(IC) World of Darkness: Hunter RP

OOC: I was being facetious about the mind meld in a literal sense, but since the cat is out of the bag lets roll that die. Rolled a 12+1.
OOC: Something as strong as a mind meld would require a high skill check. So this one is a partial failure.

Able to tap into Melvin's mind as best you can, suddenly hundreds, if not thousands of thoughts come rushing towards you in an instant. In what feels like an eternity, you feel like you've gone down a deep, dark rabbit hole and delved into another plane altogether. Suddenly, you are closer to Melvin that you ever were. You can't see his memories. But you can feel them. It is a strange feeling unlike anything you could ever describe in words. Seconds pass in the real world, but in your mind it feels like eternity. Your eyes closed, it's very much become an out of body experience. You feel like you're awash in a vast, endless deep dark ocean where the waters are a black void. Memories, thoughts, life experiences, and knowledge all rise up from the inky darkness as bright streams of color, flooding out of his mind and into yours. Your brain is unable to comprehend or process the pure intake of another human beings mind, this is not something you've ever experienced before.

Suddenly, it feels much more pervasive than that. It feels as if your very conscience, your very being is being drawn into his, your personality and character adrift as they begin to merge together. This thought, this aspect, it terrifies you. Before this process can go any further, you cut the psychic link, and your eyes shoot open wide.

You feel like you've just fallen from an immeasurable height. Suddenly, you get and rush to the sink, spewing forth vomit as the nausea hits you. You're left in a uneasy state which will effect you for the next 24 hours. [OOC: -1 to Intelligence for the next day].

The experience of mind melding was not a good one... but suddenly you've found yourself awash with something new. A light in the back of your mind.

You think, and find something that wasn't there before. Despite Melvin not knowing how to construct such a device himself, from him you've received various bits of electrical engineering knowledge, and information about electronics. Combining this information with your own knowledge, your own experiences, you believe you can piece together a prototype.

Some way, some how, you've figured out how to construct an EMP grenade.

OOC: Knowledge gained - UV Grenade construction (Ted)
-1 to Intelligence for the next 24 hours in game (Ted)

Also note that you don't fully know outright how to just throw it together, but you might have the knowledge now to make one now. If and when you do decide to design one, you'll have to undertake two intelligence rolls. One for the design and one for the engineering construction.
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OOC: Roll Success. In your spare time after the the conversation, you were able to create a single UV grenade prototype which you saved for the hunt, in the work shop of the lower deck of the SS Artemis. As of right now however, the group is still at the table discussing plans for how to get into the Omen nightclub

George just blinks, wondering what the fuck just happened after Ted just got up and vomited in the sink out of nowhere in the middle of the conversation.

"Uh... alright then. Now, does anybody actually have any ideas how we're going to do this?"
Melvin's words are a bit sluggish, he was clearly violated by the mind meld.
It might be worth to check on the internet if they have any job openings or the option to book the club for an event. Even if it doesn't create an opening for an attack it might help with scouting the place.
OOC: ROLLED A 20!!! + 3 + 2= 25 !
OOC: NICE, A NAT 20! Big brain roll. Roll Result - Critical Success

Melvin looks on the internet, and though he doesn't find any job offers or open booking slots, he does find something much better.

The Omen Nightclub is hosting a "birthday" party for Victoria and her sister, Lucy. Apparently they're twins. Victoria will be guaranteed to be mingling with the crowd... and in sight and reach. This "birthday party" for the sisters is going to be happening three days from now, on November 4th, starting at 10PM and lasting to 4:00 A.M., with a "special event" happening at midnight.

George looks over towards Melvin, and squints his eyes to read the laptop. After a few minutes, he widens his eyes in surprise.

"Holy hell, this is good work son. Our blank is going to be hosting a birthday bash, where she's guaranteed to be interacting with the crowd. This will be the perfect time to kill her."

George thinks. "We have three days. Which means two days more or less to do some on scene scouting, and get a general feel of the club. We should probably use one of these days to take the opportunity to enter the club itself as 'guests', so we can get a idea of what the interior looks like and how the operation is set up."
OOC: I never actually specified what MOS Caleb had iirc but might as well just make him Toront except STRONK.

"That depends on the weapons George and yeah I worked in the Motorpool when we weren't on patrols. I never was trained as an armorer but I have basic knowledge with certain weaponry. If we need to mount a 50 cal. machine gun on the van I am your man. Seriously though I think we could put some UV lights on the van at the very least. I could install those no problem.

I also agree we need to go in a little more well armed. I did not think our first mission would be so balls to the wall, but maybe I should have listened to George a little better. A crossbow is always a good Hunter weapon so at the very least I want to pick up one for myself."

Caleb gives Ted a weird look as he returns from throwing up due to the Vulcan Mind Meld.

"You know that might be considered rape in some countries."

OOC: Our group has two days to spend while waiting for the "birthday party". So, in that time, we'll say that:
> Ted worked on his prototype UV grenade to try during the next hunt
> Caleb installed some UV lights on the van.
> A 100-pound draw strength crossbow was purchased along with some 1.5cm thick steel tipped bolts. -500 dollars deducted from the groups total financial pool. Remaining: $14,500. Caleb has more than enough strength to use the crossbow with ease.

George thinks.

"Y'know I never really thought about UV lights on the van, or equipping it all for that matter because I always figured our encounters were less likely to have car chases or anything of that nature. But, you also reminded me of one of my own rules, the same rule I've always taught you; 'be prepared for anything.' So yeah, head down to the workshop and the cargo hold, grab our extra UV equipment and see what you can do. The SUV is parked in the maintenance shed on the top deck."

George breaks out into a coughing fit, then begins rubbing his temples. "Aghh, goddamn migraines."

"Alright, I'm an old man goddamnit and I don't want to stay up all night discussing this. Let's go over it one more time."

"We're going in under cover during the birthday ball being held on the 4th, right? And we're going to do some on-sceen scouting tomorrow? Is this the plan here?"
"As long as our cover holds it is the best chance to toss a grenade at the bitch without harming any humans that might be on site...assuming the grenade does not work we should have enough firepower to take her down anyway assuming everybody's wounds are healing up properly. On both nights we need to leave someone in the van with the heavy firepower (like the M16 and crossbow) to pull it up in case we need a quick getaway."

Caleb frowns clearly thinking of something clever.

"We might try sawing off a shotgun to put under our trenchcoat...I saw that in a movie once."

"I'm not so much worried that it won't work, as I am that it won't be enough to finish the job. We may need to bring masks with us to put on in the bathrooms or something. I wonder if the crossbow we picked up for you is compactable enough to sneak into the club. I'm going to take my M1911, two metal stakes, and my blade. I'll tape them to different parts of my body they're not likely to pat down. Speaking of, when we do the on-sceen location scouting, we should see if we can enter with the weapons we want to hide, see if the bouncer at the front notices them during his patdowns."
"We could just sneak one guy in with the weapons through the sewer...I will see how large this crossbow is..."


OOC:I might be able to fit it up my ass...more likely the sewer or the van. I rrrreally want THIS crossbow.
OOC: Then that's your crossbow we bought. We'll just upgrade it to be 80-100 pound draw strength (which is Medieval warbow strength), if it wasn't already. That one looks like a 40 pounder. Nice and light but still effective. Yours will be the same but pack a bigger punch. Maybe even put a red dot sight on it.
"I don't know anything about fancy stuff like UV grenades, but I do know about older stuff that could be useful against the Vampires."
Bob says after thinking for a few seconds.

"If they're weak against fire, there's cheap and easy to get stuff like flares. Those things burn really hot and can even start fires, I bet they could damage vampires quite a bit."
"Small Molotovs could work, but we would need to have an ignition device, like a lighter. Which can delay the use of them. Vampires are fast so having to get a Molotov, then the lighter, ignite it and then throw it might not be very effective during a fight."

Bob scratches his chin.

"Or we can always go with white phosphorous grenades. Those are easy to make, I don't know how hard or cheap it is to get the ingredients though. We would need to get white phosphorous and benzene. The rest would be small glass bottles that can be sealed shut, some rubber and water."

"I will also be getting a couple of metal stakes. I like to get close and personal, so stakes would probably work well for me."
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"Agreed" George nods.

"Stakes would be good for you, and a lot of times people forget they can be thrown as well. I'll give you some of mine." George says.

"As for flares, something like a flaregun might be easier enough to pick up, in fact if you want we can order one for you while we're getting Caleb's crossbow." George notes.

"Alright folks, that's it for tonight. I'm going to bed, and you should all gets some rest too - tomorrow we're heading down to the club to scout the place out, and see if we can even get in. Melvin, make sure that smart phone device or whatever with you so we can snap a few pictures of the interior. Otherwise that's it for me kids, goodnight."

George begins to get up from the table, but stops.

"Actually - one last thing. Not now, but eventually we're going to have to decide what to do about this 'sister', Lucy. We don't know if she's been embraced or not. She may not even know what her sister is, but I find that unlikely." George says as he crushes his cigarette into the ashtray, putting it out.

"'Night kids, see ya tomorrow." With that, he disappears down the hallway and into his bunk as a rain settles over the docks, the shower of water can be heard on the deck of the ship above.

> A bundle of three metal stakes are added to Bob's inventory.
> A flare gun can be purchased for $100 and added to Bob's inventory if he wishes.
> Finally, the workshop is available for those who want to craft custom weapons, like Ted did with the UV grenade. They'll just need to succeed a development and engineering/crafting roll.

After this post, the party will end the day. The next post will be the day after, with the party in a van on their way to the Omen nightclub. The hunt isn't going to be done that day, they're just going to be doing some reconnaissance like they talked about for the upcoming birthday party of Victoria which is where the party is planning on making the ambush. The recon effort is just going to be to get a look at the inside and make sure the ambush plan can be carried at, as well as see if they can get past the bouncer hiding the small variants of the weapons everyone plans on bringing.

So far the ambush plan is to have four people enter the club normally with smaller weapons, and one person sneak in through the sewer systems with heavier weapons. The group will then make its way down to the basement to secure the area, then meet up with whoever is chosen to go through the sewers. From there they'll grab their heavier weapons and make a move on Victoria.
The groups SUV pulls into the parking lot of the Omen nightclub, the moon of the night hanging pale and bright in the sky. It is 8:00 P.M. on the dot, the second of November.

As the party exits the van, each one "dressed" up in clothing they just went out to purchase earlier that day at the GAP so they could get into the club, and seem vaguely youthful. George takes a look at the group surrounding him.

Ted is wearing sunglasses, with an expensive hoodie and a flat rimmed baseball hat turned slightly sideways.
Caleb is wearing a basketball jersey and dickies. He's wearing Jordans for shoes.
Melvin is wearing a sports coat with a designer shirt depicting whatever the latest trend is, and pre-ripped jeans.
Bob is wearing one of those fluffy gold jackets, a baggy white T-shirt with a golden necklace, and long Dickies shorts.
George himself is wearing a regular baseball cap turned backwards. He's wearing a sports coat and baseball jersey with jeans.

OOC: Given that the entire group is in their thirties at minimum;

"We look like idiots," he says, throwing his finished cigarette to the ground and crushing it under his boot.

The group has decided to try and sneak in some minor weapons, small things they think they can hide. Not because they believe they'll need it, this is just to scope out the scene - however instead to see if they can get away with sneaking them in.

"I can hear whatever shitty music they're playing in there from here," he sighs. "Why couldn't you lot have picked the nice, small town to visit? Alright, well... let's get this over with. Let's see if we can even get in."

As the group approaches the club, they stand in line. They're waiting in line for about an hour and forty five minutes before they finally get to the front, where the bouncer is standing.

The bouncer, a big burly man, well over six feet and undoubtedly stock and muscular, points to the first of our party standing furthest in line.

"You, you're up." He says. "Lift your arms so I can search you."

OOC: The entire group should now make an Agility roll check, as the bouncer searches them one-by-one. I'll make one for George once everyone's made theirs.
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Bouncer points at Melvin, who slowly walks up to him smiling widely.

OOC: Rolled 8 + 4 points= 12

Melvin uses the occasion and looks up the bouncer up close looking for weapons or any signs of him being something else than just a human.
OOC: Rolled 6+ 3 points= 9
Ted finds little comfort in how much his outfit is attempting to hide the fact he is in in 40's and he hasn't been in a night club since the early 90's. He groans internally at the entire ordeal.

(OOC: Agility Roll 18-1)
(OOC: Perception Roll for whenever we get inside and is applicable 18+4)
I used to own a pair of Jordans like this in high school.

Caleb mused as he took his place in line.

OOC: Agility roll of 16 with Agility of 5 leaving me with just 16 correct?

While the bouncer is searching Caleb he does his best to observe everyone else to see the kind of people entering the club.

OOC: Perception roll of 5 so I guess Caleb tries to brush hair from his face and pokes himself in the eye.
The bouncer pats down the group, letting each one by as they pass, seemingly finding nothing of note.

However, when he sees George at the end of the group, he puts his hand out.

"Not you. You're not coming in."

George's face twists as he snarls. "Why the fuck not?"

The bouncer meets his gaze. "Because yo' ass is way to fuckin' old to be hangin' out at clubs, old man. And we got a reputation to uphold. Not. You."

It seems somebody is going to need to talk the bouncer into letting George in (charisma roll), or - find another way.