Russia attacks Ukraine

Deputy head of DPR army mentioned yesterday that chemical corps will be used to "smoke them out of their holes".

Russian state owned newspaper then posted an article where they asked the military expert about that.
The Russian armed forces can use special non-lethal weapons in the assault on Azovstal, but not chemical weapons. This was told to Gazeta.Ru by a former member of the UN Commission on Biological Weapons , military expert Igor Nikulin .

“There are chemical weapons, and there are so-called special non-lethal weapons. They mean it. These were used during the release of hostages during the terrorist attack on Dubrovka and in other places. Such weapons are typically used to put terrorists to sleep. It is unlikely that our country will use chemical weapons if we still have them. But special equipment is possible, ”said Nikulin.
Российские вооруженные силы могут использовать специальные средства несмертельного действия при штурме «Азовстали», но не химоружие. Об этом «Газете.Ru» рассказал бывший член комиссии по биологическому оружию ООН, военный эксперт Игорь Никулин.

«Есть химическое оружие, а есть так называемые спецсредства нелетального действия. Они и имеются в виду. Такие использовались при освобождении заложников во время теракта на Дубровке и в других местах. Такое оружие, как правило, используется для усыпления террористов. Вряд ли наша страна будет использовать химоружие, если оно у нас осталось. А вот спецсредства — возможно», — отметил Никулин.

Special non-lethal chemical weapons used in Dubrovka that the article mentions killed over 130 hostages and caused life long disabilities to another few hundred.
What does a treaty with the USSR have to do with Russia? Basically what you said.
The Soviets allso promised to the NATO that Russia will never ever like never have its own army. Russia often forgets this part when they also say that NATO promissed to the Soviets that they will never ever like never expand membership to eastern Europe.

I guess their relationship really was like marriage. Full of broken promises.
The Soviets allso promised to the NATO that Russia will never ever like never have its own army. Russia often forgets this part when they also say that NATO promissed to the Soviets that they will never ever like never expand membership to eastern Europe.

I guess their relationship really was like marriage. Full of broken promises.
But then they also forget. The Soviet Union fell apart. So that rule is pretty much kaput now. What applied then in 1983 at the height of cold war tensions. Doesnt really apply now
I really think we should drop a warhead on the Kremlin at this point. I don't even care if the propaganda is true I just wanna drop a warhead on the Kremlin.
I really think we should drop a warhead on the Kremlin at this point. I don't even care if the propaganda is true I just wanna drop a warhead on the Kremlin.

All the evaporating fentanyl from the blast will render everyone who comes into contact with the cloud comatose.
Who cares what they promised Putin is killing civilians do people not understand how fucked up that is?
I know how fucked up any person is capable of being. I don't know if people have the skills to put on the brakes and not go full ape unless they are trained correctly.
I really think we should drop a warhead on the Kremlin at this point. I don't even care if the propaganda is true I just wanna drop a warhead on the Kremlin.
Reminds me of the that thing Trump told Putin.
"If you invade Ukraine I'll bomb the building in Moscow with the bubbles on it. those golden bubbles. are those bubbles?"
"That is Church"
"Yeah I'll blow that up too"

We did lie though when we said we'd guarantee Ukrainian sovereignty if they give up the nukes they couldn't use.
Well we didn't invade them. so at most it was a half truth.
Oh Europe knows but it's not worth giving up cheap Russian energy though. NOBODY in Europe is eager for a total ban.

Biden is a Democrat and democrats have always been more spinless. I and others have said our withdrawal from Afghanistan signals only weakness and that was exactly what happened.

Russia took advantage of Obama, the Trump, and now Biden.
Russia took advantage of Obama, the Trump, and now Biden.

Russia taking advantage.
I and others have said our withdrawal from Afghanistan signals only weakness and that was exactly what happened.
I doubt that played any real role here. Pretty much everyone knew they had to pull out. The occupation of Afghanistan was not exemplary of the US as a military power.
Lol DarkCorp that was the dumbest shit you have said tbh. Pulling out of Afghan was long overdue unless you think all sandpeople should have US bases nearby.
I kick myself in the teeth everyday for getting out of the service to reawaken over and over again to why that was a good idea.

I wonder if I can correct my colorblindness and get a pilot's license so I can put that on my resume.
Afghanistan was one of the closest things to us trying to make a difference besides just satisfying our own objectives. Everyone's always saying the US doesn't care about brown people's and when we.make an attempt to do so, like try to change their culture, it's either dismissed as pointless or reviled as cultural imperialism.

I don't think it's dumb but hey, we all have a right to opinions. I certainly disagree with a few folks here.myself and have thrown the word asinine here or there.

China and Russia also think it is strategically important to have bases or the very least, have some sort of strategic influence over sand people's. Belt and Road is clearly a debt trap but it doesn't stop Xi. Putin's had Tartus in Syria for quite some time now.
Afghanistan was one of the closest things to us trying to make a difference besides just satisfying our own objectives. Everyone's always saying the US doesn't care about brown people's and when we.make an attempt to do so, like try to change their culture, it's either dismissed as pointless or reviled as cultural imperialism.

I don't think it's dumb but hey, we all have a right to opinions. I certainly disagree with a few folks here.myself and have thrown the word asinine here or there.

China and Russia so think it is strategically important to have bases near sand people's.

The fat fucks nailed to a desk don't understand the difference between a door-stop and their own dicks, so I am not surprised that they figured Kabul and West-Berlin are the same place.
Afghanistan was one of the closest things to us trying to make a difference besides just satisfying our own objectives. Everyone's always saying the US doesn't care about brown people's and when we.make an attempt to do so, like try to change their culture, it's either dismissed as pointless or reviled as cultural imperialism.

I don't think it's dumb but hey, we all have a right to opinions. I certainly disagree with a few folks here.myself and have thrown the word asinine here or there.

China and Russia also think it is strategically important to have bases or the very least, have some sort of strategic influence over sand people's. Belt and Road is clearly a debt trap but it doesn't stop Xi. Putin's had Tartus in Syria for quite some time now.

It's just not part of the equation. USA is weak on every front so it's not like Putin sees us finally do what Obama put into place and goes "Oh yes now they are at maximum weakness!" because pulling out of Afghanistan was due to us letting the Taliban take over LIKE THEY WERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Why waste resources when you put your lesser evil guys in charge to take care of shit? It's business as usual. This Taliban is being controlled by the CIA whether they say so or not. It happened around the time they started saying ISIS a lot.