IGN plays Fallout 3 too

Eurogamer live report notes from Microsoft's e3 presentation, Fallout3 demo: (in reverse chronological order)

"We love Xbox Live Marketplace," he adds. "We're happy to announce that we're going to be doing substantial DLC for Fallout 3 and it will be exclusive to Xbox 360 and Windows PC."
17:41:45 -
A helicopter - "The Enclave, they've spotted me" - comes into view and lands. Todd switches to the Fatman, a mini nuclear bomb catapult, and uses VATS to pause and line-up the nuke attack, which obliterates them. Throughout the demo we've had jolly marching band music. "Hope you enjoy it all this fall," he says, ending the demo.
17:40:54 -
"This is a huge game with over a 100 hours of gameplay." You can go to the top of the Washington Monument if you can be bothered. The draw distance is fabulous. He tosses a pulse grenade at a sentry bot, which EMPs the hapless robot. "This is a game that reacts to how you play it." You can be good, bad, or "anything in-between".
17:39:46 -
Switches to grenades and queues up an attack that takes out two more guys. The last guy needs a shotgun to chunkify his leg to sort through him. Now he takes on a turret. He goes for it with a laser rifle but points out he could hack a nearby computer to disable it if he preferred. Then he vaporises one of its minders.
17:38:54 -
Todd pulls up his PipBoy and checks out his weapons and other stuff on the green monochrome screen. He puts it away and wanders under an overpass towards a smashed up bus. The textures are very grubby. Right bumper uses VATS, allowing Todd to queue up sniper scope attacks on various body parts.
Odin said:
The big question is, where did they get all the teddy bears..

Seriously, teddy bear launcher??!! Wow thats....just..wrong..

Bethesda, dude, Bethesda.

All that needs to be said.
Ive been gone this whole time and they still havent learned shit, its funny how this turns out more and more to be similar to FOBOS..

Atleast Chuck knew not to call it Fallout 3...

Aimed at teh kids, earn that quick cash and milk it later on with EXPANSIONS. I can see it now, since they licensed 3-5.. NEW and IMPROVED Fallout 4..

Its a sad day when you make a game to earn money, rather then make a game for the art.
Odin said:
Aimed at teh kids, earn that quick cash and milk it later on with EXPANSIONS. I can see it now, since they licensed 3-5.. NEW and IMPROVED Fallout 4..

Its a sad day when you make a game to earn money, rather then make a game for the art.

Nothing wrong with making a bit money--that's why the buisness exists at all after all--but there's a thucking thick line between just that and sodomizing the franchise with a super sledgehammer (and a decapitating supersonic teddy bear).
We're happy to announce that we're going to be doing substantial DLC for Fallout 3 and it will be exclusive to Xbox 360 and Windows PC

Perhaps I'm being overly cynical, but I bet you 10 bucks this is one of the main reasons for Bethesda's apparent unwillingness to give us the editor. If there is one lesson Howard has learned from Oblivion, it is "get rid of the volunteer competition, and those $2 horse armor mods will just sell themselves."
Jabu said:
Nothing wrong with making a bit money--that's why the buisness exists at all after all--but there's a thucking thick line between just that and sodomizing the franchise with a super sledgehammer (and a decapitating supersonic teddy bear).

You're missing my point, if you make something for the art then you make it because you would like a game to be like this, rather then make it to earn money. The fact that it sells afterwards just means someone shares your art form.

Its like a painter, you either paint for the art or to capitalize (ie paint what the customer wants).

Sad fact here is that we are outnumbered on the customer part, since they are aiming it at the kids. Shoot'em up for the "win".
Once in the dawn of time I remember Black Isle releasing Trials of the Luremaster for free to make up for the shortity of Heart of Winter.
Odin said:
You're missing my point, if you make something for the art then you make it because you would like a game to be like this, rather then make it to earn money. The fact that it sells afterwards just means someone shares your art form.

Its like a painter, you either paint for the art or to capitalize (ie paint what the customer wants).

Sad fact here is that we are outnumbered on the customer part, since they are aiming it at the kids. Shoot'em up for the "win".

Nah, I get you completely. It's just that we don't live in a utopian world (or the late 90s). There still are some true gaming artists out there, but are often swept to the side for the good of progre... innovation (read:for the kiddies)
I didn't expect Bethesda to do Fallout justice in any way, but my hopes were set at something slightly higher than FO:PoS2.

EDIT: On one of the pissy poor Youtube gameplay videos: is that (first enemy) a boobed ghoul?! Apart from that anatomical feature doesn't look much like a mademoiselle, bah, even that anatomical feature doesn't look particularly feminine.

Pretty freaky critter design.
XenoRad said:
I have to contradict you there. Exchanging the object that is thrown with the object that it's thrown at wields different results due to different air resistance and mass.
No, yeah, sure, but that aside. I guess everyone knows a teddy bear won't fly as fast and won't support as much air pressure/friction...

XenoRad said:
If you throw a rock at a thin sheet of paper you'll pierce it, while if you throw a thin sheet of paper at a rock it might not even reach it.
I was talking abstractly, without those variables in mind.
Per said:
Without doing the math, I'm going to assume that works in favour of the limb cutting the bear. However, the question is, even if a high speed of impact is assumed, does the limb even begin to get cut?

It is about certain mass traveling at certain velocity. If we ignore the thing that the bear would tear itself apart when shoot at extreemly high velocity then basicly we come to the essence of the railgun - shooting tiny projectiles at enormous speeds and relying on the kinetic energy to do the killing - where at impact both trarget AND projectile would get destroyed of course.

... i posted that before reading "columbus post" ...
yeah, to think of it its just too ludicrous.
Frog said:
It is about certain mass traveling at certain velocity. If we ignore the thing that the bear would tear itself apart when shoot at extreemly high velocity then basicly we come to the essence of the railgun - shooting tiny projectiles at enormous speeds and relying on the kinetic energy to do the killing - where at impact both trarget AND projectile would get destroyed of course.

I don't know what kind of railgun you're thinking of, but if it's something propelling a small nail or bullet then it doesn't kill using kinetic energy. Normal guns don't kill using kinetic energy, but through penetration and disruption of tissue; this is why bullet-proof vests work. Also, a small metal bullet has a structual cohesion that is quite something different than a teddy bear. My supposition is that if the first thing that happens is that the force of the impact rips the bear apart (assuming it is structurally weaker than what it hits), it can't effectively impart its energy/momentum to the target, however impressive to begin with. I can easily see someone being knocked over by a bear to the head, but not decapitated.
Decapitating Teddy Bear doesn't really bother me at all. Ya its impossible but so is alot of other things in the game.

The rest of the review is just like all the other major game reviewers do with all the other major hyped games. Blowing Bethesda and making it seem like this will be the greatest game ever.
Ill just wait for no punctuation to review it and get a bit more honesty and funny.
Morbus said:
XenoRad said:
I have to contradict you there. Exchanging the object that is thrown with the object that it's thrown at wields different results due to different air resistance and mass.
No, yeah, sure, but that aside. I guess everyone knows a teddy bear won't fly as fast and won't support as much air pressure/friction...

XenoRad said:
If you throw a rock at a thin sheet of paper you'll pierce it, while if you throw a thin sheet of paper at a rock it might not even reach it.
I was talking abstractly, without those variables in mind.

I suspected you were talking abstractly, just wanted to make sure. I don't think there's anyone here that would even find such a thing plausible.
Unless of course Bethesda's teddy bears are built like 50s cars: heavy, made to last, with plenty of excess metal. Maybe some are even nuclear powered - and explode on impact....
I think I've found a teddy bear that you could decapitate a mutant with:



Stick that in your rockit-launcher and smoke it!

(I actually had one of these, until it fell off the top bunk of my bed and nearly knocked me unconscious.)
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:

I actually would've been really happy if they named it this. It just makes me smile.

horst said:
the perks look really boring. no unique advantages, just adding a few points to the stats.

You get unique dialogue options with Ladykiller and Black Widow, which sounds interesting to me.

Borathian said:
as "lady killer" is a term used to describe a very good looking/suave man, tho how this equates to increased damage I will never know

You see son, when a Mommy Word or Phrase and a Daddy Alternate Meaning decide to, how should I put this, "get humorous", the result is a little baby pun.

Sev217 said:
Ill just wait for no punctuation to review it and get a bit more honesty and funny.

...You know he's Australian, right?