Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Fox Station "Accidentally" Shows Results For The Arizona Governor Race 12 Days Before The Elections

whelp I guess PA is getting that fucking vegetable Fetterman....
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Color me surprised.

Saw a man wearing a sandwich board (dang, when was the last time you saw a good sandwich board?) that said "Don't vote in this fraudulent election" and on the other side it said "If voting is so important why don't our votes count?"
20 percent of the voting machines in Arizona conveniently stopped working. So if the machine can't read your ballot, it goes in a box and gets manually counted by a dude like the one in that video. All he has to do is put a checkmark next to both candidates and the entire ballot is void and not counted. People wanted to be able to watch ballot counters doing this and they were denied on the basis of it being "voter intimidation". I'm sure I won't be surprised when all the results come in, especially in states like PA, AZ, and GA.

Feel how you want about Trump, but I remember seeing the same sort of extremely suspect videos after the 2020 election. Some places even went so far as to screw plywood over the windows of ballot counting stations so people couldn't film what was going on inside.
Whether there is widespread fraud or not (my money is on there is) there is a major problem that many many people don't trust that their vote counts.
Trust in the democratic process is low. Sadly, the only thing done to alleviate that is to proclaim that it's all because of Nazi propaganda, and that you should absolutely trust the process (unless the bad people win, then it's fraud and the fight needs to be taken to the streets).
Surprise surprise, Frank Pallone won. I’ve been voting against this douche my entire life.
I mean hell at least there's a chance for anyone non-democrat to win there. You should see NM's election map. Looks like one of the smurfs took a shit over New Mexico.

Remember when the Democrats literally wanted to keep slavery and started a civil war over it that still remains to this day the bloodiest war our country has ever been in (for us), losing even more soldiers in the civil war than we did in World War 2 and World War 1 combined? No? Apparently no one else in the US does either.
The word ' Democracy ' has been elevated to some kind of ' Holy word '. The illusion of voting for people to do what you don't want them to do, plods on.

We are free to vote for any bastard that already has status through money and class nepotism, were the ruling class puts forward it's frontmen.
This is interesting:

SHHHH. Don't look at that! Uh, uh - hey, did you guys know that Trump's administration might have been funding bioweapons research in Ukraine!

What do you mean you want percentages and probability, or facts in it's place? You know, you're a bigot. I bet you would vote in the Klan. Hey everybody, this guy just said he hates black people!

*slips backwards into crowd as they converge, and thus disappears from the conversation at hand*
Right because why fund weapons that they can use when Russia tosses dirty bombs at them!?


If half the shit these pricks are doing is true I want pieces of their skin to be flayed off like a fish, raped until their assholes are gaping holes, and then each man would be covered in salt and thrown in a hole so deep they cannot climb out of it. Then I would piss on them. I might get bored and start shooting some of them while they cry in the deep pit. I would film it of course like they did their supposed victims.

I wonder how effective this will continue to be in the coming years considering apartments and townhouses where I am are starting to put panels on the rooves? Stimming the tide while they can maybe.
Hush. The democrats are the Good Guys™.


Right because why fund weapons that they can use when Russia tosses dirty bombs at them!?


If half the shit these pricks are doing is true I want pieces of their skin to be flayed off like a fish, raped until their assholes are gaping holes, and then each man would be covered in salt and thrown in a hole so deep they cannot climb out of it. Then I would piss on them. I might get bored and start shooting some of them while they cry in the deep pit. I would film it of course like they did their supposed victims.

The Wagner guys are basically a penal battalion at this point, they have the government's blessing to recruit directly from Russian prisons.