"Of this country which does not want you to be President, but which badly wants you to run"
Can't argue with that.
A whole generation of whide low / middle class citizens was ignored, blamed and forgoten for nearly 3 centuries. The peole that have grown up with reality TV shows, worshiping celebrities, fame and rich billionairs, looking down at intelligence and feeling stuff like Science is only something for nerds, voted now for someone like Trump. That is hardly a surprise. For them, Trump is the perfect representation. I can not argue with that.
But it is like one of those things that you only do, when you're drunk, because it seemed like a great idea at that time.
In all seriousness though, only time can tell what we can expect from Trump and his advicors. I guess some of them understand politics. He has won the ellection, and one has to be fair enough, to give him a chance to do the job now. In any case, those 4 years will be very exciting! There can be absolutely NO doubt about that.