First, let me say Coke is the best drink ever, only problem is you don't get drunk on it.
Keep in mind i'm from brazil, i'm converting the value to dolar (1 dollar ~= 3 "Reais" (i.e.: plural for "real")), and just about everything will look waaaayyyyy cheap, but it's just a consequence of low sallaries (minimun wage is less than 100 USD) and consequently cheap labor. Besides, in the case of booze n' beer, there's also the cheap grain to add up.
Okay, best decent priced beer around here ( usually less than a dollar, even at bars, and about .60-.70 USD on a market, mind you, things are relatively cheap here, you can get cheap beer for about .35 USD ), tastes pretty decent, even when compared to some fancier imported brands (tough i haven't tried most of the ones spoken about in this thread).
(*I just noticed from the filename this one is a Weiss, this looks about the same, but i was reffering to the more traditional pilsen, the weiss tastes kinda funky, tough i haven't drinked enough Weiss to know if that's due to the brand, or to being a weiss)
On hard alcohol, I have to agree with johnny walker black (oh how i love weddings and college graduations and all the free whiskey associated) but it costs more than a kidney (as we say here). So, when i want to get drunk quick, and i usually do when it comes to hard alcohol, i say, go for some mid-range pinga, costs about 2 or 3 dollars, it sure doesn't taste very good, but it avoids tasting llike detergent (tastes more like a piece of oak soaked in cleaning alcohol, but hey, at least it's oak)and has around a 50% alcohol vol. Here goes a whole family shoot of Sapupara:
:idea: For all of you fancy boozes "conoisseurs" i have to say, you really ought to try some brazilian pinga, there are some very good ones (and some not so good) being exported to just about everywhere in the world, so next time you're in the market for some hard booze give pinga a chance, and then come back and tell me what you tought.
:idea: By the way, if any of you meet a brazilian guy, be a real gringo and ask him to make you some "caipirinha", he'll probably be happy to comply, and you won't be disapointed either.
And just to follow the thread, National vodkas are probably some of the worst drinks ever, Balalaika and Baikal come to mind immediatelly.