What's Your Favorite Drink?

I believe that some researchers discovered that one glass of red wine a day, is actually healthy. I read that in the paper about a year ago, I think. So alcohol really isn't unhealthy if you consume it with moderation...but where's the fun in that? Very Happy
No, they discovered that you probably have less heart problems when drinking a bit of alcohol or wine each day. This doesn't mean that it's healthy, because it affects a lot of other things as well.

And to answer the original post:
Grolsch Beer, Computer Science/Maths Faculty Society Bar of the Technical University Eindhoven, 50 eurocents. That or Korenwolf White Beer, same data, except that it's 80 eurocents.
My favorite drink

In order for something to be my favorite drink it must meet the following criteria.

1. Does it have alcohol? Yep

2. Does it have a cigarette butt in it? Nope

3. Was it free? Yep

Thats my favorite drink... Cigarette butt optional.. depending on how many previous favorite drinks I have had.

I'm a big fan of rum and coke, a little Jamesons Irish whiskey every now and then, and German Beers (st. pauli Girl's, hacker-pshorr, etc)
Jameson's is good. Me likes Irish whiskey. American whiskey too.
Not a great fan of Scotch tho', but some brands of it are nice.

Plus, mixers suck, I'd rather have my spirits neat.

Sander, does everyone in €uroland call them "eurocents"? If so, then I pity you all.
First, let me say Coke is the best drink ever, only problem is you don't get drunk on it.

Keep in mind i'm from brazil, i'm converting the value to dolar (1 dollar ~= 3 "Reais" (i.e.: plural for "real")), and just about everything will look waaaayyyyy cheap, but it's just a consequence of low sallaries (minimun wage is less than 100 USD) and consequently cheap labor. Besides, in the case of booze n' beer, there's also the cheap grain to add up.

Okay, best decent priced beer around here ( usually less than a dollar, even at bars, and about .60-.70 USD on a market, mind you, things are relatively cheap here, you can get cheap beer for about .35 USD ), tastes pretty decent, even when compared to some fancier imported brands (tough i haven't tried most of the ones spoken about in this thread).


(*I just noticed from the filename this one is a Weiss, this looks about the same, but i was reffering to the more traditional pilsen, the weiss tastes kinda funky, tough i haven't drinked enough Weiss to know if that's due to the brand, or to being a weiss)

On hard alcohol, I have to agree with johnny walker black (oh how i love weddings and college graduations and all the free whiskey associated) but it costs more than a kidney (as we say here). So, when i want to get drunk quick, and i usually do when it comes to hard alcohol, i say, go for some mid-range pinga, costs about 2 or 3 dollars, it sure doesn't taste very good, but it avoids tasting llike detergent (tastes more like a piece of oak soaked in cleaning alcohol, but hey, at least it's oak)and has around a 50% alcohol vol. Here goes a whole family shoot of Sapupara:

:idea: For all of you fancy boozes "conoisseurs" i have to say, you really ought to try some brazilian pinga, there are some very good ones (and some not so good) being exported to just about everywhere in the world, so next time you're in the market for some hard booze give pinga a chance, and then come back and tell me what you tought.

:idea: By the way, if any of you meet a brazilian guy, be a real gringo and ask him to make you some "caipirinha", he'll probably be happy to comply, and you won't be disapointed either.

And just to follow the thread, National vodkas are probably some of the worst drinks ever, Balalaika and Baikal come to mind immediatelly.
Prez..... If PBR is your favorite beer..... you cannot be human.

That shit tastes worse than 3 month old moldy ass-biscuts.
Favorite drink: Jack-n-coke
Favorite liquor: Jack Daniels Ol No 7
Favorite beer: Stuttgarter Hoffbrau

Worst liquor: Any and all rum
Worst Beer: Weisenbrau

Favourite beer: Crown Lager
Favourite straight alcohol: Red Army vodka (plus the bottle is shaped like an artillery shell :D )
Favourite Drink: any bourbon (excepting Jim Beam) and coke

Worst beer: Sapporo, a filthy, piss-thin Japanese (I think) beer.
Worst liquor: Any absinthe. But at least you don't have to drink much to get wasted
Flop said:
The worst drink I've ever had is probably Stroh-rum, a Swedish (I think it's Swedish, correct me if I'm wrong) sort of ru,, containing 80 percent alcohol.

Strorum is traditionally from Austria, but the Polish have taken their own twist on it since some time. So now, picture the hardest vodka you can imagine, add gasoline and a plain bottle, and you about got it.

I can't imagine why everyone always says Becks when it comes to German Pils. It doesn't even taste like Pils! It's beer-flavoured water in a green bottle! You want an excellent Pils? Drink this:


Rothaus Tannenzaepfle. It is THE most delicious Pils. With a nice hint of bitterness. Not too much, though, but it actually tastes like Pils.
Another good Pils is Cluss, Kellerpils or Naturtrüb:


It's lighter than Rothaus, and more refreshing, but still has the flavour you want.

As for other alcoholic beverages, I like Whiskey (Bourbon) and Whisky (Scotch and Irish), Whiskey Sour (longdrink), White Russian and occasional a sip of tequila, rum and saké.
Big_T said:
Sander, does everyone in €uroland call them "eurocents"? If so, then I pity you all.
Dunno. I know most Dutchies do, because we used to call the regular cents cents, and there was a distinction needed between the old and the euro cents. I think it depends on that.
Pali said:
As for other alcoholic beverages, I like Whiskey (Bourbon) and Whisky (Scotch and Irish)
Why the distinction? I'm assuming it's because of the "ey", in which case the Irish should be in the first group as it's usually spelt "whiskey" rather than"whisky".

Sander said:
I know most Dutchies do, because we used to call the regular cents cents
'K then, I'll only pity you Dutchies. :D
Big_T_UK said:
Why the distinction? I'm assuming it's because of the "ey", in which case the Irish should be in the first group as it's usually spelt "whiskey" rather than"whisky".

Geez...I can't believe I let that slide...
[PCE said:
el_Prez]It cost's 40 dollars for a Keg of the Blue Ribbon and although it might not be the BEST tasting beer, i think its pretty damn good.

I can get it wholesale. $17.50.
König Ludwig Dunkel is my favourite beer and thus alcoholic beverage. I don't like liquor alot.

Big_T_UK said:
Sander, does everyone in €uroland call them "eurocents"? If so, then I pity you all.
Don't be silly. Some nations used cents prior to the Euro, only for them it makes some sense to use the term.
I have heard some people in Germany use it too, for whatever stupid reason. I don't even say cents, I say cent. :wink: