This ghoul has seen it all

The Colombian police had a literal Nazi convention recently over here. This shit is beyond satire.

The Colombian police had a literal Nazi convention recently over here. This shit is beyond satire.
The Colombian police had a literal Nazi convention recently over here. This shit is beyond satire.
The Colombian cops are already trained by Neo nazis so that's their culture.
I don't know exactly how the nazis viewed South America - but since lots of them fleed there they might have had a sort of friendly view on some like Argentina. But it's always ridicuilous how some cultures and nations today have "Neonazis". Like not nationalists or fascists even but real Neonazis worshiping Hitler and his goons. Like do those people not realise that the actuall Nazis would have had zero qualms in completely destroying them? Like no clue, Russian/Slavic Neonazis or well Mongolians. Sure they might have had used them very happily as cannon fodder on the front lines somewhere. But they would have never ever enjoyed the same rights like "aryan" races as the Nazis viewed them as subhumans particularly slavic and many asian ethnicities. Like seriously half of them would have most probably ended up in concentration camps or something.
You say it like its a bad thing.Commies sucks cocks.