Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

Courier said:
White Knight said:
And no you do not know Victor has met Ulysses. There is no evidence to suggest that.

Yes there is, Victor was the Securitron House tasked with hiring couriers to deliver the Platinum Chip. He hired six couriers carrying decoy items, then tried to hire Ulysses to deliver the chip, however Ulysses turned down the job and told him to hire you instead.

Victor gave the job details to Johnson Nash, who mentions a 'cowboy robot' giving them the job. Nash then hired the couriers. The info about Ulysses refusing the job comes from Nash, and he dosen't mention Victor personally hiring the couriers.
It would seem you are right about the Securitrons being made in the big empty. Ulysses has been to the big empty, but it dosen't fit. Elijiah has been missing since the battle of helios which happened in 2274, and its during the 7 years period he goes there and rescues Christine Royce. Unless he's been there before, he can't have been Victors Owner.
I just checked it out and it looks like you're right there, my mistake. :?

Still though, It's still very likely that Victor came from the Big Empty and since we do know that Ulysses visited the Big Empty, it's quite possible that he could have found something there that allowed him to control Vic, and it's possible that he knew Victor before he came to came to Goodsprings since Vic's memory of before he reached Goodsprings has been wiped clean.

Edit: Victor could have left the Big Empty long before Ulysses arrived, I changed my theory and now think that Ulysses didn't know about Victor until he reached the Big Empty but discovered something that allowed him to control Victor while he was there. If Ulysses noticed that the Courier had survived then he would have done whatever possible to try and finish the job he started, including shutting down Victor so that he couldn't assist the Courier.

I would also like to add a secondary theory, it could be possible that the time he rescued Christine from Elijah wasn't his first visit to the Big Empty. It never was explained what he was there for, maybe he was coming back for something.

Edit: After Ulysses rescued Christine he encouraged her to keep chasing after Elijah saying that he "Knew what it was like to chase after someone who'd had such an impact on his life." or something along those lines. That leads me to believe that whatever he was at the Big Empty for, it involved finishing off the Courier.
Courier said:
I just checked it out and it looks like you're right there, my mistake. :?

Still though, It's still very likely that Victor came from the Big Empty and since we do know that Ulysses visited the Big Empty, it's quite possible that he could have found something there that allowed him to control Vic, and it's possible that he knew Victor before he came to came to Goodsprings since Vic's memory of before he reached Goodsprings has been wiped clean.

Edit: Victor could have left the Big Empty long before Ulysses arrived, I changed my theory and now think that Ulysses didn't know about Victor until he reached the Big Empty but discovered something that allowed him to control Victor while he was there. If Ulysses noticed that the Courier had survived then he would have done whatever possible to try and finish the job he started, including shutting down Victor so that he couldn't assist the Courier.

I would also like to add a secondary theory, it could be possible that the time he rescued Christine from Elijah wasn't his first visit to the Big Empty. It never was explained what he was there for, maybe he was coming back for something.

Seeing your evidence, it does seem likely that with Ulysses could have controlled Victor. We will see if you turn out to be right.
[spoiler:1aac4d2dee]Just a little something else I'd thought I'd add. During Dog's 'Best' ending there is a line which appears to be a metaphor for the Courier and Ulysses.

It reads

"there was the beast, Dog consumed by hunger... and the other in reverse... the one consumed by control. Both were driven by need for the other. The Courier brought them together, somehow, joined the two into one."

It then goes on to talk about the Battle of the Divide fought beneath an old world flag. Could it be possible that instead of fighting Ulysses, you will have to work to bring the two of you together again?

The entire Dog/ God character could be a metaphor for your relationship with Ulysses.

Edit: I put that as a spoiler because it contains a portion of text from one of the Dead Money endings.

Another edit: The unmarked series of quests that involve running into Victor several times throughout the first part of the game are called, "We must stop meeting like this, Part X". This implies that Victor's intentions (or his other master's intentions) might be a little more sinister than you're led to believe.
Another edit: The unmarked series of quests that involve running into Victor several times throughout the first part of the game are called, "We must stop meeting like this, Part X". This implies that Victor's intentions (or his other master's intentions) might be a little more sinister than you're led to believe.

Uh, no, I think that's a joke. One of the dialogue exchange you can have in one of those encounters goes more or less like this:
Courier:We are meeting a lot lately.
Victor:[chuckle]Yes, we must stop meeting like this. People will start talking.
I think i go confused there.The Mystery around Victor is giving me a headache , so many thoughts and theories.

Need to get things straight.

So Victor comes from The Big Empty.Ulysses have also arrived to the place.Somehow he toke Victor to the Mojave and they went to Goodsprings.Ulysses disappears and Victor is left alone.Then House kicks in and takes control over Victor.

It could be possible that Ulysses leaves the Mojave and goes back to The Big Empty.If that is right , the question is why? This happens before House taking full control on the Strip.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Another edit: The unmarked series of quests that involve running into Victor several times throughout the first part of the game are called, "We must stop meeting like this, Part X". This implies that Victor's intentions (or his other master's intentions) might be a little more sinister than you're led to believe.

Uh, no, I think that's a joke. One of the dialogue exchange you can have in one of those encounters goes more or less like this:
Courier:We are meeting a lot lately.
Victor:[chuckle]Yes, we must stop meeting like this. People will start talking.

Yes but New Vegas quest names often have darker implications such as 'A valuable lesson' and 'Beyond the Beef'.
outofthegamer said:
Where does it say that Ulysses has anything to do with Victor???

Victor came from the Big Empty, Ulysses later visited the Big Empty; See the connection?
Could it be that VIctor's Personality is somehow based on Ulysses? Chrstine comments on experiments involving AI, techno implants in people's brains beign conducted in the Big Empty, or maybe someone both the COurier and he knew?
But on the theory that Victor came from the Big MT, he knows about the securitrons on the strip, he even calls them brothers, was this House telling him to come back that gave him this knowledge? or is the the Big Empty business a little more compelx than that? or mayeb is completely wrong? only time can tell.
Courier said:
outofthegamer said:
Where does it say that Ulysses has anything to do with Victor???

Victor came from the Big Empty, Ulysses later visited the Big Empty; See the connection?
Where does it say that Victor is from the Big Empty???
I thought it was painfully obvious that Mr. House has always been in control of Victor...?
As I already said earlier in this thread, Victor was in Goodsprings several years before House opened up the Lucky 38 and took control of the Strip. The only other known location of securitrons is the Big Empty so the logical conclusion is that since he can't be from the Lucky 38, he's from the Big Empty.

Edit: House has gained control of Victor in recent times, but he didn't always control him.
Courier said:
As I already said earlier in this thread, Victor was in Goodsprings several years before House opened up the Lucky 38 and took control of the Strip. The only other known location of securitrons is the Big Empty so the logical conclusion is that since he can't be from the Lucky 38, he's from the Big Empty.

Edit: House has gained control of Victor in recent times, but he didn't always control him.

Sorry, I missed the part where you established that Victor had been in Goodsprings before House opened the Lucky 38.

It still doesn't make sense that House took control of an AI interface that can be on any securitron, because it was already on a securitron that House was not in control of.

edit: I am pretty sure House had securitrons before the bombs dropped (200 years ago) and Victor has not been in Goodsprings since before the bombs dropped. What am I missing here?
The way I understood it, House can take control of any securitron he wants to; for instance if he knew Yes Man existed then he could take control of Yes Man.

House manufactured the securitrons so that he would be able to control them all from his life-support machine in the Lucky 38. The securitrons are pretty much Houses's body.
Courier said:
The way I understood it, House can take control of any securitron he wants to; for instance if he knew Yes Man existed then he could take control of Yes Man.
The way I understand it is the opposite of that. House already controls all of the securitrons in the area, but Yes Man was removed from the so-called grid, so even if you tell House about Yes Man, there's nothing House can do about it.

I think the only way for someone to take control of a securitron is to physically re-program it -- like Benny did with Yes Man. I don't think House is capable of doing that.... at least not for the last 150+ years, or whenever he went into his suspended animation machine.

EDIT: Ok, just read a little bit more about the theories you stated about Victor. the only problem I see is that Victor was in Goodsprings long before the other securitrons appeared in New Vegas.

But you have to remember, there was no need for securitrons in New Vegas, because there was nothing there before House recruited the 3 families to run the casinos. Before that, the only thing House needed securitrons for was roaming around the Mojave, looking for the Platinum Chip -- or information about it's location.

There's no evidence that House had no securitrons before 2274.
It was proabably a "Victor" that rolled up on Benny and his gang and offered to make them into the Chairmen of the Tops.
The way I understand it is the opposite of that. House already controls all of the securitrons in the area, but Yes Man was removed from the so-called grid, so even if you tell House about Yes Man, there's nothing House can do about it.

Yes, but I don't think he keeps track of every securitron all the time. He probably just checks them when they report something unusual or he needs to use one of them. So if he didn't know that there was a securitron in Goodsprings it could be that he wasn't aware of its existence.

Before that, the only thing House needed securitrons for was roaming around the Mojave, looking for the Platinum Chip -- or information about it's location.

That doesn't explain why Victor was in Goodsprings for 15 years without doing anything and without remembering what he was doing before he was there.
Yeah, I guess there is got to be a back story to this game that is shrouded in mystery. The more I play the game, and talk to people about Victor, and the courier's assignment; the more it seems that there is a hidden conspiracy around the whole thing.

My whole thing is that the idea of Ulysses controlling Victor seems pretty far-fetched. But I have to admit, i would not be very surprised if one of the future DLCs reveals that to be the case.

Also, back to topic: The Canyon Wreckage location on the map (west of Primm) has "Lonesome Road" spray painted on a large hunk of metal -- that is a name of a future DLC, right?
Yeah it's 'The Lonesome Road' which should be the last of the three announced DLCs. There's also other graffiti there that says stuff like "Courier no. 6 go home." so it's presumed that this will be the DLC where you "battle" Ulysses. (Of course I feel that there will be other options in handling Ulysses, similar to the options in handling Dog/God.)
On a completely unrelated note: I wanted to go back and help Ringo in Goodsprings, very late in the game (not sure if this is on topic or not, but it was unexplained & mysterious), and he attacked me on sight.

My Goodsprings reputation was good and my Powder Ganger reputation was bad, so that seems like all that should matter. But my NCR reputation was bad and my Legion reputation was good. Why would Ringo care about my Legion or NCR reputation?

No one else in Goodsprings was hostile.