The voice of reason
Trump killed off the Patriot act a while ago.In the Meantime.
Trump killed off the Patriot act a while ago.In the Meantime.
Man, people get mighty upset when you put in a couple caveats into their baby killing.
And people that care so much about the fetus somehow don't give a shit what happens once it's out of the womb. There is no "prof life" position here. The ideology behind it is about controlling women. Nothing more. Nothing else. Go and talk to those that really are trying to bann every abortion and why they want to bann it. And I am surprised that people which parrot this "BuT iTS a HumAn FeTUs!" don't realise what kind of platform they actually support here. The point is not to kill people. The point is to leave that choice to the person that is effected the most by it. The mother. And that is the only sensible decision in this when you look at it unemotionally and rationally. Because everything else ends up in the state and government impossing arbitrary lines at which point they consider something life and which they don't.Man, people get mighty upset when you put in a couple caveats into their baby killing.
Funny how most woman are pro-life in the states. Abortion is as much about a woman's healthcare as a full frontal lobotomy is mental exercise. Also, most conservatives tend to adopt children but you wouldn't know since you are a ideologue that hates Christians and loves the smell of your own farts.And people that care so much about the fetus somehow don't give a shit what happens once it's out of the womb. There is no "prof life" position here. The ideology behind it is about controlling women. Nothing more. Nothing else. Go and talk to those that really are trying to bann every abortion and why they want to bann it. And I am surprised that people which parrot this "BuT iTS a HumAn FeTUs!" don't realise what kind of platform they actually support here. The point is not to kill people. The point is to leave that choice to the person that is effected the most by it. The mother. And that is the only sensible decision in this when you look at it unemotionally and rationally. Because everything else ends up in the state and government impossing arbitrary lines at which point they consider something life and which they don't.
There is a medical evalulation at which point a fetus is considered viable outside the uterus so called Fetal Viability and that's the only guideline you really need to look at here. See Roe v. Wade. Anything outside of that is simply not really usefull in the discussion.
It is a very difficult topic after all. But what's undisputable at this point is the fact that harsher abortion laws lead actually to more abortions. As strange as that sounds. But we can see it from countries that have harsh abortion laws - even death penalities and countries which changed their laws.
What really prevents abortions is 1. Education and 2. Supporting mothers. Who would have thought? The easier it is for a mother to raise their child the more likely are they going to keep it. The more pressure particularlly economically speaking there is, the higher abbortion rates are. This is really one topic I will never understand conservative positions. They are fight tooth and nail for a fetus. But literaly the moment it's born. They don't give a fuck. Now it's the mothers responsibility! Sorry kid. Maybe better luck next time.
The only way for Afghanistan to be conquered is if you do a full LARP of Caesar from New Vegas. Wash away the tribal identities and force them to integrate to one great tribe. I honestly don't think you can do it any other way. I am against this as I don't believe you should force people against their will to change.
With China though there is one thing that may hold them back with investing and having a full on relationship with Afghanistan and that is the Uyghurs. The Taliban hate China for what they are doing to them. You can see the rage they have for them on their Twitter approved accounts. However, the Taliban may just eat crow with that and ignore it in order to have a strong ally that will not only invest with them but also protect them from US interference.A place like Afghanistan, you can shoot every single person in the face untill there are no persons left, and everyone who moves into the vacancy will immediately form mountain tribes - because the country has no comparable infrastructure. They aren't being backwards semi-independent tribes in the mountains just to be a thorn in everyone's side - but because the environment pushes people into that direction.
Afghanistan - when compared to most countries on earth, rank as one of the very least developed. By developed is meant, among many things - *hard* infrastructure, roads, rail, communications. And for a country that has been more or less non stop bombed since the 1970s, there hasn't been a lot of oportunity to - you know - pave new motorways.
Ironically, letting China sweep in and piss investment cash all over the country might actually make some of the difference - the Chinese *love* building roads and motorways in backwards countries, precisely because that shit buys them a LOT of loyalty, not to mention gets their industries kickstarted, as well as unites remote places with urban centers.
Depends on what age group we're talking about. In general, the older the women in question are the more likely are they to be "pro-life". - which is also interesting because older women usually don't get children anymore.Funny how most woman are pro-life in the states.
They do? Do you have a source for that? Not that it matters to the argument at hand but it would be an interesting read I guess. Just as a little fact here. Some conservatives seem not to care much about abortion, unless it involves an unwanted child.Also, most conservatives tend to adopt children
Not long ago in the Untied States I quote : "insurance companies could turn you down if you applied for coverage while you were pregnant. At that time, many health plans considered pregnancy a pre-existing condition". Thankfully at least that bullshit was changed. But this is the kind of child-friendly culture we're talking about. You think this is not about health related issue? Child Birth is still a relatively risky affair. Not to mention that it involves well a pregnancy. All I am saying that what ever if a mother wants to actually carry out the child or not is a decision that should be left to the person that actually has to carry it out. It's not a perfect solution because it somewehat ignores the position of the father. But I see no viable alternative here unless you want to impose some very draconic measures which will only lead to more "illegal" abbortions. I quote :Abortion is as much about a woman's healthcare as a full frontal lobotomy is mental exercise.
Not only that. I am watching this and it's incredible how different Afghanistan is culturally on what we usually see as ethnicities and nationalities. I really didn't knew how tribal the Afghan region actually is.A place like Afghanistan, you can shoot every single person in the face untill there are no persons left, and everyone who moves into the vacancy will immediately form mountain tribes - because the country has no comparable infrastructure. They aren't being backwards semi-independent tribes in the mountains just to be a thorn in everyone's side - but because the environment pushes people into that direction.
Afghanistan - when compared to most countries on earth, rank as one of the very least developed. By developed is meant, among many things - *hard* infrastructure, roads, rail, communications. And for a country that has been more or less non stop bombed since the 1970s, there hasn't been a lot of oportunity to - you know - pave new motorways.
With China though there is one thing that may hold them back with investing and having a full on relationship with Afghanistan and that is the Uyghurs. The Taliban hate China for what they are doing to them. You can see the rage they have for them on their Twitter approved accounts. However, the Taliban may just eat crow with that and ignore it in order to have a strong ally that will not only invest with them but also protect them from US interference.
Depends on what age group we're talking about. In general, the older the women in question are the more likely are they to be "pro-life". - which is also interesting because older women usually don't get children anymore.
"Pro-Choice" or "Pro-Life," 2018-2021 Demographic Tables (
But what ever if a majority of women is pro-life or pro-choice is besidese the point as my main argument was to leave the decision to the women themself. So if a majority of women would be pro-life does that mean they now have to tell those that are pro-choice what to do and think in this case? Particularly as this also involves law making and policies so we really are not just talking hypothetically here. So because some women chose for them self to never have an abortion now every women should never have that choice? Because this is what it boils down to. And that is a very irrational stance. Because it means the state and government will step in and dictate what you do with your body based on the opinion of some people that see life as sacret at the moment of conception - but don't care what ever if a born child is well feed, clothed or educated go figure.
No one here is asking for a law to force women to have abbortions. The whole point is not to have a law that's forcing women to carry out the unborn fetus. That's all it really is about.
Also did you know that in ancient timese it was frowned uppon to ejaculate for a male? For the same idea. Could have been children! I think the old testament mentions it somewhere. But I don't remember it.
They do? Do you have a source for that? Not that it matters to the argument at hand but it would be an interesting read I guess. Just as a little fact here. Some conservatives seem not to care much about abortion, unless it involves an unwanted child.
"Pennsylvania Rep. Tim Murphy has resigned after a report surfaced earlier this week that he had asked an extramarital lover to end her pregnancy."
Anti-abortion Rep. Tim Murphy resigns after report he asked lover to end pregnancy - ABC News (
but you wouldn't know since you are a ideologue that hatesChristiansLeftist. - Funny how that goes.
Not long ago in the Untied States I quote : "insurance companies could turn you down if you applied for coverage while you were pregnant. At that time, many health plans considered pregnancy a pre-existing condition". Thankfully at least that bullshit was changed. But this is the kind of child-friendly culture we're talking about. You think this is not about health related issue? Child Birth is still a relatively risky affair. Not to mention that it involves well a pregnancy. All I am saying that what ever if a mother wants to actually carry out the child or not is a decision that should be left to the person that actually has to carry it out. It's not a perfect solution because it somewehat ignores the position of the father. But I see no viable alternative here unless you want to impose some very draconic measures which will only lead to more "illegal" abbortions. I quote :
"Anti-abortion advocates working to criminalize abortion in the United States and abroad will always be stymied by a crucial fact: People everywhere want, need and find ways to get abortions.
I observed this firsthand while working as a public health adviser in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and now new research from the Guttmacher Institute demonstrates just how misguided and dangerous it is to try to limit abortion access. The data shows that abortion rates are roughly the same in countries where abortion is broadly legal and in countries where it isn't. And abortion rates are actually four times higher in low-income countries where abortion is prohibited than in high-income countries where it is broadly legal."
Zara Ahmed: Abortion rates don't drop when the procedure is outlawed. But it does make it more dangerous. (
Again. If you're seriously interested in having as few abbortions as possible then you have really only two options here.
1. Better eduction. The more eudcated women are the less likely are they to have abbortions. Improve the working and living conditions for women in general.
2. Better support for mothers. The easier it is to actually have and raise a child without worrying about your economic situation the more likely will mothers keep their children.
Not only that. I am watching this and it's incredible how different Afghanistan is culturally on what we usually see as ethnicities and nationalities. I really didn't knew how tribal the Afghan region actually is.
For example I thought Afghanistan was much closer to the Balkan - A region I somewhat know due to my family. But apparantly not even that described the real situations. Damn.
I guess this will depend on how well the tribes work with each other in the future. If they go back to their "old" ways like when the Soviets left than there will be a lot of fighting between the groups themself and every super-silk-road-what-ever-project the chinese come up with goes down the toilet in Afghanistan. There is a reason no one invests in Somalia. As you say. It's simply too unstable. Today the clan is your friend. Tomorrow they kill your workers because someones goat farted. I mean we're already seeing it now. ISIS and Taliban fighting each other.Yep, pretty much. Taliban aren't going to give two shits about "soft bleeding heart" issues such as ethnic cleansing - a direct partnership with China is going to be a god-send, even if it means letting them pick and choose from all those untapped natural resources - resources the Taliban have NO practical use for, other than to sell for money (if only someone could extract it, refine it, and move it!)
"I only have 180 days to radicalize these children into revolutionaries." Gee, I wonder why the parents would be pissed about that.Unironic communist screwhead gets fired
Pro-Antifa California teacher to be fired by school district after leaked video emerges (
"I only have 180 days to radicalize these children into revolutionaries." Gee, I wonder why the parents would be pissed about that.![]()