What's Your Favorite Drink?

We're going to censor it to "Luke" this afternoon. "I lolled!" will now be "I Luke'd!". Pretty sweet, eh?
Because that would possibly mean you couldn't use the annoying as hell :lol: smiley.

PS: Coke for me.
King of Creation said:
I've never had sake. What's it like?
I don't know what to compare it too, it's the only alcholic drink I've ever had.

It's a kind of rice beer, but I imagine it tastes as much like wine.

I had a fairly good bottle, and got fairly close to drunk.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:

You've drank squid before? A small peninsula? Or are you taking Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, but an even creepier tone as you've also said you drink monkeys? :D

As for sake, it's rice wine but tastes nothing like grape wine. The cheap ones you usually buy in the store or find at most restaurants/sushi bars are best served decently warm or at 98.6F unless it's pearl sake, and is often served chilled (especially if it's nigori genshu) or served in a cocktail form. The good sake should be drank chilled to best appreciate the aroma and flavor, as you don't have to cover the rougness of mass-production by heating it.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Sorry, I had Raki on the brain......Sake+Raki=Saki.

I see. :P

Rosh obviously knows alot more about this.

Why is it warm, anyway? Any specific reason?

The main reason is that the aroma seems to become stronger when warm but it dulls other aspects of the flavor, which is fine for most things it's served with or for right before bed as it will relax your stomach. Pearl sake and Jaeger (yes, I once thought of horking at the thought of mixing anything with Jaeger), and it tends to come out pretty decent and is a makeshift insomnia cure.

Sake is served often with most anything except stuff like ramen (beers are better with that), but it can be used for a spiking burn down when eating wasabi or some curries (sweet red is the best). Drinking it chilled or cool is preferable if the fukumi-ka is fine and subtle in many degrees (some with descriptive terms that cannot be translated into English). However, it isn't uncommon to drink fine sake warmed, especially during winter months.

Ah, that brewery. Their toji is very talented.

Musashi no Sato - Daiginjo is a good one I've had before and I recommend it fully. Many of the Alaskan lodges around Fairbanks had sake ready to be warmed and served.

Anyone ever had Retsina? I'm fairly excited about it. http://greekproducts.com/greekproducts/retsina/

I can't say that I have, but I'm also fond of Petrus and icewines.
I've had Retsina, it's alright and drinkable, but nothing I'd recommend beyond trying it out once for the experience.
Your Favorite < Insert alcoholic beverage here >

After a night of drinking poor quality vodka to excess, I woke up this morning (er, afternoon) and started wondering; whats everyones favorite drink. I want specifics. Where you get it, where its from, how much it costs and whats in it (if its something special)
If you want, you can throw in the worst thing you've ever drunk too.

Also, no crappy American beers
My favorite drink? A Seven and Seven.

Straight alcohol? Johnny Walker Black.

Beer? The Darker the better; preferably Guiness. I love it!

Worst ever drink? Singha Light, a thai beer. Worse than piss. Not that I know what piss tastes like, but this shit was bad. ;)
Most favorite drink: Melon Schnapps with Spite and ice.

Favorite beer: Becks

Favorite Vodka: Stolichnaya


my favorite "daily" beer would be Duvel (think it's only known in belgium). in a pub it can cost up to 3 euros or something for 33cl, so i dont really drink it a lot when i go pubbin'. i mostly stick to normal pils beers.

Trappist beers are very good too, all their own flavor & texture. i tend to drink that when i go to special pubs. once a week i go to an alternative jazz pub with some palls (yeah, well, i prefer metal :p but anyhow, it's nice and chill there). they got a shitload of beers on their "menu". about 100 i think.

straight alcohol? i dont know, i dont really have a favorite there really... last good thing i drank was some weird polish vodka. dont remember the name though. nothing really special, just really good vodka (put it in the freezer until icecold, drink it straight up without any ice or other shit, many people screw up their drink imo... anyhow, if it's smirnoff or something like that, feel free to throw any shit inthere with it)
I don´t drink alcohol at all, in any form :)
My fav drink is probably ice cold Coca-Cola(yeah, I´m a corporate whore). Other sodas are good also. Yup, as most of you have already figured out, I´m a complete pussy - real men drink beer and booze not stop and smoke and use lots of bad words 8)
"nen echten vent drinkt en nen echten vent STINKT!"

or losely translated:

a real man drinks and a real man stinkz :)

anyhow, thats bullocks, but lets not derail this thread! keep the favorite drinkz commmming