What's Your Favorite Drink?


Right, inspired by my recent inability to say "no" to the alcohol section of the shops on my way home from work (A.K.A. Drunkeness or Alcoholism), I am gravedigging this thread.

Well, today I have been mostly drinking Hoegaarden Grand Cru and Dead Guy Ale, with a smattering of whatever cheap wine we had with dinner (which I really should remember - I bought it). Slightly incongruous, but I like a little variation.

What has everybody else been drinking?

Should I have bumped another drinking thread?

Should I have not bothered in the first place?

(Slightly drunken post - Treat contents with some caution)
I'm drinking a cold beer right now.
Nothing besides Diebels really is beer, whatever any stupid non-Northrhinewestphalian German might think about Alt.
Beside this I like Coke, only with ice and lemon.
And Bourbon kicks ass.

Big T said:
Should I have bumped another drinking thread?

Should I have not bothered in the first place?
Sure... whatever.
Guinness and Kölsch both taste great, but they also fuck up my intestines pretty bad (beer stool ain't fun -- it also smells bad).

Foster's and XXXX (or whatever it's actually called -- that's all I remember from the label on the can, tho) are both adequate and don't give me any problems at all.

Otherwise -- plain water or Red Bull.
Big T said:

You drink Belgian beer, so that speaks in your favour.

However, the best beer of all times still remains Duvel. Orgasmic good beer, I tell you.

Second place: Kilkenny (Irish), third place: Orval (also Belgian).

You have heard my words of wisdom, now go drink these beers. You will be forever greatfull.

Slightly drunken post
Non-Soda/Alcoholic: Perrier. I like mineral water.
Soda: Most stuff by Jones, but in particular their Creme Soda. I drink as much of that stuff as possible.
Alcohol: Have not had much good wine, so I will have to go with any kind of Cognac. The drink of any good reactionary capitalist bastard.
Oh yeah, I forgot wine.

-White: Either Gewürschtraminer (or however the fuck you spell that - I only drink it, y'know), or a good dry Rivaner

-Red: Putting the more... 'exclusive' wines aside, I quite like 'Fitou' (a full-bodied Bordeaux), and a good ol' Côte du Rhône always slides down easily too. I rly dislike Merlot, tho'. Or perhaps I'm just sick of it.

*EDIT* Heavy alcohol: Tequila all the way, baby.

Slightly drunken post - spelling may be way off.
Tequilla (Vive Cuervo!!!), a dry white wine known as "Retsina" in Greek, and Vodka, mainly "Smirnoff" or "Ursus" ("Serkova" and "Stolichnaya" are truly vile concoctions that taste like cr@p! They'll also fux0r your stomach up, most likely).

And The Beer, of course. Mythos, Keiser, Stella Artois, Carslberg...
I drink Dr. Pepper. Lots of it. My ladyfreind won't touch it and my buddy Mike claims it tastes like Clorox. (funny, that, drinking Clorox, but he's been known to punch cars as well).

If you drink unusual soft drinks nobody ever kipes them from the office fridge. Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola seem to grow legs the moment you leave the building, even if it's just to get your case from your car. A can of Moxie will still be there even after the fridge has crapped out and you're waiting for a crew to come haul it away.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I like Cocta. Mmmm, Cocta.

D00d! It's COCKta. Don't misspell it, hehe. You might not believe this but you can actually find this drink in Chicago in some Serbian bars/restaurants.
Well im drunk right now so i feel its appropriate to post here. I enjoyed the corona beers i had this evening and how they stick a piece of lime in it. Very refreshing.
I liked root beer best of all and Mug was the best brand. However they now only sell Mug without caffiene and I swear they either changed the formula or the caffiene gave it flavor, but it now tastes very bland.

So now its back to all forms of Coke for me. Coke, Cherry Coke, and the God-given Vanilla Coke. 7-up if I want clear soda.

The Vault Dweller
Diet Coke. 'Cause I can eat a supersized uberburgertotehmax with fries and roasted pork with fries and some fries with fries for dessert and I still won't get fat, 'cause the phosphoric acid in the coke will melt all the fat away, yo.

Anyway, I declare alcohol to be shit and the notion that alcohol consumption is a sign of maturity (not that I'm accusing any of you of espousing it, in fact no-one's ever said it in my face, but it seems to be a latent social phenomenon) a pretty bad joke. Seriously, what's the big deal?

Also, Ashmo, wtf is that in your avatar? A chibi Hitler?
Right now i'm enjoying a bombay martini...dirty
but most of teh time a vodka martini ..dirty will do the trick
Irn-Bru, but the stuff they make in Western Australia doesn't compare with the stuff from Scotland. Sigh...

Made from GIRDERS.
Jebus said:
However, the best beer of all times still remains Duvel. Orgasmic good beer, I tell you.
Good, but prohibitively expensive 'round these parts (~£1.50-£2.00 for a 330ml bottle).
Second place: Kilkenny (Irish)
Only had Kilkenny once, wasn't too great, won't be trying it again anytime soon. P'raps they sell different stuff to you Belgishtanis.
third place: Orval (also Belgian).
Don't believe I've had this one.

My recomendation for the moment is Black Sheep Brewery's Riggwelter. Linky.

Slightly drunken post
Seems familiar...

Drunken Post - Drink Real Ale