Rate the avatar above yours.


the .5 is for the way she smirks when she winks. i like people who smirk. the 7 is more for the quality of the av, and less for the anime...which is a bit tired...and shit, now that i think of it...

i'm taking away the 7. you just get the .5 for the smirk.

Lol, i know what you mean. I'm actually pretty fed up with anime stuff, especially after the animation class i was in 2005. Too many scary anime people there. .... really, really scary people.... brr..

:P i just had this ava a long time, in allot of forums, so i gotten to like it.

I'll give you hmm.. 5/10. Starwars is cool, but ye .. :)

I'm not sure, not for a fallout forum, but It's not a bad avatar. Zoe used to have an anime av too, but it was from one of the extremely few Anime series I liked (the older av, not the later one).
+10 for getting a harcut. - 5 for still having green stuff on the face.

Nexus6 said:
I don't even know what's supposed to be going on here.
McRae already figured it out:
McRae said:
9/10 => Kinda like the idea of musical instruments having wild sex behind a mike.
A big.....V. Wow.

I'm tempted to give it a 6\10, but I sense a greater meaning behind it, so it get's a 8\10.

Vindicare Temple perhaps?