Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

They say that the smallest flap of a butterflys wings can start hurricanes on the other side of the multiverse.

That's why I Krpppbllaell9084s
If Tulsi Gabbard really wanted to make a difference she would start a podcast.
Leaving the party is easy you just walk out the door or leave the field you are standing in whatever the situation may be maybe.
Is she currently serving? Doesn't she have a sop of what she can and cannot talk about or say automatically because of that?
She tried then figured out that it does not matter if you are black or purple or a woman if you are not onboard with the radicals you will not win.
I am happy being paid off for my silence. Bombing people so more people that need to be bombed can get the job is retarded anyway.