Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

Source please. Where are these 'most' and what demographic do they represent.
Best to ignore it. It's not mature enough to recognise the sensible approach to take is to simply let go and begin again somewhere else.

As for most, from what I can tell, people outside the modern Fallout fanbase do not care much for Bethesda these days. How else would I have gotten that bingo chart from r/PCGaming?

The thread I found that aforesaid chart in particular:
Yes, it's the fact that you refuse to even acknowledge what makes the Bethesda games good.
If you read the first page, you'd see that we are giving Bethesda credit where its due. We are accepting that Settlement Building and Shooting stuff can be fun, we are acknowledging what can potentially make the games enjoyable. What more do you want from us?
but they are still great games and need another chance.
This is a completely subjective opinion, and is not shared by many on this forum. Just because you think it's a great game, doesn't mean that they are great games. Everyone has there own opinion on it.

And besides, if your sole intention was to try and convince us to adknowledge the games were good, why'd you use the word "Nostaglia" what does nostalgia have to do with any of this?
just that most people consider this forum a lost cause.
I consider every Fallout forum other than this one to be a lost cause. What's your point?
Even the so called 'good' parts of Fallout 4 are just mediocre, and I think the real reason why everyone is saying the shooting is so awesome, is because it was so shitty in Fallout 3.

Allow me to say I think what you think of as shitty Fallout 3 shooting, I find to be user friendly.

Not everyone agrees Call of Duty free-form combat is the ultimate evolution of video game violence.
And where did I say or even implied that it is?

I just don't see the appeal of complimenting someone for doing the bare miniumum. What are we talking about here, a toddler who did his first steps or something? That's like complimenting a postman that he delivered your mail on time. Considering the fact that Fallout 4 is closer to an FPS game then ANY(!) other Fallout game in history, I would damn well expect a decent shooting mechanic, and not becoming hyped about the fact that well ... Fallout now plays like a standard FPS game. I can't really follow this sentient, I am not targeting you in particular, it's just that I read this often as a postive point about Fallout 4 when they talk about the game or even dare to voice some criticism. Like as when you visit a dirty restaurant with an stinking toilet, and they say, well at least the food you get isn't poisoned. The fuck?

You could take a look at Obsidian for example, which have been forced to work with Fallout 3s system and tried to improve it, in some cases they succeed in some they didn't. They tried to make a difference between the armor and amunition for example, they expanded crafting and made the game in general a bit more complex.
And Bethesda could have expanded on that in Fallout 4. But they really didn't, infact all they did from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4 as far as the combat goes, was to simplify it so that when you push the trigger the thing in your hand shoots till the enemy is dead. And thus making it closer to pretty much EVERY FPS game in human history. But there really is so much more that you can do! Take Deus Ex 1 as example, where many weapons had a different use, advantages, disadvantages, with different amo types and upgrades which even offered you a vastily different experience in some cases, as certain weapons had enough power to blast doors open.
The more I play Fallout 4, the less impressed I am with the combat. Enemy AI is simplistic at best, just rushing or gradually moving towards the player, even when using ranged weapons. Sprinting and convenient grenade throwing's nice, yet that's about it. There's no longer any DT, thus making armor less interesting and realistic. Remember how in New Vegas shotgun blasts barely scratched power armor? If anything, the game's a regression from New Vegas. Explosives are weirdly less effective now, with tougher enemies being able to step on mines without crippling their limbs. 50. Cal rifles. Suck. Balls. Legendary weapons make no sense, are over-powered, and game breaking. The variety of weapon and explosives just aren't as interesting; there's no ammo types, nothing like C4 or things like grenade rifles. Power armor is the only thing that degrades, meanwhile leather armor stays pristine.