The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

...(the whole breaking into areas and lying your way through was something I heavily appreciated).
Is this in the vein of how the Vault Dweller can lie his way into Mariposa in Fallout, by pretending to be a secret agent? Where they can then talk to most of the supermutants without hostility.

Is this in the vein of how the Vault Dweller can lie his way into Mariposa in Fallout, by pretending to be a secret agent? Where they can then talk to most of the supermutants without hostility.


Very much so. In fact, it one ups it, you can go through the whole base without firing a shot. You can just lie and intimidate your way through.
Excellent review @Millim. I just finished playing the game today and thoroughly enjoyed it. Design and narrative wise this game was very reminiscent of good old Troika games (Vampire and Arcanum) while bearing a lot of similarities with Fallout: New Vegas (in terms of the reputation system and dialogue options) and drawing inspiration from Bioshock and Borderlands aesthetically (whilst retaining its own distinctive and unique look). The companions are compelling and memorable, writing is overall excellent (I especially loved reading through terminal notes inside abandoned buildings, which reminded me a lot of Fallout), characters are interesting and nuanced, quests are intricate and branch out, bugs and glitches are few and far between, and the ending felt really satisfying (ending slides describing the outcome of all your actions, good ol' Fallout style). Overall a great game that I highly recommend checking out.

The game felt way too short, as if it was not completed. Plenty of planets on the map that served no purpose. Idk, I liked what I saw but it just was not meaty enough.
The game felt way too short, as if it was not completed. Plenty of planets on the map that served no purpose. Idk, I liked what I saw but it just was not meaty enough.
Hopefully they'll add more content in the future. Personally the shortness of the game didn't bother me that much since the game has quite a lot of replayability, although I agree that certain areas could have been more meaty, like Scylla, for example.
I heard it was short.
How good is the writing? Is it any where close to Fallout: New Vegas tier?
The writing is good, it is funny, witty and overall well written, since the game is so short they have managed to compact all the good into small hub worlds. Overall it is an enjoyable experience and the best review a game can get is that it is too short.
The writing is good, it is funny, witty and overall well written, since the game is so short they have managed to compact all the good into small hub worlds. Overall it is an enjoyable experience and the best review a game can get is that it is too short.

Good to hear. Will probably wait for the price to drop a little bit before I purchase it. Got lots of games to catch up on yet before adding another one into the list.
Good to hear. Will probably wait for the price to drop a little bit before I purchase it. Got lots of games to catch up on yet before adding another one into the list.
You also get it with the Xbox game pass. Which is like 5$ or something, that's how I played it.
@necrosis If you like taking your time and enjoy exploring every area thoroughly, the game is about 40 hours long, which is for me the perfect length for an rpg. I bought the game for 40$, and it was well worth the purchase.
I'm rather surprised you finished the game in only 20 hours @Dragula. If so, I somewhat doubt you completed all the side quests and extra content the game has to offer.
I don't know for me it seems impossible to complete the main story and all side quests in only 20 hours without rushing through it all and skipping dialogue. 30 hours at the very least.
As you can see from the link, the majority of people that has played it has polled around 24-25 hours. So I don't think it seems impossible.
I don't know for me it seems impossible to complete the main story and all side quests in only 20 hours without rushing through it all and skipping dialogue. 30 hours at the very least.

The exact number is immaterial. The point is that the game is short. On this I can agree.

Though I think this can be seen as a strength. Shorter game means it can be made tighter and more thematically consistent. Though the game does have problems in that area, it is helped enormously by the fact that little outstays its welcome.
HLTB can be inaccurate due to only submissions via user input. You don't upload a save file, not even a screenshot of hours played, so you can lie. However, once enough reports are in the more accurate we can estimate the average playtime. The little scale at the bottom of this shows how many reports have been made and essentially represents how accurate they believe times to be. Also, mind you, that Main + Extras could be Main Story + every side quest minus or Main Story + one or two sidequests.

Red would mean few reports and blue, which all the TOW categories have, means the most accurate they could hope for. Sure, the 1.2k people could be fudging their numbers but that many people lying about their time spent and it being too inaccurate seems unlikely.

Short games can be fun and good. I enjoy Fallout's short time for completion which is fairly similar with Main + Extras and Completionist reported times on HLTB. Time spent playing isn't nearly as worthwhile as time spent having fun. If every moment of every game was 10/10 in your eyes, then yes every extra hour of that quality is only a good thing unless you particularly like short games. But it doesn't work like that. There are always some moments that lack, some downtime, some things here and there that won't be perfect. I'd rather play a fantastic 13 hour game than a 25 hour game that I felt was alright or a 50 hour game that bored me to death.
HLTB can be inaccurate due to only submissions via user input. You don't upload a save file, not even a screenshot of hours played, so you can lie. However, once enough reports are in the more accurate we can estimate the average playtime. The little scale at the bottom of this shows how many reports have been made and essentially represents how accurate they believe times to be. Also, mind you, that Main + Extras could be Main Story + every side quest minus or Main Story + one or two sidequests.
Yes, main + extra is an average time to beat. Which averages around 25 hours. Which is what I already have stated.
How long a game is, and how good a game is are not directly correlated.
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