The voice of reason

Well they said it was ISIS who did it. Even the Pentagon is saying so. The Taliban genuinely seem to want to get any foreigners and Afghans that want out of the country out. ISIS and the Taliban have been enemies for years. ISIS would love nothing more than to throw a wrench at both the Taliban and US. It seems like ISIS is wanting to engage a war with the Taliban for the region. All I can say is let them so long as we don't get involved. Let them kill each other. Not our problem.I just really hope not more people will die now. Particularly as many of those soldiers are about to return home. As terrible as the situation in Afghanistan is and as much as I want to see all the people evacuated. But damn. It's just terrible.
Well as everyone can see it sadly is our problem. I mean I absolutely agree. Get everyone out there as soon as possible. But still. This thing has been going for 20 years. And it will continue to go on for 20 more years probably. I mean wasn't ISIS supposed to be like, defeated?Not our problem.
Defeated but never truly gone. There is this old Afghan proverb that many of the terror groups like to say: "You Westerns may have the clocks but we have the time."I mean wasn't ISIS supposed to be like, defeated?
I have been doing this before it was cool.How about we just ignore me from now on?
Conservatives are hugely partisan. I am shocked. Both voters and government are finger pointy to a reductive degree. Don't think we'll be able to stop that anytime soon. We're currently pivoting to Yemen so we'll see how that goes in terms of success rate and who gets to claim what.Talking about Spergatory. It's interesting that the page where the GOP mentioned the "Art of the Deal" with the Taliban as a success for their foreign policy is now a 404 page. Seems like that doesn't look so well on a resumee anymore and it's not something anyone really wants to see. It's also interesting that in the last weeks of political discussions on the conservative side there was hardly if any at all mention of Bush or Cheney. It's easy to forget I guess, for some anyway, that this mess had a lot to do with those two fuckers.
You might like to rewrite History and be in denial here, if you chose so. But reality still hits us all in the end. And it will continue to do so till you're not honest when it comes to the mistakes. Which means chanting on Fox News or what ever "IT'S BIDENS FAULT!" isn't a solution. As much criticism as he deserves right now. But this is exactly the kind of simple minded thinking that will eventually lead to the next catastrophe in the future. And more Americans getting killed. Over and over and over ...