes in the metal grating of the cell floor. George slams his hand on a button on the operation panel of the cell, turning the microphone off and silencing the screams coming from inside.

"Enough of that bullshit," he says. "Now - perfect time for a quick lesson."

A Quick Lesson
"As you all learned last night, blank-bodies aren't exactly the same as the movies portrays them, they don't have the same weaknesses. Water, does fuck all. Silver? Doesn't do jack shit against a vamp, useful of werewolves though. Garlic I've never actually had the opportunity to try. A cross? The vampire is more likely to shove it up your ass than he is to recoil from it..." George scratches his chin as he begins to speculate.

"Though... when I was hunting in Russia, I noticed that many of their hunters do carry crosses on them. Now granted it was for the usual reasons of religious folk believing it protects them, but apparently some folks, the particularly very faithful, can uses holy symbols against them. I've never seen it happen however, and testing new techniques during live combat with a vampire is a quick and sure way to retire early."

"So then, you must be thinking. What's the good news? Do they have any weaknesses? Well, yes. As you all saw last night, they're still susceptible to bullets, knives, and the works. However, because they're vastly stronger and they can heal otherwise fatal wounds in a matter of days, sometimes hours or even minutes for the stronger ones, where one bullet might put a human down you're going to need a lot more for a supernatural creature. Shots to the head still hurt them a hell of a lot more than a torso or limb shot, but unless you're firing a very high caliber rifle or shotgun slug rounds at point blank range then a single head shot is not going to put them down for good. You're going to need to shoot them multiple times, and never let up until you're absolutely sure they're dead... and even then you should hit 'em with a few more slugs for good measure to be sure. It's the same reason I lit the vamp we found in asshole's basement on fire even after Caleb killed her."

"Which brings me to my next point," George continues. "Actual weaknesses. Well, if they get exposed to the sun that's it for them, I don't care how old or powerful they are. After the sun, fire is their worst enemy. Now don't get me wrong, nothing stands up particularly well to being lit on fire, but the vamps - they have a particular weakness for it. They burn much faster than a normal person when they catch fire, and with enough of it you can light one up like tissue paper and crisp them in a matter of seconds." George gestures towards the cell, which now only ash and small bits of charred blackened bone remain.

"Other than that, there's one last thing I know of that is a surefire method. Stakes. They can be metal or wooden, doesn't really matter. For some reason, their bodies can't heal being impaled as easily as they can other wounds. Furthermore, if you manage to stake one in the heart, it paralyzes them. Depending on how powerful they are, a vamp that caught a stake in the heart could be out cold for anywhere from ten seconds to ten days."

After George concludes his "lesson", he instructs the group to start getting their belongings together. About five hours later, around 11 A.M., the movers have finally arrived, just after the ashes and bones of the cell had been cleaned out and sprayed down, and the firearms and ammunition had been hidden and packed away.

Finally, the group walks down the docks towards their new home, and after about a five minute walk, they see it. A 90 (give or take) yard long, newly christened, S.S. Artemis:


Top Deck:

Lower Deck:


The group board, as the refurbished and repainted metal creeks and groans under their feet. They notice, just as George said, the gun emplacement has been removed (by the Navy, before auction), and take a look around their new home. Going down into the ship itself, the group is pleased to see that there are enough individual crew quarters that everybody has a room to themselves. No more sharing bunks, no more storing all your personal shit in a locker in a warehouse.


After the movers bring everything aboard and the group pick out their rooms, bringing their personal items and effects aboard and placing them in their quarters as they please, the group meets up in the officers lounge. It is 6:00 P.M., November 1st, 2010 - and the sun has already almost finished setting while the moon begins it's new rise and ascent into the dusk sky.

George, lights a cigarette, taking a single puff before immediately breaking out into a violent coughing hack, spitting up some blood into his hankerchief. "Goddamnit," he grumbles, wiping the blood from his lips and taking a slow drag from his cigarette.

As they gather around the officer's lounge table, George places the black book down.

"Alright, here's the deal. Between what information we gathered from the book, Ted got from LeMont, and Melvin pulled from the harddrive, we have two options for our next new target. Our ultimate target should - and will be, whoever the hell this "Prince" is, and if we could even capture him that would be a motherlode of potential information. We may be able to discover what this "Barony" is, how the Camarilla actually works, it's ranks, how they mark and govern their own 'territories', the works. The only issue with that is, we know nothing about the Prince, we don't know what he does, where he lives, we don't even know his fucking name. All we know is that he's somewhere in Washington, probably Seattle. If I had to guess, this 'Barony' LeMont talked about in his journal is the vampire's society's version of a district, and this 'Prince' runs it. The best way to think of the Camarilla is to think of it like the Italian Mafia... only if the Mafia was a hundred times more powerful, and run by bloodsucking freaks. However - like the Mafia, and all organizations, I've collected up enough information over the years to know the Camarilla has a very complex and peculiar chain of command. Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies."

George takes a drag from his cigarette, and cups his hands together.

"Boys, this could be our chance. Our chance to take out one of the big ones. A possible Vampire Lord. Even in all my decades of hunting, I've only had such an opportunity once.

The Story:
I was tracking one of these bastards in Germany, back in the 80's a little over 20 years ago. My cell had travelled from the States to Germany following a trail, we discovered - with good evidence, that one of the bastards was present there. However, we made a mistake. One of my team members let a loose word slip in public, said something he shouldn't have. The word 'Tremere', a name for one of the vampire clans. The situation quickly turned, and we went from being the hunters to the hunted. We moved from safehouse to safehouse, throughout Germany, trying to dodge their spies. Finally, we decided the heat was too high, and we had to abandon the operation. Well, on our way out of Germany, driving through the countryside to France at night, we were ambushed. A van coming down the opposite side of the road suddenly pulled in front of us, forcing us to a halt and blocking the road. Just as we looked behind us to try to reverse, we noticed two more coming up from the south. They had been following us through the night with their headlights off from a distance. Once we were forced to a full stop, that was it. We were done. Muzzle flashes from the woods on both our right and left, opening up on our car and lighting us up like a damn Christmas tree. I took two bullets in an instant, one in my left hip and another in my right shoulder. I took a quick glance around and, that was it. My friends, my entire cell, six other people in a van, all dead in a mere instant from one quick ambush. I did the best thing I could think of... I played dead. Through a slit in my eyelid I watched two figures approach, inspect the vehicle from a distance, and then hit the front of the van with a lit molotov cocktail. I waited for them to leave before finally crawling over the bodies of my friends and through the smoke, reaching the van door and opening it. I crawled into the woods where I made a needle from pine, ripped up a sleeve and broke it down into thread, and closed my wounds. Slept that night in the woods. Haven't been back to Germany since.

"That is why, when I say that a Vampire Lord is a cut above the rest, I am not fucking around. They won't all be like our pal James here... we got lucky by coming upon a sheltered one who's life of luxury made him weak. We're unlikely to have that same luck again, and if we're going to go after what I suspect to be a Vampire Elder, possibly even a Vampire Lord, then we need to get our shit together and up our game. No more fuck ups like we had at the mansion. If we almost lost Ted to that fucking prick, I shutter to think how we'd do in a fight against an elder, or a lord."

George flicks the bud of his cigarette, pulling a new one from his pack of Newports and lighting it immediately after finishing the last one.

"Now, the unfortunate thing is, we don't know where this bastard is. So we're going to have to find him, preferably before he wises up and realizes we're here and hunting him. All we can do right now and continue hunting here in Washington, and keep our eyes and ears out for information that might lead us to this 'Prince'."

"As it stands now - we have two choices for our next hunt." George says.

"The first choice, is one Miss Victoria St. John, the owner of a downtown Seattle nightclub named 'Omen'. I took the liberty of doing a little digging, and the place is apparently very popular. It's a 24/7, and we can expect the place to be packed during it's night hours. On the rare occasions it's closed, the place has round-the-clock security on duty. The security is there while it's open as well, but they're probably just run-of-the-mill day wage security guards. They probably don't know the nature of their employer, but they could be a threat nevertheless. If we go after her, we're going to have to do some recon and develop a plan. I was only able to find a single picture of this broad online,"

George lays down an image on the table;


"This one ain't a Nosferatu," George states, "so it's not obvious by her appearance of what she is."

He then looks at the eyes of the group, trying to read and gauge their thoughts.

"Make no mistake, she may look like a catch. Innocent, pretty, just a human, but that is exactly what she wants you to feel. Blanks aren't people, they prey on them, and each one slain is who knows how many lives saved. No all of them are going to be ugly, ravenous looking monsters. Some are going to use other tools against you... tools like charisma, and possibly seduction. You must learn to combat this just as you learned to combat your fear when we faced the Nosferatu."

George leans back. "Or-" he begins, "if you don't think you're up for it, we have our second option for a target."

George brings out a map of Washington, and points to a small dot on the eastern end of the state. "Davenport. A small town with just a little over a thousand residents. Somewhere in that town resides a man known as Vincent Valtiere. We don't know much about him, other than he lives in Davenport and had obvious connections to LeMont's human trafficking business. If we choose to go after him, we'll have to poke around Davenport and find him, but given how small the town is I can't imagine it would be hard."

George leans against the table, arms outstretched and hands cusped while a cigarette hangs clenched loosely between his teeth. He gazes as the group.

"I'm not always going to be around to make these decisions, so I want you to start figuring things out for yourself. It's your choice - as a group. Who's it going to be? Who's going to be the next hunt?"

"Who is our next target?"
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OOC: I'm going to do an Intelligence roll on those two options to see the pros and cons of going after either them. Rolled a 15 + 3 = 18.
Roll Result - Major Success

After giving it some thought, you're able to discern a few things. Your natural precognitive senses along with the experience you've developed over the years as a Detective has made the two paths relatively clear.

Victoria St. John
Going after Victoria St. John is going to require a lot of stealth, wit, and finesse. Her club is a 24 hour club, and she is rarely seen to leave it, so if you were to choose her as a target, just getting to her is going to be a challenge in and of itself. Whether by manipulating events, stealth, talking your way in, or some combination of all these things, you're not going to be able to simply just walk in as you did with LeMont. You could conduct a heist-style plan to gain entry to her lair within the club through stealth, skill, or intrigue, or you could do an old-fashioned in-and-out raid. Your avenues of approach could be similarly compared to robbing a bank, both of these have their benefits and downsides, however most importantly one needs to remember anonymity and a low profile are two creeds a hunter must abide by or risk revealing themselves to the prey at large, and becoming prey themselves. This means that whatever you choose to do you must not bring too much attention to yourselves. If you do choose to just kick down the doors at the barrel of a gun and tip of a knife, you'll not only have to hide your faces but you'll need to be very quick in finding, locating, and executing her.

That being said, as a far as targets go, a vampire that rarely ever leaves their lair (the club) might make for less dangerous prey. There's also the chance however that she might not even be the only vampire there, and she's sure to be surrounded by servants on top of the regular run-of-the-mill security guards she hires to handle club security. Still, you doubt she's all that powerful in a straight up fight.

Most of the difficulty of hunting her would be getting to her without attracting attention.

> Foe personally might not be that dangerous.
> Lair is above (or beneath?) a crowded area full of innocents
> Avoiding detection/losing your cover may prove difficult
> Could be more than one vampire
> Has personal security on-site

Vincent Valtiere
A very dangerous foe. George said that the book had a symbol ascribed next to his name, that symbol being of the Tremere clan. You can't speak for the others, but you yourself actually paid attention when George took moments to teach you all about the lore of the supernatural. The old man stingily guards his secrets, which he claims it is the safest method to only feed bits of information at a time, but over the years you've accumulated enough information from him to have at the least, a general understanding of vampires and various other supernatural creatures.

From what you remember, George said that the Tremere were 'mages' of a sort, or at least the closest a vampire could get. You're not sure if you're correct on this, but you think you recall George saying vampires can't practice awakened magic. From your knowledge of what you've been taught about the Tremere, they have found a way around that by creating and practicing something called 'Thaumaturgy', or as George called it, "Blood Magic".

The Tremere are very dangerous opponents, holding skills and abilities other vampires don't have, and fear. Not all Tremere know Thaumaturgy of course, but a good number of them do, and because of this a Tremere can turn a hunter's day into a very bad day very quickly if they're not careful. Even without the blood sorcery Tremere are dangerous, having mastered other disciplines such as Auspex and Domination.

Long story short - crossing paths with a Tremere is no laughing matter, and won't be a very fun time. However, this particular Tremere lives in a very small town, just over a thousand residents. Most likely he is isolated, and the chances of him having other vampires nearby in this same small town is slim to none. Servants may be present. Not only that, but due to the isolated nature, you can take a similar path that you did with the Nosferatu, James LeMont - finding him in his home and taking him out without drawing much attention to yourself.

If you do go after him - you might not have to worry about exposure. But you will need to prepare yourself for a hell of a fight, Tremere don't go down easily.

> Isolated area where you can avoid attracting attention and blowing your cover.
> Very dangerous foe, certainly capable in dispatching a group of hunters
> Otherwise have little to no intel on him and his capabilities
> You'd be operating far from the S.S. Artemis, your base of operations. Along with an inability to easily resupply, this could have other unforeseen consequences.

* * *​

George sits at the table, taking in slow drags and exhaling smoke from his nostrils as he eyes the group and awaits suggestions or answers.
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Bob sits in thought for a while, then he sighs and finally speaks:
"I can take physical hits, but not mental attacks. So my vote is to go after the target that's less likely to have powerful brain fuckery."

Bob looks around at everyone else.

"Remember how that Nosferatu fucked up with our minds? I bet he wasn't even that powerful. I don't like to admit it, but I'm scared of some monster controlling me and making me attack you guys or even innocent humans."
Personally I'm cautious of meeting one of them in the middle of nowhere. How many people go missing in the countryside each year?
Melvin pulls out the laptop.
Let's see what we can find about the club and the St. John chick on the web.
OOC: Rolled 13+3 points from INT+ 2 CN= 18
Caleb is standing in the corner of the room leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, taking in all the details that George dishes out. The club while heavily guarded presents a much softer target than the vamp mage, who for all we know has the entire town working for him due to brainwashing or something. It does also present the opportunity for a lot of collateral damage but that is par for the course in this line of work.

"With our current info I think the safest bet is taking down the target we know more about, namely Victoria St. John. I'm not too keen on trekking into unknown territory to take out a mage unless we absolutely have to. Thaumaturgy is no joke."
Ted puts down the folder he was reading.

Caleb's got a point. Small Towns have Small Town People and Small Town People notice everything. Five strangers show up asking questions or just looking around it, is going to raise suspicion. Not to mention we have no gauge of how deep the vampire's influence runs in that town. He could have the entire town under his thumb or be hiding in plain sight. Right now I don't think we have enough information to deal with this.

As for a dealing with a night club, that will have it's own list of problems. Information about the building should be easier to come by. Municipal Records and the such. I might be able to brainstorm a couple Ideas about that.

OOC: Another Big Brain Roll of 19 + 3.
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OOC: Melvin's Roll Result - Success

Browsing through the web, after a few searches you manage to find a few things on her nightclub, Omen. It was a restaurant before Victoria purchased it. Looking at some digital maps via Google Earth, the club appears to be tucked behind a some buildings, with it's main access route being a small side road that curves back and around. On your laptop, you pull up the image of the club street view so that the group can see.


You decide to take a little bit more of a deep dive on Victoria herself. Turns out she just showed up out of nowhere one day to become the "nightclub Queen of Seattle" (as the press calls her). She did an interview with Vogue, there are a few interesting tidbits here like claiming to be an albino who's sensitive to sunlight. Digging a little deeper, it turns out there's some interesting rumors surrounding Victoria. From the way people make it sound, she just showed up out of nowhere about eight years ago and onto the club scene, dropping a ton of money into the renovation of her building - yet nobody in the business had heard of her beforehand. There is also an old article, dating about six years back, where the nightclub was apparently being investigated for sex trafficking (prostitution) and connections to a drug ring. These charges were mysteriously dropped.

After about an hour of looking, you come up on some information, well more like rumors, that Victoria may be clinically insane - with industry rumors abound of her suffering from things ranging anywhere from bi-polar disorder to schizophrenia.

You're just about to call it quits on the search before you find one more thing. She apparently has a sister. Lucy.

OOC: Ted's Roll Result - Critical Success
You know from your time in the force that most municipal records are public. Doing your own search online, you come across some information - such as the club being a restaurant before purchase and renovation. You're also able to find an old blueprint in city records, from before the top floor was added on in the renovations. You could only assume that this is ground floor, then.

OOC: I fucked up on the map a little bit so we can just assume whoever Greg is, he owns both the Pawn Shop and the Payday Loans. Greg's doing well for himself.

There are three ways into the club. The main door, of course being the first. There's also a sewer line that runs directly underneath the club and, apparently has an grating entryway somewhere on the basement floor.

Or, if you could somehow get onto the roof - the ventilation chute is large enough to drop through.
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Are the sewers a safer bet? I guess it depends on where we come out at...hell we could blow a hole in one of the walls (through the alleyway) and go right to our target if we are going in hot, but we need to know where she is at. We could go in with disguises to act like part of the crowd and also obscure our identity, but I'm not sure on her power level - she might sniff us out.

OOC: We need to know the elevation of the building for the roof.
George rubs his forehead, taking the cigarette from his mouth.

"I'd rather not go in guns blazing, but if we're going to do that it's going to need to be during the day, when there won't be too many people in the club itself. We'll also need masks to hide our faces - and you can damn sure bet that five heavily armed men shooting up a club in broad daylight is going to be all over the news. The only good thing from doing it this way is less worrying about people getting in our way when a fight breaks out. Also - since it'd be broad daylight we'd have her cornered. She wouldn't be able to run."

"Going in under cover is an option. I'm not sure she'll be able to notice us easily if we go at night, when the club is bound to be packed. We'll have to figure out how to get into VIP and then the top floor from there. The only downsides to that plan is there being tons of people who could potentially get in our way during a fight... and having to listen to whatever shitty music they're playing being blasted at full volume."

"Also - we'd be limited on our weapons options, it's almost a sure thing we're going to be searched at the door. Which means pistols and blades small enough to hide and nothing else. We'd also need to find whatever passes for 'decent' clothing these days, no goddamn way they're going to let us in looking the way we usually do."

"'Course, the sewers could be a better option. It might even allow us to bypass fucking around with the VIP area and head straight to the elevator, assuming the elevator goes down to the basement floor, which is where we'll come up from the sewers at. That all depends on how enthusiastic you all are about crawling through shit, though."
"Crawling through shit is no problem I just want to make sure when we come out the other side we are where we need to be instead of stumbling through the middle of the club covered in shit...that tends to attract attention by itself. Depending on how tall the building is we could park the van nearby and possibly climb on top and shimmy on the roof, but the sewers really sound like the easier option depending on where we end up."

Caleb peeks over Melvin's shoulder to check out the schematics closer.

OOC: Rolled a 4 with Perception of 6. Bah.
OOC: Your perception roll fails critically. In fact, it fails so critically that you realize you're not even looking over the right persons shoulder. It was Ted who pulled up the schematics, Melvin just had the Google street view up, lol.
Ted leans back in his chair.

Well I can tell none of ya have ever fished a body out of a storm drain before, which is what this is *points at the schematics*. Sewer lines are too small in diameter. I'm talking inches. But a storm drain is big enough for even somebody the size of Caleb to get through, though it might be a tight fit for him in spots. That said, there will probably be water up to at least our shins or knees. We'd just have to go buy a couple pairs of Waders from a local sporting goods store.

Ted gives a glance over the records he brought up.

I'd still like to scope this joint out. If these guys are sophisticated as they appear I want to know the lay of the land around nightclub. I'm talking streets going in and out. We also need to look up to see if they have a near by building or apartment watching the place. Operations like this, The illegal vampire variant I guess, would likely have personnel off site just in case somebody gets funny ideas. This loan place sticks out to me but it could be some place else, if there even is one at all.

Ted takes a sip of coffee and cracks his neck a bit. rubbing the are of his neck that is still bandaged up, just less so than it was before.

And after we get an idea of approach down, I'd like to get bring up Item Procurement. After the crap carnival at the mansion, I'd like to get some body armor. I've been shot in the line of duty before, being bit by fucking Vampire was just slightly worse. Also Weapons, We put how many rounds into that fucking thing and all it did was make him take a nap? Fact is some of these things are on the level of mountain lions on PCP and I think we might need something with more OOMPH.

Ted is obviously still grumpy about being mauled by a vampire.
"The problem with finding heavier weaponry is two fold," George states.

"In this particular case, unless we're going to kick down the front door there's no way we're going to get in there with anything larger than pistols and pocket knives, probably have to tape them to our back since most of the time patdowns go for the pockets and sides. But either way there's no way in hell we're walking in there armed with rifles... unless we're choosing to do this the hard way that is, and if that's the case and we're going to need to be quick. In and out, and I'm not fucking around - because the moment we kick the door down we can consider the cops to already have been called and on their way."

"The second thing about weapon procurement is drawing attention. Remember, we're not cops Ted. I have my M-16 but I've owned that weapon since Vietnam. If we start buying hardware off the black market, and god forbid get pulled over for something stupid like a fuckin' speeding ticket and they decide to search the van only to find a bunch of automatic rifles with armor piercing rounds, what are we going to do? We're vampire hunters, not cop killers. We're supposed to protect innocents and the unaware."

George pulls out his pack of Newports to grab another cigarette, noticing it's empty. He tosses it in the trash, and pulls a brand new pack from his coat pocket.

"But... if you still insist on heavier hardware, I might know a guy. The problem is, after buying this boat and the fuel and food we need for it, we're on a budget. We have fifteen thousand dollars left, as a cell. Might seem like a lot, but the average rifle on the black market can be as expensive as 1,500. So whatever we buy, we're going to need to think long term wise."

"As for the sewers, Seattle is a little bit different. The way the system is laid out, they should be large enough that we'll be able to fit, though just barely. The city planned them to have a multitude of access routes and maintenance tunnels, back when they were thinking of adding a Subway system, which never came to fruition."

"I agree that we need to get a better idea of the location, on location if possible. Melvin already has the street view pulled up on Google,"

George points to his laptop.


"It's tucked behind some other buildings," George notes, pointing at the intersection. "Near Central Avenue and Carson Blvd."
Ted chuckles a bit.

You keep forgetting Old man, I'm a just a not as old-man. If we needed shotguns or something we can take a road trip to Idaho. But I'm talking about something with more Oomph for these things...I dunno a Crossbow or how about a squirt bottle filled with Holy Water? I'm sure that Vial might have done something if didn't land on a comforter back at mansion. I sure as hell plan on getting a UV light to attache to my revolver.

Ted leans back rubbing his chin, pondering a bit.

Like could we have a crossbow bolt covered in Jellied Holy Water? What are the rules with that anyway?

Ted's mind races down avenues most haven't even thought of.
George shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. Personally I've never seen holy water used. It could work. I know regular water does fuck all, and I know that using crosses don't work - though some claim they do for the truly faithful." George leans forward, "and I doubt any of us here are particularly men of god now are we?"

"Crossbows work well, just like stakes do. I've seen 'em used and to great effect. If you want to get one we can definitely arrange that, me personally however, I prefer old-fashioned lead and steel. Vampires are particularly weak to impalements. I also always recommend carrying stakes with you, they're handy tools."

George thinks. "A UV light might irritate the hell out of a blank, a possibly even give them some minor burns, but without a particularly large and powerful one you might just end up pissing them off more than hurting them. A UV grenade though... I'm not sure if something like that is possible, but it'd be a hell of a weapon if it was."

George looks to the group, especially Melvin. "Do any of you think you might be able to create something like that? We have the materials and workshop in the hold."

Before anyone can answer, George snaps his fingers.

"That reminds me. I've had an idea for the longest time, and slowly worked on it over time, but never got a chance to try or use it."

George slaps a small can onto the table. It's label is mostly scratched off, but it looks like the remnants of a chicken noodle soup can. On the side of the can is a makeshift trigger and attached string leading down into the can.

George taps the can with his first two fingers. "This baby is packed with large nails and gunpowder. A design of mine I've been working on for awhile but never got to try."

George looks towards Caleb. "Didn't you say you were a mechanic in Desert Storm, and you worked in the motor pool? Do you think you could use the workshop here to fashion a few new weapons?"

George notes that if any of you are particularly handy with tools, we can construct our own weapons - such as the UV grenade. A portable flamethrower might also be useful, given their weakness to fire.

OOC: Let me know if you want to attempt to construct your own weapon, or purchase a weapon such as a crossbow.
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Ted's eyes grow big as George drops a homemade bomb on the table.

Jesus, been a while since I seen something like that. Back in the 90's a couple Bikers rolled up and tossed a similar device through some Pimp's driver side window. landed right on his crotch. fucking nails everywhere.

Ted starts thinking about what George said about a UV Grenade and he starts writing something down on a piece of paper.

Hey Melvin, come here a sec.

OOC: would it be possible to do a mind meld roll with Alphons to figure out the feasibility and designing a UV grenade. Intelligence roll of 14+3.
OOC: Sure, I don't see why something like that wouldn't work for a psychic. Make a second roll based off Charisma.