What Would You Have Done to Make Bethesda's Fallout 3 Better?

I really liked fallout 3....:???:

New Vegas is A LOT better no doubt and F1/F2 role playing wise are also much better.

But honestly probably just the writing/choice/consequence/roleplaying could have been better. I don't really mind scraping by and surviving early on then going to king thick dick of fuck you mountain.
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Survival can be a really fun game mechanic, but that's not the point or emphasis of Fallout.

Oh for sure its always been an RPG first and foremost, I just feel it fits given the setting. I don't even mean necessarily eating and sleeping just scrapign by with ammo/health items is survival-esque.
Oh for sure its always been an RPG first and foremost, I just feel it fits given the setting. I don't even mean necessarily eating and sleeping just scrapign by with ammo/health items is survival-esque.
I mean, it kind of depends. Fallout 1 and 2 had societies springing up, towns and cities.
Isometric and turn based...I could live with that. I still haven't played the game even though I bought it when it was released. >_> I heard the story was crap, and the quests stupid, so maybe better writing wouldn't hurt either.
Isometric and turn based...I could live with that. I still haven't played the game even though I bought it when it was released. >_> I heard the story was crap, and the quests stupid, so maybe better writing wouldn't hurt either.

I feel you ought to play it. Form your own opinion on things instead of relying on other people. If its really that bad drop it after like 2-5 or so hours. If you enjoy it to some degree then keep at it.
This is all under the assumption that all the same factions were present in the game:

I would have made the Enclave joinable and give them a real reason to be operating in the Wasteland and humanise the members instead of making them boogeymen.

They would have given the Loan Wanderer a reason to join them with goals they wanted to achieve other than 'kill everyone' (which could have been a major plotline in their own faction; a sort of schism in the Enclave).

The BoS would be like they were in older games instead of the 'good guys' and have a real reason for being the the Capital Waste.

I would completely redo all the settlements. Completely.

I'd do away with Megaton. That whole settlement was too stupid to exist.

Instead, I'd make that nearby town with the elementary school the first settlement we are introduced with the nuclear warhead nearby being a huge concern for them.

There also would be quite a few more towns that are much more populated (even if they have filler npcs just so that they feel populated and alive). These towns and cities will not be shack cities but people trying to reclaim the wasteland. Parts of the DC ruins would be populated but others would be under siege of different factions and raiders.

DC would totally change depending on which faction you sided with (or got to work together!) in the end game. The wasteland itself would change too.

There would be faction quests added with each DLC as well, expanding the game's base world.

The Church of Atom would be there (at the bomb) doing their crazy bomb worshiping and try to convince the player to side with them.

The Church of Atom would be a dangerous cult in this game and would be joinable with their own quests and plotline.

I'd do away with Super Mutants and replace them with a sort of slave empire faction that operated out of that slave town. They'd want to turn the Capital Waste into a giant slave empire and, of course, would be joinable as well.

Raiders would be raiders (not part of the slaver empire) and operate in clans. Maybe some clans could be joined.

To tie in the DLC mothership zeta (it's here, it happened, it's not perfect), there could have been an alien worshiping cult that could be joined with that DLC.

This is all I'll be writing down for the moment.
I would have taken the IP from Bethesda and given it to Chris Avellone and his Obsidian pals; they know how to make an RPG, unlike Bethesda who are *clueless*.
I would have taken the IP from Bethesda and given it to Chris Avellone and his Obsidian pals; they know how to make an RPG, unlike Bethesda who are *RETARDED*.

Fixed it for you.

In my opinion, I would rename it to Fallout Brotherhood of Steel 2.

Then get rid of all the plot and just turn it into survival simulator.

There, no more trashing main series.
I would remove the BoS and the Enclave. Instead I would have two local grown factions. I'm bad with names, so let's just call them the Remnants of America. Their backstory is that they first lived in a vault. A big one. No special "social experiment" or anything like that. A controlled vault. Only the people inside it are what made it interesting. From the second the doors shut they wanted to preserve the idea of America. The way of truth and justice. When the doors finally opened, they made their way to a local military base. Got a lot of weapons, and a lot of training from it.

So, from the start they wanted to rebuild America. And they did just that. Using the GECK they made a great settlement outside of that base. But then, something went wrong. The vision of America was split in two. One side was hellbent on preserving the idea of America with fear, force, and control. They wanted to make sure that nothing like the Great War would happen. While the other wanted true Freedom. Near absolute Freedom. While only upholding the law. So, they eventually split. The Forceful Side left the base, while the Free side stayed.

Then, by the time you come out of Vault 101, most of the land is in half. You start out on the side of Freedom. And eventually make your way to the original military base. Where they tell you that they've found a way to mass purify water. Enough to unirradiate entire lakes. Only problem is, it's on the border of the two factions. A giant river running straight down the middle. And both sides want the purifier. With it, they can provide fresh clean water no matter what depending on who has it. And because the forceful side thinks that the Free side threatens their American way, they decide they want to poison some of the water and send it to their side.

Both original, non western factions have a reason for only them running the purifier. Granted, it's not exactly the best. I did just come up with this off the top of my head. But I'll tell you this, I think it's way better than The Enclave and The BoS want to turn on the purifier first.
Step one: Fire the shitty employees working for us (bethesda).

Step two: Find and hire anyone and everyone who actually knows how to make a fallout game.

Step three: We aren't here to be 'soopah mega game of the year' (AKA, absolutely mediocre games which idiots eat up like a fuckwit), so we keep it to the originals, we work on Van Buren, but with out employees, make the graphics and UI/gameplay more polished.

Step four: Profit.

Step four: Profit.

They don't need steps one, two and three, as step four is their goal.
They do the games, or rather sell the games that suit their goal.
Selling an actual Falllout game wouldn't suit their need, which is totally fine. Everyone has their priorities.
What i will probably always have troubles to understand is why they bothered to buy the IP in the first place, if the IP is so different than what they wanted to do...

I actually quite like these ideas, man. Would definitely go for something along those lines. What I hate the most in any game with a modicum of roleplaying is that one group has to be the boogeymen. Because we can't have real-humans-real-motivations grown up stuff.
I love Fallout 3. I think it's an amazing game and it's one of my all-time favorites. I also generally roll my eyes at people who dismiss it and basically lose a lot of my respect for their opinions. BECAUSE I AM AN INTERNET FANBOY AND MY OPINION IS, OF COURSE, CORRECT.

If I was, however, able to write Fallout 3 in the era it was released with all my present-day knowledge and not have to worry about things like data-drives or more then I would make the following changes to the game just as a matter of preference.

Also, I'm assuming the ending is "pre-fixed"

Twelve Changes I would make as the Fallout 3 Developer

1. The Purifier is going to make Washington D.C. Green again: The Purifier isn't going to provide water because like aliens stealing our water, it makes no goddamn sense. Instead, the Purifier is designed to actually remove the radiation of a given area by taking it from the river and gradually decreasing it directly. It's SCIENCE MAGIC basically but it explains why everyone wants the fucking place.

2. New Reno up the DC Ruins: One of the things I hated about F3, the ONLY thing was the absence of a big community where you could do a lot of weird stuff. So, I would add a third underground settlement or maybe expand Underworld into a mixed ghoul/human community which exists in one of the subway areas and have stuff to do there. Gambling, an adventure chain with bad acting in a B-movie plot, and a brothel. I'd also add slaves there so people know who they're buying.

3. Add Crops outside of Megaton and the other settlements: I would also have the option of going on the deck of the Aircraft carrier and discover they've made dozens of boxes there full of crops.

4. Get rid of Harold: I love you Harold but I would prefer an original character to be in your peculiar position.

5. Replace the Enclave with the Sons of Washingron: As much as I love the Enclave, I think it would be more fun to have the Enclave be the descendants of a bunch of United States soldiers and a member of the Enclave who was trapped in Washington D.C. when crap went down. This new but nearly-identical faction would be led by the ZAX computer programmed to imitate him and Colonel Autumn, who was his descendant.

6. Give the Chance to Join the Sons of Washington or finish the quest by siding with Rivet City: Basically, a Good, Bad, and Neutral Karma option. The Sons of Washington would also be more overtly fascist with the idea they could use the Purifier to create state they could conquer others from.

7. Get Rid of Talon Company: Talon Company is replaced by members of the Sons of Washington who are hunting you because you're interfering with their plans. I'd also make it clear via documents that Mister Burke was a spy working for John Henry Eden, who is still a psychopath in this version. They also only hunt you if you thwart some of the SoW's plans.

8. Talking John Henry Eden to Death is difficult: It should have the best writing in the game and make logical sense as you emotionally break the figure.

9. Get Rid of Little Lamplight, Fix Super Mutants: You could savage the concept but it's much better, I think to have it inhabited by Super Mutants. Lamplight City turns out to be a community of Super Mutants which are entirely friendly and are not the ones who are engaged in a war with the Brotherhood of Steel.

The Lamplighters are normal, if Yellow Bulky, citizens who live and trade with other people. The Super Mutants who are fighting the Brotherhood of Steel are a combination of the violent ones of their kind (equivalent to Raiders) as well as those who believe the BOS are trying to commit genocide. If you help them around Lamplight, they'll let you into the Vault to speak to their leader without violence.

10. Gray up the BOS a bit: Since the Pentagon is such a big place and so few adventures, add some fun ones. You should have the option of assassinating Elder Lyons and replacing him with a man who wants to return the BOS to its roots (but who will still fight the Sons of Washington for their tech). There should also be signs Elder Lyons is actually awful at his job and that the war against the Super Mutants was just his murderous racism against nonhumans rather than doing good--so you can persuade him to stop trying to wipe them out or step down for his daughter.

11. Romance Options: You have the option to date a number of the women and men in the game as well as companions.

12. Evergreen Mills is a violence-free Raider Zone: You can go there, shop, talk to the Raiders, and learn their backstories. It turns out that all of the Raiders you've been fighting are the people of Evergreen Mills that got tired of being crapped on by so many other factions. After a famine wiped away their crops, they turned to raiding other settlements and traders to survive and have actually wiped out at least one completely.

If you wipe out Evergreen Mills, even Three Dog goes, "Damn, man, that was cold."
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