Russia attacks Ukraine

Putins inspiration lie in the Tsardom, so the Russian Empire rather than the Soviet Union. He did say it was a shame the Union collapsed but he was also the one responsible for moving the Romanovs to proper graves.
These sort of semantics cease to matter, once a population resists invasion and occupation. I've had a Swede or two in the past tell me "HEEEY how about you guys just subjugate right back to Swedish control, cus after all, we're SORT OF the same anyway, and we could be like - a big, mighty empire, taking care of each others =D" and it's like - no. No.

NATO at our border is a threat to national security, we should invade.

That said - I'm all for military cooperation, and one of my "favorite" political embarassments was when our Jesus loving Christian party on-the-verge-of-being-classed-a-coup Bush-era prime minister Bondevik decided to just backstab Swedens invitation to cooperate with the Gripen project, in favor of another batch of rusty old F-16 fighters. Oh boy - more F-16s! Technology straight from 1974!
I think I already stated that in Putin's view, Russian security is more important than Ukrainian sovereignty.

The issue here is a large portion of Ukrainians, particularly western Ukrainians, disagree with that assessment.

Plus the most important thing is that Ukraine gained it's independence. Blame Gorbachev or Yeltsin or whomever you want, it happened Trying to turn the clock back is pointless and only brings misery. I understand that Putin's needs to regain Ukraine to stay relevant but it's HIS aspirations that are making ordinary Russians suffer.

I mean it's not like we are going to invade Russia right? Russia does have the second or maybe the largest nuclear stockpile on the planet

Invading Ukraine is nothing more than a vanity project for Putin to look strong and powerful and to keep him president. It is no different than Xi Jinping and his particular hard on for Taiwan.
I agree with all of that. This is a retarded move, it is ostracizing Russia, it is ruining lives for the Russian population, it is closing itself of from the world. I am not sure how they will ever recover.
I have taken a quick look at the "secret plans to attack Moldova" "revealed" through an "accidental gaffe" during a Lukashenko speech in front of a map, where he points with a stick.

Lots and lots of newspapers have subsequently RUN with this story - "MAP ACCIDENTALLY REVEALS STRANGE ATTACK PLAN IN EASTERN MOLDOVA"

No, you idiots. That is Transnistria, aka Pridnestrovie, given a STANDARD AS FUCK shade indicating it being a Russian ally in the Ukrainian conflict, because that's what it is. The map simply showed Transnistria as a potential point to base military operations from. THAT IS ALL.

The fact that so many newspapers ran with this, suggests one of two things:
1) Geopolitical reporters don't know about Transnistria, a super-contentious territory that has existed since 1990, THIRTY TWO YEARS of independence in Europe, although unrecognized by everyone except Russia.
2) They know this, but pretend they don't, so they can forment NEEDLESS panic, for clout and clicks.

Either way, this is absolutely PATHETIC.
I don't expect everyone to know what Transnistria is, or Ossetia, or Abkhazia, or Artsakh - but if you REPORT ON RUSSIAN MILITARY AFFAIRS I ABSOLUTELY EXPECT YOU TO KNOW. Holy shit...
Tim Pool is a dipshit that deserves to be nuked.

Too bad the only alternative media that gets any major attention is him, Alex Jones, and Joe Rogan.

Oh wait Russel Brand,

haha. That guy is pretty good.

Oh wait where did Jimmy Dore go again? lmao
If you look at his main channel and the clickbait titles he uses he almost sounds like a Russian Bot.


Checked Jimmy Dore's channel and he's being respectable. He's still a lefty fag and I disagree with him on numrerous things but he's not being a jackass and is an actualized person with a sense of humor.
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If we ban Russian gas, we would also have to ban transactions with people who do business with Russian gas.

That means that the 86,000 square miles of raw crude oil under my feet will be open for business.
If we ban Russian gas, we would also have to ban transactions with people who do business with Russian gas.

That means that the 86,000 square miles of raw crude oil under my feet will be open for business.
I heard that particular region produces too much cheap natural gas that outnumber pipeline constructions, so much they just burned some of them with torch.
Biden locked himself in a corner. On his side are people demanding sanctions on Russia, on the other hand are the Deplorables that are associated with the oil and gas industry.
Either the Russian forces are very paper tiger incompetent, or those Ukraine militias are fake members that actually Green Beret in disguise.
Europe has long told the world go screw yourself, euros first. Putin had to invade Ukraine AGAIN, just to get the Germans to halt Nord Stream 2, and I doubt the German chancellor was happy about it. ATM, most countries do not support a ban in gas and oil because it hurts European pocketbooks to stand up to Putin..

Europe is covered by NATIO but few countries spend the two percent GDP to maintain it. They enjoy big America protection while calling us imperialists. They say we hurt innocents and yet are against a ban on oil and gas that would hurt Russia, indirectly powering the Russian war machine.

Hypocrisy I say.