May 5, 2008 #5,841 X xu Water Chip? Been There, Done That No, once you look into it, you can spell VOID. It's what they call me around here. 8/10.
May 5, 2008 #5,842 T TwinkieGorilla This ghoul has seen it all no comment. RATE FOR FUCKS SAKE. RATE OR BAN. -- Mikael Grizzly
May 5, 2008 #5,843 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! watchu lookin' at, xeno filth!?! 7\10
May 5, 2008 #5,845 T TwinkieGorilla This ghoul has seen it all RATE FOR FUCKS SAKE. RATE OR BAN. -- Mikael Grizzly Click to expand... hahaha!!! it was a xu moment, dammit! anyway, stags...i like the concept, but not the av. you get a neutral 5/10
RATE FOR FUCKS SAKE. RATE OR BAN. -- Mikael Grizzly Click to expand... hahaha!!! it was a xu moment, dammit! anyway, stags...i like the concept, but not the av. you get a neutral 5/10
May 5, 2008 #5,846 Ah-Teen Vault Senior Citizen Orderite 10/10 Not because it's good, but because it is Star Wars.
May 5, 2008 #5,847 S Stag Guest This is a 3/10, not due to it being particularly shit, but because your old ones were far superior.
May 6, 2008 #5,849 iridium_ionizer Mildly Dipped 8/10. Is that a homemade sprite or altered from something else?
May 6, 2008 #5,850 S syllogz Still Mildly Glowing tin-headed clown zombies / horrible creatures (3 /10, 3 point for being animated)
May 6, 2008 #5,851 P Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! 2/10 for the absence of Japanese schoolgirls.
May 6, 2008 #5,852 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! I am not an addict! I can control myself! Style + Vault Boy = 10000\10. Now seriously - 9\10
May 8, 2008 #5,853 McRae For sale: clown shoes, never worn Orderite Nice, that's just I don't clearly see what's going on on the left : 8/10. P.S : Hope you'll like mine 'cause that's the last time I change it.
Nice, that's just I don't clearly see what's going on on the left : 8/10. P.S : Hope you'll like mine 'cause that's the last time I change it.
May 8, 2008 #5,855 T TwinkieGorilla This ghoul has seen it all 5/10 stag gets the perfect grey for confusing me.
May 8, 2008 #5,857 P Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Nexus6 said: WHY? 4/10 -6 for Animu Click to expand... You don't recognize Cid Highwind? You have been sentenced to 70 hours of FFVII before you can ever game again. 7/10 for Mik + Furry - Not sexy
Nexus6 said: WHY? 4/10 -6 for Animu Click to expand... You don't recognize Cid Highwind? You have been sentenced to 70 hours of FFVII before you can ever game again. 7/10 for Mik + Furry - Not sexy
May 8, 2008 #5,858 A Aero First time out of the vault avatar 6/10 cause After 6 years of playing an EQ bard I hate blue