So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Triggered lol. As if. I merely put in a comment knowing full well you would go ape shit. You love this ' Historical precedence ' phrase. Then after your brief ' Out of Africa ' explanation you ramble on about canines using a Semetic language. Even Bennet says that Zelensky is talking shit comparing Ukraine to the holocaust. I think the Nazis will become tired of the puppet and oust him take away some of the millions he has stashed but then blame Putin for having Dachas and hanging with capitalist feudal Oilygarths.
Your the one that said the area was historically Arab and settled originally by Palestinians so don't try to turn that on me. If you want to mistakenly associate me with calling you on your bullshit, 'going aoeshit', well have at it. Seems like someone's getting pissy for being wrong.
You then ramble something about Zelensky and Nazis. Whatevs man.