Eurogamer live report notes from Microsoft's e3 presentation, Fallout3 demo: (in reverse chronological order)
"We love Xbox Live Marketplace," he adds. "We're happy to announce that we're going to be doing substantial DLC for Fallout 3 and it will be exclusive to Xbox 360 and Windows PC."
17:41:45 -
A helicopter - "The Enclave, they've spotted me" - comes into view and lands. Todd switches to the Fatman, a mini nuclear bomb catapult, and uses VATS to pause and line-up the nuke attack, which obliterates them. Throughout the demo we've had jolly marching band music. "Hope you enjoy it all this fall," he says, ending the demo.
17:40:54 -
"This is a huge game with over a 100 hours of gameplay." You can go to the top of the Washington Monument if you can be bothered. The draw distance is fabulous. He tosses a pulse grenade at a sentry bot, which EMPs the hapless robot. "This is a game that reacts to how you play it." You can be good, bad, or "anything in-between".
17:39:46 -
Switches to grenades and queues up an attack that takes out two more guys. The last guy needs a shotgun to chunkify his leg to sort through him. Now he takes on a turret. He goes for it with a laser rifle but points out he could hack a nearby computer to disable it if he preferred. Then he vaporises one of its minders.
17:38:54 -
Todd pulls up his PipBoy and checks out his weapons and other stuff on the green monochrome screen. He puts it away and wanders under an overpass towards a smashed up bus. The textures are very grubby. Right bumper uses VATS, allowing Todd to queue up sniper scope attacks on various body parts.
"We love Xbox Live Marketplace," he adds. "We're happy to announce that we're going to be doing substantial DLC for Fallout 3 and it will be exclusive to Xbox 360 and Windows PC."
17:41:45 -
A helicopter - "The Enclave, they've spotted me" - comes into view and lands. Todd switches to the Fatman, a mini nuclear bomb catapult, and uses VATS to pause and line-up the nuke attack, which obliterates them. Throughout the demo we've had jolly marching band music. "Hope you enjoy it all this fall," he says, ending the demo.
17:40:54 -
"This is a huge game with over a 100 hours of gameplay." You can go to the top of the Washington Monument if you can be bothered. The draw distance is fabulous. He tosses a pulse grenade at a sentry bot, which EMPs the hapless robot. "This is a game that reacts to how you play it." You can be good, bad, or "anything in-between".
17:39:46 -
Switches to grenades and queues up an attack that takes out two more guys. The last guy needs a shotgun to chunkify his leg to sort through him. Now he takes on a turret. He goes for it with a laser rifle but points out he could hack a nearby computer to disable it if he preferred. Then he vaporises one of its minders.
17:38:54 -
Todd pulls up his PipBoy and checks out his weapons and other stuff on the green monochrome screen. He puts it away and wanders under an overpass towards a smashed up bus. The textures are very grubby. Right bumper uses VATS, allowing Todd to queue up sniper scope attacks on various body parts.