Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

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Don't forget the main character almost always being an alcoholic writer like himself and the story almost always taking place in Maine, which is the state in where he lives. Stephen King perfected self insert, Mary-Sue fan fiction.
At least in the Dark Tower he was self-aware enough to literally insert himself.
Stephen King did write a few good books but he is the perfect example of Hollywood taint that worsens over time. Basically his writing got worse the older he got. Now he is writing stories about baseball and playing guitar because he likes those things. He has inspired me to try to write because I can see through how shallow and boring he really is. It took time but it really dawned on me while reading It. Guy needs a better editor.



(Seen here is the benevolent warlord taking out the trash.)
You watch your mouth there young ladymanthing or I'm gonna call the police after I shoot you.
Steves also been stealing a lot from Lovecraft as well recently.

But onto politics.

Best way to deal with CHAZ is to let the protestors fuck it up. This will put the blame on them and the local government that empowered them.

The rapper will soon realise that the burdens of leadership usually means not everyone will get their hippy dippy way and that compromise must he enforced. He will experience the bullshit cops have to deal with everyday.
If people get tired of it they will call in some fake protesters to fuck it all up.
Not if Sr. Warlord catches them. Even if fake protestors get in, it is still the real protestors fault as they are not policing their own properly.

I love how the peaceful protestors never do their goddamn jobs and point out/ or expel the troublemakers.

Either way, the hippies will realise that life isn't black and white/good and evil their naive little minds thought it was. Thy have to deal with the lazy, the addicts, the troublemakers, etc. They have to balance the demands of a vary diverse and sometimes extreme groups.

They want to defund police? Then they can risk their own fucking lives trying to 'peacefully', handle troublemakers in the hippiest way possible.
Seattle is a man's state. You can fight whoever you want infront of a cop if you make the other person agree to it. People should be aware of the law. Go pick fights with homeless people.
We here are Fallout vets. We know about choice and consequence which has opened our eyes a bit more than the average Joe.

Then we also realise that getting results often requires compromise. It requires our characters to suffer and work.

The people of Seattle do not want to suffer. They are afraid of Catharsis. They want to feel like saintly angels, while doing nothing to really help.

It is far easier to give money to an addict than to fund rehabilitation centers. They feel better offering worded platitudes than forcing people to get treatment.

They would rather give a fish than to teach how to fish.

Instead of encouraging more creation of housing, they want to bog down builders with more red tape like rent control. They realise that new homes are needed and old homes can be refurbished. But that would cost them money. They only want to give token handouts to make them feel leas guilty, not practice what they preach and buy those homes for the homeless. Instead, they just support the homeless setting up camp anywhere they want.
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Maybe they will disband all police and rename National Guard to Spetznas and solve the problem.
My pinky is vicious and will not let go of the shift key. Oh it just did.
