Roleplay Hello thread

BlueNinja said:
A question for welsh, since he seems to be paying attention -

I'm interested in posting my campaign (Vault 67) on these boards for comment and criticism. Is this the right forum for it?

Yes, by all means.

Let me add something else. The fallout related bulletin boards have, on occassion, crashed or closed up which can ruin a good roleplay.

For those interested, I am perfectly accommodating to any role play on any forum, anywhere that wants to continue at NMA.

THus if Vault67 or Vault 0 or DAC close down for any reason, feel free to continue your roleplay here.

Just give me a quick heads up and we will get you started.

Let me further add, that from what I know as an Admin, and from what I hear from Odin, NMA will remain active for the foreseeable future. We might have been here before the fall, but we will last a long time yet.

So if you wish to continue a roleplay here that was begun on another board, welcome.
Hi, i'm Melchoir!

I have been watching this board for a few weeks!
It looks awesome! I would like to improve my writing skills a bit here!
Where do I start?

PS: I want to check it out first before i jump into something serious!
*chuckle* Ok, Welsh, lemme be a little more clear. I have this problem sometimes. ;)

My campaign, which started in Vault 67, is a PnP campaign, and I was thinking of posting my campaign notes here. My actual game takes place face to face (I'm so lucky ^_^ ) so I don't need the forum for RP, but I thought that others might like my setting and decide to borrow it.
Sounds good. Post away. This forum welcomes all fallout fans.

And crushes all others.

By the way we have a critters file somewhere, which you can use or borrow or add too as you wish. These are new post-apocalpytic nasties of our design.

Melchoir- feel free to post up.
Jump on in, but please, if you are going to post, stick with it.

There is a general 5 day rule that is rarely enforced but on the books. Don't post and your character can be killed.

The reasons are simple- characters begin to interact and often players "take turns" writing. So if you drop out when it's your turn, the story lags and others lose interest.

So stick with please.

Also for other writers- don't wait for something to happen if another poster takes his time posting. Do it.
Phil! From V52!!

Welcome be :)

Have fun, if you need anything talk to me.


Ok I'm gonna pose a question here since I dont wanna spam but what should I do after I post my sheet, as in how does this forum operate as far as your RP's go? (Again sorry is this is an inapropriate thread, I'm a noob and just be thankfull I dont use 1337 speak :P)
Hi Dark, and welcome be.

Well, the first place to go is First Mission. Your character can start there.

Dont worry, if you have questions you can ask and we´ll do our best to answer :)
Hello i'm Poncho, and I've been watcing this board sometimes, it looks fun, and I want to improve my english writing skills!
So can I join you guys?

it's good to see new blood :p

anyhow, the "First Mission" roleplay is meant to be open to everyone, but just be sure to have the approval of Albatross before posting.

(think up a character & post it in the OCC section)
so, i guess im sayin hi... this is the first post i've made here, hopefully not the last.
I really would like to join the new thread that Zoe is heading up, with all the true to life characters and such.
I suppose i should post my credentials as a Role-Player. I play alot of Dungeons and Dragons regularly, and im usually the negotiator character, fo being the best Rp'r (thats what THEY say anyways...) next to our Dm.
I was also in a forum Rp over at DAC while it was still there... I didn't even get to say goodbye to it... :(
well, anyway, i hope im accepted and all that. Never was good at endings.