Why there are no ladders in Bethesda/Gamebryo games

I guess they forgot how to code ladders/climbable surfaces after Daggerfall or they fired the guy who did.
Can anyone say if there were ladders in the original Falllout games that did NOT led to another map, but to a different part of the same map, with no loading screen?
the engine doesn't allow multiple levels on z axis, so no. There was never any ladder like this in the original games.
Blackened said:
Can anyone say if there were ladders in the original Falllout games that did NOT led to another map, but to a different part of the same map, with no loading screen?

A ladder in Fo1-2 takes you to a specified map, elevation and hex, so theoretically yes, although it may never have been done without at least an elevation shift.
Deimos said:
Beelzebud said:
Anyone who thinks the Gamebryo engine can make "open worlds" hasn't been paying attention.
Yep. Hope New Vegas will be last game using Oblivion's Gamebryo. And such sweet things like freezed world during dialogs became history.
Sadly the chance is high they will still use Gamembyro. I have read on some website in German (Gamestar) that had some short interview with Todd on the quackecon which was eventualy about the next Elderscrolls it seems that the next game will see a overworked gamebryo engine.

But even if they would use a completely new engine. As long Todd is in charge over the project it still would not become a better game in my oppinion.
TES V still using GameBryo seems exceedingly unlikely, no matter how much they tweak it up. I guess it's possible, but I'm not sure even this game press would let them get away with that.
Deimos said:
RAGE's open world is not open world, because it has open outdoors and indoors without loading. I see. Thank you, John Carmack.
'open world' in games refers to one continuous map you can free roam because there is no "walls" around, while RAGE is built from a set of linear levels you travel in between to reach your destination
Brother None said:
TES V still using GameBryo seems exceedingly unlikely, no matter how much they tweak it up. I guess it's possible, but I'm not sure even this game press would let them get away with that.
Well yeah. Sadly though the German interwiev was extremly short and it does say only that they have plans for a future game they will reveal eventually at some point. If its either Fallout 4, Elder Scrolls V or even some TES MMO is not clear.

"Wir hatten jedoch die Gelegenheit, mit ihm ein Gespräch zu führen (das komplette Interview finden Sie demnächst auf GameStar.de) und er verriet uns, dass die Ankündigung des Spiels in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft passieren wird. Ob es sich dabei um The Elder Scrolls 5 oder Fallout 4 handelt, wollte er uns noch nicht verraten. Jedoch ist es kein Geheimnis, dass beide Erfolgserien fortgesetzt werden. Zudem bestätigte Howard, dass auch das nächste Bethesda-Rollenspiel auf dem gleichen Grundgerüst wie Oblivion und Fallout 3 basieren wird. Wie schon in der Zeit zwischen Morrowind und Oblivion habe das Studio viele Teile der Grafikengine umgeschrieben und verbessert."

Its basicaly saying that Howard confirmed to them that the next game will be based on the same structure like their past game Fallout 3.
Yes. And I'll opt to ignore that because single lines from non-English rags are very rarely the choice of developers to make big reveals, especially the self-conscious Bethesda. That's right, I call bull.
OakTable said:
Fucking ladders, how do they work?

It's not a limitation of Gamebryo. As Todd said, it's a limitation of Bethesda's shitty AI coding skills. Reptilian pussies, an interesting concept.
Some of you are wavering on personal attacks too much. I have to admit their programmers are kind of asking for it but leave off.

warsaw said:
We can make NPC's eat drink sit travel (to some extent) and sleep, but fuck if we know how to animate them goin' up a ladder.

It's not an animation problem, the problem is how do the NPCs react to the ladders. Apparently they couldn't code that.
I don't get this. What's so difficult about a ladder? The AI somewhat "reacts" to you being on a higher or lower level, what's so different about ladders? And why does he even stop two years to say they couldn't code something? Todd Howard is a master of trolling indeed.