Wasteland 3 announced, crowdfunding campaign to start on 5th of October

Now then, instead of just being a whiny cunt...
Would you look at that. Features that would've actually been good for Wasteland 3. But nope. Kill cam, base building, cinematic dialogue and fucking co-op is more important.


Sneaking and climbing and shit like that are hardly the sort of selling points with which you gather attention at an announcement of this kind of game. It's fairly obvious that what was chosen to be presented was the more high level stuff.
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basically you want larian studio to do wasteland 3 instead of inxile...

And a group of grognards :monocle: (almost forgot that one)
Hey, if InXile is so eager to gargle down on Larian Studio's cock so badly (co-op bullshit) then they might as well copy the good ideas they got that would FIT with the Wasteland setting.

And nah, I don't think I want Larian Studios. DOS was complete and utter shit, I doubt I'll touch DOS2. DOS was overhyped like crazy and I ain't touching any of that taint again. As to Larian Studios handling a Wasteland game? Nope. Cause co-op... I think I got to go heave my dinner into the toilet now.



Sneaking and climbing and shit like that are hardly the sort of selling points with which you gather attention at an announcement of this kind of game. It's fairly obvious that what was chosen to be presented was the more high level stuff.
And to me that is sad. It's not enough that "hey, we're bringing in this smaller feature to improve what WL2 lacked!" nope, gotta razzle dazzle the kids with shiny gimmicks.


Any word on modding tools for WL2? That ever happening?
And to me that is sad. It's not enough that "hey, we're bringing in this smaller feature to improve what WL2 lacked!" nope, gotta razzle dazzle the kids with shiny gimmicks.


That's marketing for you.

When the Fig campaign launches in a week, I'm fairly certain we'll get a deeper idea whether this thing is going to be worth anything at all.

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I doubt I'll touch DOS2.
Because every single feature that you type is present in DOS2, damnit :P hell its even improved than your 'original' idea

DOS was overhyped like crazy

Because so far, only DOS EE that could recreate those PnP experience of roleplaying with multiple player existing. And that's something that i'm couldn't figure out, if you (Fallout, torment ) could get the gameplay right why not the other component of pnp?

And it works so far in DOS2, the personality tags and handcrafted background lore. Aaand Game master mode


Dump stats in lots of RPG currently, go figures
That's marketing for you.

When the Fig campaign launches in a week, I'm fairly certain we'll get a deeper idea whether this thing is going to be worth anything at all.
Too lazy to check out what Fig is, could someone provide a summary of what exactly it is?


Because every single feature that you type is present in DOS2, damnit :P hell its even improved than your 'original' idea
Never implied that "my" idea was 'original'.
And it doesn't matter if they're all in DOS2 because I couldn't stand certain aspects of DOS1.

Tell me, have they gotten rid of the god awful diablo looting?
Have they removed the moronic delay between skill usage outside of combat?
Did they gut the crafting and all it entails?
Is the story about something other than "epicness for teh win yo!" something a bit more down to earth maybe?
Have they put less emphasis on combat?

Cause if the answer to those questions is no, no, no, no and no; Then I have zero interest in it.

And ultimately, even if Larvae Studios address every single criticism I have with the first game I don't think it will matter because I am sick and tired of fantasy games.

Because so far, only DOS EE that could recreate those PnP experience of roleplaying with multiple player existing. And that's something that i'm couldn't figure out, if you (Fallout, torment ) could get the gameplay right why not the other component of pnp?

And it works so far in DOS2, the personality tags and handcrafted background lore. Aaand Game master mode

Dump stats in lots of RPG currently, go figures
I've never played PnP. :shrug:
Isn't Fig that shady crowd sourcing website that Tim Schaefer used to secretly extend the deadline for the funding of Psychonauts 2?
Really hating on this base building and resource management. Usually this comes down to having to grind some shit for money so you can buy base upgrades which then give you a tiny bonus. Wow, so deep. Especially in combination with multiplayer I can't stop thinking about tons of bullshit generic fetch and kill quests, because you'll have to provide content for the players.

It's hardly a feature I need in a real rpg.
Tell me, have they gotten rid of the god awful diablo looting?
Have they removed the moronic delay between skill usage outside of combat?
Did they gut the crafting and all it entails?
Is the story about something other than "epicness for teh win yo!" something a bit more down to earth maybe?
Have they put less emphasis on combat?

I've never played PnP. :shrug:

Its now randomized with its numerical seed being determined by your certain stats; such as lore and memory. however some loot were handcrafted, especially in area that contain questline aka dungeon

what skill for example?

why should? i never try crafting but the UI is feel different now, perhaps they get the crafting right

of course, the main tagline of the games "how your origins affect who you are and what chances you get in life"

As consequence of new tag personality and origin stories, i think dialogue and your background is getting more important. Some quest will radically different if you follow the path that your origin suggest . Of course Combat is always part of any RPG, no need for scrutinized it.
1. Its now randomized with its numerical seed being determined by your certain stats; such as lore and memory. however some loot were handcrafted, especially in area that contain questline aka dungeon

2. what skill for example?

3. why should? i never try crafting but the UI is feel different now, perhaps they get the crafting right

of course, the main tagline of the games "how your origins affect who you are and what chances you get in life"

As consequence of new tag personality and origin stories, i think dialogue and your background is getting more important. Some quest will radically different if you follow the path that your origin suggest . Of course Combat is always part of any RPG, no need for scrutinized it.
1. Ech...

2. Any of them? I use a healing skill of one character but I can't use a skill on a second character until after a few seconds of delay. That bothered me greatly. If I wanted to quickly heal my party by using skills then I had to click one character, use skill, delay until I can select next character, delay until I can use the skill, use next skill, delay delay. This was so amateurishly designed that it may very well be a deal breaker for me. I'm the kind of person that likes efficiency. If I know what I want to do and I know how to do it then I want to do it as fast as possible and putting up bullshit roadblocks like this? It fucks with my efficiency. It creates tedium. Sitting there, staring at the characters animation in utter loathing, gritting my teeth waiting for the delay to be over so I can move on to the next character.

3. Redundant annoying filler loot. I want it removed sorely of being an eyesore. I think I've simply outgrown micro managing loot. I don't see the appeal to having to sift through a bunch of garbage any more.

4. That does not mean that it won't turn into a walking cliché just like DOS did.

5. What I mean is that in DOS I was bombarded by constant combat. Couldn't walk 25 meters without something wanting to tear my guts out. And I like turn-based combat and all... In moderation. DOS did 'not' have moderation when it came to combat encounters IMO. If DOS2 follows the same path then I have zero interest in it. This would be a deal breaker for me.
Interesting "complaint", you could post it on larian forum to make it more useful.

larian dev are known to lurk in reddit, its forum and RPG codex but not nma sadly.

I found DOS combat eccounter much tolerable than torment 5% combat
Interesting "complaint", you could post it on larian forum to make it more useful.
Nah, I'm not interested in DOS that much anyway. (fantasy setting)
It can exist over yonder beyond my line of sight and be just as repetitive and tedious as it wants to be. I'm fine right here.

I found DOS combat eccounter much tolerable than torment 5% combat
5% combat? Like, it barely ever happens? Cause that actually sounds neat to me.

larian dev are known to lurk in reddit, its forum and RPG codex but not nma sadly.
Probably because we're past our prime and are right now just circling the drain. :V