IGN plays Fallout 3 too

IGN said:
As improved as Fallout 3 is, it still feels like Oblivion in a lot of ways (even if you can't sprint -- though you do move faster if your weapon is holstered). The world map works exactly like Oblivion's, as you can fast travel to places you've already been. Hitting select brings up Oblivion's "time pass" feature as well, buying you time to recover or move the in-game clock along to a more desirable point. Even the inventory system and interface is taken right out of the last Elder Scrolls, so there should be a high level of familiarity for returning players here. For me, that's a good thing, though, as the game seems to strike just enough of a balance between the "new" and the "classic" to advance the engine...

When coupled with other elements such as limited environmental damage (cars blow up, etc), the fact that monsters avoid combat if they think they can't win, and the player ability to "surrender" to another NPC during combat by holstering your weapon, the world of Fallout 3 becomes real pretty quickly...

...it's as deep as the ocean, handles responsively, and brings enough fan-service from Bethesda's two franchises to make it a strong contender for the best RPG of the year.

GameSpy said:
we met a bartender with horribly scarred skin that wanted to speak with us for a bit. The fact that one of your first responses to him is "GAH, F@&#! What are you?!?" gives you a pretty good idea of the game's particularly sick brand of humor...

As we walked, we scavenged a bit and found a rifle similar to ours in an old mailbox...

...Any game that allows you to wipe a whole town off the face of the Earth (especially after meeting its citizens) is alright by us.

I have nothing to add, really.
The whole teddy bear acceleration thing isn't that hard. actually, you just have to make a bear from a very hard material. then you have to shape the bear very aerodynamical, lets say, like a cylindre with a pointy head.

i bet you could do that simple bear transformation with collected scrap. good luck, stalker.
CodeZombie said:
*with two caveats, first you need to keep the teddy bear together during the stress of acceleration. Second the teddy bear needs to hold together against the drag from air resistance. Teddy bears are not noted for their material strength however. Which is why tanks fire Depleated Uranium core rounds and not Teddy bear core rounds... :D

I'm still not convinced that speed can account for any bear-based decapitations. Never mind acceleration and drag, what about the bear holding together when it actually hits something? It's not going to be anything like an elastic transfer of momentum from bear to head, so why should the kinetic energy work to rip the target's head off before it worked to turn the bear into a cloud of stuffing? Unless, that is, the target's neck is weaker than a stuffed toy. As for the HEAT comparison, I'm fairly sure those are designed to deliver their force at one spot in one direction; you don't just lob a hot gas cloud in the tank's general direction. If you did that it would just disperse on impact.
Even though I hate that such a thing is in Fallout 3 I'm humored by all this scientific debate regarding teddy bear decapitation.

The only thing worse would be if they made the teddy bear catch fire mid flight (due to air friction) and do splash damage on impact, not only decapitating the victim, but setting it (and others near it) ablaze.
A few questions..

1. how big are these mailboxes that people keep finding rifles in?

2. "Intense Training: Add a single point to any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes"

WHY does training increase your base stats and not your skills? It looks like they ripped this straight from the gifted trait without ever realizing that GIFTED meant you were born with that increase in stats.

They obviously see no difference between stats and skills, or perks and traits for that matter.

3. armor piercing teddy bears? GTFO.

4. Where can I buy a torch and a pitchfork, and a plane ticket to maryland?
XenoRad said:
The only thing worse would be if they made the teddy bear catch fire mid flight (due to air friction) and do splash damage on impact, not only decapitating the victim, but setting it (and others near it) ablaze.

LOL - :clap: oh my have you considered a career in game development ?
horst said:
2. they seem to have implemented their governing skills, as in morrowind... i dont know how i exactly came to that conclusion.
I hate to say I told you so. A long time ago too. Each skill only has one govering stat, nothing of that GURPS complex stuff, nonono... Wanna bet?

About the teddy bear, think of it this way: the result (id est, what cuts what) is exactly the same whether you throw a teddy bear against a neck or a neck against a teddy bear. Now, what do you think works best: cutting a teddy bear with a flying limb, or the other way around?
Morbus said:
About the teddy bear, think of it this way: the result (id est, what cuts what) is exactly the same whether you throw a teddy bear against a neck or a neck against a teddy bear. Now, what do you think works best: cutting a teddy bear with a flying limb, or the other way around?

I have to contradict you there. Exchanging the object that is thrown with the object that it's thrown at wields different results due to different air resistance and mass.

If you throw a rock at a thin sheet of paper you'll pierce it, while if you throw a thin sheet of paper at a rock it might not even reach it.
Per said:
Fallout 3 is still one of the most engaging and playable titles this side of Liberty City... and I've only tested it for about an hour.

Wow one full hour and hes still interested.
whirlingdervish said:
2. "Intense Training: Add a single point to any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes"

WHY does training increase your base stats and not your skills? It looks like they ripped this straight from the gifted trait without ever realizing that GIFTED meant you were born with that increase in stats.

They obviously see no difference between stats and skills, or perks and traits for that matter.
Relax there buddy, it's just a generic all purpose 'Gain [attribute]' perk like the ones from Fallout 2. The name is weird, I'll give you that.
Though I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they managed to screw this up as well by making them available from the get-go.
whirlingdervish said:
WHY does training increase your base stats and not your skills? It looks like they ripped this straight from the gifted trait without ever realizing that GIFTED meant you were born with that increase in stats.

They obviously see no difference between stats and skills, or perks and traits for that matter.

It's just the "Gain X" perks from Fo2 rolled into one. "Exercise" would probably be a more suitable term than "training". As someone posted just now. Stats like Luck may complicate things.

XenoRad said:
I have to contradict you there. Exchanging the object that is thrown with the object that it's thrown at wields different results due to different air resistance and mass.

If you throw a rock at a thin sheet of paper you'll pierce it, while if you throw a thin sheet of paper at a rock it might not even reach it.

Without doing the math, I'm going to assume that works in favour of the limb cutting the bear. However, the question is, even if a high speed of impact is assumed, does the limb even begin to get cut?
All this talk about the physics of flying teddy bears is ignoring one common sense factor:

A Teddy Bear Launcher is fucking RETARDED. It has no place in the Fallout setting. I don't care if physics allows it, it's fucking stupid.
The big question is, where did they get all the teddy bears..

Seriously, teddy bear launcher??!! Wow thats....just..wrong..
accqrd said:
* Lady Killer: 10% damage against female opponents, plus unique dialogue with them as well

I sure as hell hope they have a male equivalent to this, something like "Man Eater"...something. If not, this is just furthering my notion that Bethesda is full of misogynist fan boys with no taste. Mr. Todd Howard included.
Fallout is not about giving one gender a statistical advantage over the other.

er....yeah Lady killer IS the male perk, as "lady killer" is a term used to describe a very good looking/suave man, tho how this equates to increased damage I will never know, then again what choice does one have when Beth doesn't have the balls to put sex in the game.

the Female equivalent perk of Lady Killer is Black Widow.
I don't know, but their weapons doesn't sound like Post-Apocalyptic ones, but like weapons from the Postal series O_O
Maybe they should ask Running with scissor for their new badger weapon...

All this humor and these things, is only a sign that some designer (want call any names here) got insane during the making of the 'Shivering Isles'....
Beelzebud said:
All this talk about the physics of flying teddy bears is ignoring one common sense factor:

As people have found throughout history, this is sort of the terrible price you pay in order to have that talk in the first place.

Columbus: "And, as you'll see, the flying teddy bear does not fly off the edge of the world but goes round, like this -"

Queen Isabella: (aside, to courtier) "Did he say teddy bear?"

Columbus: "- all the way to the Indies, where, look, this doll is an Indian, here, WHACK!"

Queen Isabella: "Teddy bear?"

Columbus: "Clean off! Take that, stupid Indian. Anyway, so, wooo, spices and stuff."

Queen Isabella: "Teddy bear?"

Columbus: "Well, no, we'd do it with ships, of course."

Queen Isabella: "We'd shoot ships around the world to decapitate Indians?"

Columbus: "No. Are you daft or something?"